Got caught red handed

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ishy, Mar 2, 2024.

  1. Ishy

    Ishy Fapstronaut

    Well my family found out again about my addiction to pmo. My brother followed me to the gas station. I was going to pick up some special toys for myself, he came up behind me asking what i was doing with these packages and the contents of the packages. Truth came out. I cant believe he followed me. Now he's taken my laptop, phone and pc after 10pm. No access to anything. Maybe its a wake up call for me to change my life. I have been addicted for well over a decade.

    1ANDDONE Fapstronaut

    1) sucks. 2) Wake up call? Go with that, use it. Make a decision. Bottom line, though porn consumption feels compulsive, and to an extent is, we all have the ability to choose, to decide. The decision to quit for one "addicted" is painful because we have used it to get high for a long time, and when we deprive our brains of that, our brains become quite mean and impose punitive withdrawals, which suck. The good news: after a while they go away, you are no longer addicted, and that habit is behind you.

    Much love.

  3. Wolves of Wisdom

    Wolves of Wisdom Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    It may have been painful and / or embarrassing, or a combo of the both but perhaps you'll appreciate it one day.
    Ishy likes this.
  4. I_Am_Strong_54

    I_Am_Strong_54 Fapstronaut

    You might not believe your brother followed you but I'm guessing he did it because he loves you, is worried about you, and wants to help you. Lean into that support to help you overcome your addiction.
  5. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Or maybe he's trying to control him. His kind of behavior is really strange. It might be understandable if it was a wife doing this but the brother seems to be crossing a boundary.
  6. I_Am_Strong_54

    I_Am_Strong_54 Fapstronaut

    The original post says the family found out about his addiction again so clearly he has a problem. If he was a drug addict going to buy drugs, or an alcoholic going to a bar, and his brother intervened would that be controlling? I interpret the post to mean he has a good brother who is trying to help him and not control him.
    FocusIsLove likes this.
  7. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    Tough love is love, we all have to eat humble pie to get better. You're better off, otherwise you will die in your addiction and be miserable forever. If you have a support system who is willing to intervene for your wellbeing then you are blessed. You would be wise to embrace them in return. I've been there. It's virtually impossible to recover/heal without loving relationships. So what's your next move? Keep us posted.
    Ishy likes this.
  8. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    Sounds like he loves you, man. Take it as a lesson.
    MUSTAFA2022 and Ishy like this.
  9. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    That sounds like a good brother.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2024
  10. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Yes, it would be. A few years ago my Mum started smoking. I don't like she's doing it but I don't take all her tobacco away and control her movements. You can't force someone to quit an addiction.
  11. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    Are there any situations in which "controlling" would be a good thing to do? If so, which ones?
  12. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    I don't think so.

    "People never change because they are under threat or under duress. Never. They change because they see something that makes their life seem valuable enough to start moving toward a life worth living." - Robert Downey Jr
  13. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    Some people actually do benefit from a controlling situation, if it's set up right and with the right intentions. Great example of this is the military. Plenty of men have gone there complete messes, and barely willing, but after they serve their term, they feel all of the control they went through set them on a much better path, and left them with many lessons they'd have long avoided without.

    As for this situation in particular, I think we really do not have enough information to know whether the brother and the whole family are applying control in a healthy manner. A loving family would in fact restrict an addict's access to the drug if it was in their authority. They'd also be supportive of helping the addict learn to live a healthier life so that they can heal and later have a healthy sexuality. They'd also have language that isn't judgmental, but rather firm yet constructive(edifying). No family is perfect, and they might slip up and let out a bad thought or two, make an overbearing choice here or there, but as long as they return to that original intention of helping their son/brother heal and move towards a healthy life and are genuine in that, then it is good.
    Ishy and Prophet Harry like this.
  14. Ishy

    Ishy Fapstronaut

    I have a curfew now set by my mother and brother where they take all my devices at or before 10pm or 11pm depending on studies. It's going to be like this for maybe 90 days until I break this cycle. I told my brother back in 2018 about my pmo addiction. He tried to help me many times, but I lied and fooled him into thinking I had quit. He has tried to help me quit countless time but I failed so that’s why they taking drastic action.

    Now it's time for me to take necessary action for myself and wellbeing because nobody can quit for me except me. So, they have provided me a way to stop viewing p**n at night when everybody asleep. I always watch p**n when everyone gone to bed. That’s why I stay up sometimes to 4am or 6am to jerk off to p**n. They catch on why I stay up at night, but they think i watched p**n that’s why. I will have to try to quit for myself not for them. It’s something terry crews said one time. He went to rehab not for his wife but for himself. That’s why I got to do. Get well for myself not them. Although I have OCD from excessive p**n usage which fuelled my addiction for years as I kept fighting the intrusive thoughts that made me relapse constantly.

    I am taking steps to help beat this once and for all. I got Gary Wilson resources and other resources too to help me beat this thing. I don't know how long this will last but i am hoping I beat this asap because it’s taken nearly a decade and half away from me. So, it's time to take action to stop it from ruining my life further. My brother is trying to help me stay on the right path but it's up to me he says if I want to stay clean for the rest of my life. He only helps me so much to get rid of this bad habit. My family is quite religious, and they believe that God will help me beat this addiction, but I don't like religion due to my OCD which is blasphemous intrusive thoughts. My previous OCD is HOCD and POCD.

    So I left religion because of this. I prayed God will get rid of these thoughts, but they never went. My mother says it’s a test from God. Enough about that. Long story short life I got to get my stuff together and stop relapsing because of my intrusive thoughts. I had watched p**n as a compulsion to say stuff to block the intrusive thoughts so that I can move on to next thought. It kept getting worse and new thoughts would pop up and you know it the compulsion would take place.

    It’s a cycle I got to break out of it because its OCD, ruining my life and making me addicted to p**n. I first started to watch p**n as a kid out of enjoyment and now its ruining and destroying my life because of OCD. My family called me mentally ill because they don't understand my problems, they just label me as ill. I forgive them as they don’t understand.

    Ps sorry for the bad english
    Prophet Harry likes this.
  15. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    It's great that you got a caring family!

    You can beat this addiction, brother! You have the strength to overcome this filthy addiction.

    Good luck!
    Ishy likes this.