What are you willing to sacrifice?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Casserole, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. Casserole

    Casserole Fapstronaut

    Everyone says they want to quit and will do anything but are you truly prepared if the following is required for you to quit? Cause it is what was required for me and the list continues to grow. For you, it might be different but there will be sacrifices regardless.

    -Are you prepared to dedicate around an hour to a morning routine?
    -Could you live without Video games
    -Could you live without a TV in your house
    -Can keep a steady fitness plan maybe for the first time in your life
    -Can you live with PMO blockers on all devices or get rid of devices that don't have blockers
    -Have a steady positive accountability partner who is equally dedicated
    -Understanding that relapses happen and not letting it define you.
    -Cut out Junk food-Any Trigger must go
    -Confronting Trauma and past PMO use for what it is coping strategy.
    -Do a cold shower every morning no exceptions.
    -Move to find a place where you can live this sort of lifestyle.
    -Pay for Therapy
    -Become comfortable in social settings
    -Excuses like I will add that blocker next week or I'll delete this app tomorrow.
    -Get rid of all or any of your Social media accounts that trigger you.
    -Sacrifice people can't fit with these boundaries
    -Be honest with your family and or significant other about your problem.
    -Join clubs and sports teams to make friends and a supportive social circle
    -The idea that you can do this off of willpower
    -Telling yourself you are not an addict cause you are.
    -The idea that staying an addict is easier than fighting
    -Set a huge goal and achieve it like running 2 Marthons in my case

    I'm not perfect I still relapse but this could help you turn week streaks into Months or year streaks. At some point, you feel so much pain from PMO that there is very little you wouldn't sacrifice to quit. I want to normalize taking these which seem like extreme steps to quit PMO because they helped me. I felt shame when I undertook a lot of these steps but I had the mentality this shame was 100x better than PMO shame and eventually turned into self-belief.

    If you're having weekly or day relapses I was once there and were more like than you know. We need to normalize things like the above so you feel you can do them. Don't let people's judgment stop you from taking the steps required to quit this behavior.

    I will end with my mantra as a question for all of you to think about "What are you willing to Sacrifice to quit?" You can list your answers below.
  2. Casserole

    Casserole Fapstronaut

    What have you sacrificed and how has it made you grow?
  3. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    I love this. It was huge for me to realize that I have to put recovery first to make progress.

    I sacrificed my marriage. Her behavior was just a huge relapse trigger. At some point you have to realize a relationship is toxic and let go. No, it wasn't a cure-all but the peace & calm I gained let me focus on getting my mind right for once. You can't build your house if someone else is always setting fires on your property.
    John Denverrr likes this.
  4. John Denverrr

    John Denverrr Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your post
  5. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    140 days with no porn for me without porn blockers. And a year+ since a PMO binge. Porn blockers won't stop you from looking at porn. Unless you completely get rid of your devices, join a monastery or something like that.

    The only guaranteed way I found to stay free of the PMO is to try and help other people get free of this terrible addiction. I could not do it without God's help. Now I rarely think about it anymore.
  6. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    Interesting post. Here’s something to consider:
    Are we willing to sacrifice our precious opinions on the “best ways” to quit pmo?!
    Go Outside and tawwab1 like this.
  7. kaotic

    kaotic Fapstronaut

  8. Casserole

    Casserole Fapstronaut

    Yes It's unfornate but I know many men that have had to end friendships, relationships, and cut off family members. the fact is as your brain heals your morals change and people from your past don't always fit in with those new morals can weigh you down
    tawwab1 likes this.
  9. Casserole

    Casserole Fapstronaut

    No worries hope it helps! people hear the word sacrifice and get scared but I don't see it as a loss I see it as gaining knowledge, time to do things I truely care about, discipline, and happiness.
    Anestaki likes this.
  10. Casserole

    Casserole Fapstronaut

    Awesome man that's great seems like you have found your calling to help people. I personally find the PMO blockers just give a couple degrees of separation from triggers. Yes very true if I want to relaspe I'm sure I can find PMO even with the blockers but it is to remove adult content because I don't want to see that stuff on the web regardless. it's only part of my plan to remain PMO free. I agree if you just use PMO blockers and change nothing else you will keep relasping.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
    Be Inspired likes this.
  11. Casserole

    Casserole Fapstronaut

    Yes I agree. The best way is the way that gets "you" actual results maybe not what I say or experts say. everyone is different and should learn about their own body, mind, and addiction. More sharing my mentality that if something isn't working changes need to be made to your lifestyle or habits will continue. what those changes are depends on the person. hence my question to everyone.
    Icewarrior likes this.
  12. Casserole

    Casserole Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro. This approach is challenging but I have gotten results. I have learned a lot about myself this way.
    Be Inspired likes this.
  13. I have been saying this same thing for quite some time. I believe the best way to quit porn is by eliminating technology with internet access all together. I know that method works due to the fact I made it 4 months without a phone or computer; and I was happy!
    tawwab1 and Be Inspired like this.
  14. Be Inspired

    Be Inspired Fapstronaut

    I would have to find an alternate career
  15. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    How on earth can a wife's behaviour be a trigger?
  16. Icewarrior

    Icewarrior Fapstronaut

    You are asking a great question! Thanks for making this thread. It’s really got me thinking.
    Here’s another example: Are we willing to sacrifice taking ourselves and life so seriously?!

    “Life is too important to be taken seriously.”
    Anestaki and tawwab1 like this.
  17. tawwab1

    tawwab1 Fapstronaut

    I’m confused by this question, do you not know that wives can abuse husbands? I re-read my own journal from years ago and was shocked at the vile and rancid things she would say to me daily. I would never allow those things to be said to me now. That alone is enough to make a man go crazy. But then gaslighting and acting like she’s my best friend the next day… while demanding this, demanding that, complaining always so there’s never any end to it. I was using porn for many years like a drug to escape the madness. But now I’m with an amazing woman who actually cares about me.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2024
    Casserole and Anestaki like this.
  18. I believe we need to take things one step at a time. Humans and rules do not go together very well. If we look at the old testament in the Bible we see how humanity constantly fails to keep Gods commandments and how by ourselves there is very little we can do. I believe we will be able to quit any addiction once we find a cause far greater then ourselves. I noticed when on my own I do not take very good care of myself, yet when I date someone it's like a switch flips and I become more responsible and I feel the need to do my best for them. To sum this up; I believe humans need accountability and a sense of responsibility in order to become our best selves.
    jk243 and Anestaki like this.
  19. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Easier said than done the withdrawals fucked me all over the place、
  20. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    My SAA sponsor said something to me in our very first meeting that's stuck with me ever since:

    "Anything you make more important than your recovery, you risk losing to your addiction."

    Casserole likes this.