dawned on me that id been watching cam for years.with no.volume

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Upwards2020, Aug 31, 2022.

  1. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    its actually so bizzare ive been watching for years with no volume . i.think.a particular genre i intentionally chose no volume and i.think actually myt just break it lol ..like i cannot listen to.the volume.

    what in the fuck .

    that is so weird

    that i preferred no volume jist visual and howuvh more to.life and away from.the visual porn side . which is good .

    so if your one of those people maybe turn the volume on with headset which might help you jolt into.reality more as opposed to.sply the visual .

    because you tealise i onow.this is going to.soumd a bit fucked bit are real people. of course i knew they were real people but it changes the dynamic which could make or break .

    lile i have watch ts porn id inturned the volume.up.damn sure thats that over and its back to reality ..which is probably a bloody good thing

    they meed to.be pretty damn feminine looking for me to watch it . if.there not i cant ..and the volume thats it.game.over .ayne thats what you should do ..maybe you habe already and it doesmt bother you . but something about only visual sort of warps your mind
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2022
    determined99 likes this.
  2. Semtex

    Semtex Fapstronaut

    It's interesting how the smartphone made us go back in time. This unintelligible gibberish is what messages used to be in the telegram era.
  3. FirefromAbove

    FirefromAbove Fapstronaut

    Kowalski analysis!
    Leosash229 and Pentatonic like this.
  4. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    what i said was do you watch porn or cams with volume or not . i without it without for years so it was purely visual which probably extended the imagination.

    with volume its you know "reality"

    maybe my focus is just different. but whatever

    if you need something to hold you accountable to the reality . turn the volume on.......

    this may not even apply to you.

  5. MrPriest

    MrPriest Fapstronaut

    No volume? Ever?
    Taylor25 likes this.
  6. Not sure what "holding me accountable to the reality" means, but I never imagined people watched porn without volume. And I'm really curious why this warrants a thread. XD You act like it's some big realization.

    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  7. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    i usually watch porn on mute . usually feom close quarter living situations. but watching certain genres with volume. it is a turn off
  8. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually understand what OP means. So I guess I'll translate.

    What he's saying is that he recently realized that he generally watches porn without volume, so when he turns the volume on, it's actually a bit of a turn-off. It's more real, more like reality, and less fake.

    I understand what you mean. Sometimes people's voices are grating to us, or certain sounds are unpleasant, or you don't like what the person is saying, etc. So watching without volume, you can imagine whatever auditory experience you want.

    Which is separating yourself even further from reality, because in real life, you can't control the situation to that degree. There are going to be sounds you might not like, or the person might say something when you would prefer they be silent, or maybe their voice bothers you, etc.

    So you came to the realization that turning on the volume snaps you back into reality instead of allowing you to be in your fantasy zone.

    I get it. Maybe that will help clarify for others who didn't understand.
    Taylor25, Pentatonic and Leosash229 like this.
  9. I actually can relate, somewhat, particularly because I have pretty bad emetophobia and cannot STAND the sound of
    people gagging.
    It's an instant turn-off and not at all appealing.

    I also have misophonia, so a lot of sounds, especially repetitive rhythmic sounds, make my blood boil.

    Weird fact, but I actually wear earplugs during certain parts of sex, because if I don't, it bothers me a lot, and my husband doesn't mind because he wants me to be able to enjoy things and not be constantly frustrated and distracted by noises.
  10. I actually second this @TakingTheSteps.

    When I was still deep into it, I would look at H-Manga or I would sneak onto reddit porn subs on my phone without the sounds for this very reason. I actually have a thing for voices and sounds but the very nature of most porn is the fake sounds. I could find a woman sexually attractive but if I don't like the sound of their voice or pleasure, forget it. I move on.
    TakingTheSteps likes this.
  11. T2Q

    T2Q Fapstronaut

    I remember catching an interview of one of my favorite stars on YouTube and when she talked in her "normal" voice it was an instant unattraction.

    Weird. It's almost like she's a real person o_O

    I also find the "reality" noises distasteful.
  12. rubiksnerd45

    rubiksnerd45 Fapstronaut

    I watch porn without volume especially hentai.
  13. Upwards2020 should be banned from the NoFap forums for being on adult cam sites.:emoji_rolling_eyes: