P.A.W.S. - what are they, cure, duration

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Fenix Rising, May 12, 2019.

  1. Really, Could you share the link ?
  2. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    Really? Is he still around? Can you link his post here?
  3. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    There are guys recovering from PAWS outside of this forum. They started their recovery here but decided to move away from this space for their own individual reasons. I am happy to reach out to him and see if he is ok for a conversation. I agree that talking to guys that have healed or are further ahead can be helpful.
  4. Him and Red Moon sadlly both have left us.

    Honeslty, I always wanted to tell Red Moon that his approach was wrong, he said that he was like 4 Years on PAWS while having a number of relapses ( 18 Relapses, I guess ) during PAWS.

    His approach is completely wrong, the moment you relapse and P.M.O or Whatever Else (Edging / Binge watching...) you do consciously! it's GAME OVER - You set yourself back to ZERO ( 0 Day ).
    sikreodds97 likes this.
  5. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

  6. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    With 18 relapses in a year, he was probably trying to fight the good fight alone. I am sure if it was his choice, he would not be anywhere near PMO but likely did not know how to quit or stop and recover.

    If someone begins edging or binging during recover, it is never really over. They just have to try and pick themselves up and start again - that's all.
    Ammar2 likes this.
  7. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    I don't think this is true. Edging is bad and takes you back to where you started from. This kind of comments may act as an excuse for a newbie to return back to old ways. You gotta take this journey seriously as if your life depends on this.
    sikreodds97 and Mr.Tony like this.
  8. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    I think I mentioned this point previously.

    There are people on this forum (and Reddit) that are so addicted to PMO, that it is extremely difficult for them to stop PMO at times. Their body has just become so accustomed to PMO that it has become an automatic stress response for the body. Edging is bad for the body. I will say it again; edging is bad for the body and I do not condone it. But as for a newbie using a comment to go back to old ways, that is still their responsibility and not mine. Another person can never be responsible for the relapse of others - we are all grown men and responsible for our own reboot and recovery. But understand that there are some people that are that addicted or conditioned to PMO sadly.

    There was a guy that posted last week advising that he kept PMO'ing while asleep. He had tried meditation and using an actual belt to tie his trousers - to no avail. If he relapses does this mean he isn't taking his reboot seriously?

    Lets relax on the judging others and their reboots - Red Moon isn't actually here anymore to even say his piece. As @Mr.Tony would say, lets focus on supporting one another and just get through recovery. Typical from me I know, but I don't see why there needs to be labelling for those who struggle with relapse without us having a clue about them or their personal life.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
    getbetter73, again and Steelflex like this.
  9. Steelflex

    Steelflex Fapstronaut

    Yess i remember there being guy with the username "Scorpio" or something similar. I think 6-7 months back he did infact fully heal, his libido came back and he did attempt sex as well, he wrote that there was only a slight post orgasm hangover that he felt but even that kept getting better with. I feel that was because he stated attempting sex too soon after recovering but then too he was pretty much okay. He left the form as well, it shows as "Deleted Account" now, but i think you'll find his goodbye post on the paws thread. I was to talk to him on PM as well and the last of his symptoms was Anhedonia which got better. Also sex during flatline aggravated his symptoms so he did a hard mode reboot for about 8-9 months if i remember correctly.

    There was also a guy named "Brain Fog" who was another long term rebooter that just left the forum or doesn't post anymore. I hope he's doing fine and is probably healed by now.
    mentorr likes this.
  10. Steelflex

    Steelflex Fapstronaut

  11. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    I remember Scorpio but I had no idea that BrainFog left and deleted his account. I hope all the guys that leave are doing better honestly.
    again and Steelflex like this.
  12. Steelflex

    Steelflex Fapstronaut

    What happened after you got libido back? And how did it go back into sleep mode again? Is it because of that "co worker" incident that you had? Also after that incident did you ever get your libido back, if yes after how long?

    Also can you please elaborate about "understanding and dealing with other issues"? Do you mean there could be another thing and because of that one could be looking for escapism in a different form?
    For me i feel i turned towards P because i was depressed, lonely and bored. It started as something that was just fun but then i was in a really dark place in life where i was alone and depressed and it was then when i started really abusing it. At this point i don't feel like there's any feelings inside of me that I'm looking to suppress or 'not feel' so to say. I mean I'm not running for feeling anything. Maybe that mindset will help.

    Is there any other thing and one should do in order to "deal with other issues"?
    Sorry for the long post, but i really count on your advice.
  13. Steelflex

    Steelflex Fapstronaut

    No actually his account is still here, but he hasn't posted or even replied to my PMs in while, so i really hope he's doing better.
    mentorr likes this.
  14. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    After the first 6 months of recovery everything returned. Libido, energy, memory, everything came back. After having the O with the co-worker, I dropped into a deep flatline that I did not emerge from for around 7 months. There might have been days where I had libido but I cannot remember clearly.

    I was convinced that at that 6 month point I should have been healed. I had abstained from all PMO and done everything by the book, but for some reason having a single O on that same day dropped me into a very long flatline. Even after 7 months of flatline, my libido did not return in the same way it had before and I had little to no morning wood.

    So after spending months trying to understand what was happening, it became clear that for some rebooters, the issue wasn't just about abstaining from PMO - there was an emotional component to recovery. The problem was that the negative emotion is buried so deep that it has flown under our conscious radar for years. The body has become so skilled at protecting you from that negative feeling, that you barely notice it. So when you stop PMO and start experiencing, anger, depression, shame, anxiety it is your body throwing up everything that has been suppressed. Your mind will then throw up urges as a means to protect you from those feelings - this is why urges can be so bad at the start of recovery. On the other side, if all the emotions are ignored, it can result in individuals abstaining for years, not realising that their symptoms are not improving.

    If you look at recovery stories from 2012 onwards, rebooters were aware of this and incorporated emotional work as a key part of recovery. Regulating your emotions AND abstaining was essentially a faster method of reboot for harder cases. The problem is, not everyone's recovery is linked to negative emotions that have not been processed, and so when people doing a regular reboot hear talk about emotions, they struggle to understand it.

    The feelings won't be apparent for everyone, and depending on your individual temperament your body will protect you from negative feelings in different ways. If when you experience a wet dream you start to experience negative feelings like anxiety, depression, sadness for example - these are the feelings I am referring to. The reason you experience them at this point is because the body needs energy to keep them out of your conscious awareness. It is exactly the same when you have an orgasm, drink alcohol, take drugs or caffeine. The moment your energy level crashes, the emotions will come up.

    Just be brutally honest with yourself is what I would say. If you are depressed and unhappy look into those feelings and try to understand them.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
    Steelflex and Gorkhaliwarrior like this.
  15. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    I don't think addiction has anything to do with what your age is. "They" are not able to stop their habits and look up to veterans like you. I think it's your responsibility to guide them correctly if I may say.
  16. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    I think the most important thing in recovery or reboot is controling your thoughts. I have failed countless times when I used to allow "filthy thoughts" to linger in my mind. I would think I will not move ahead to the act. But it almost inevitably lead me to PMO every time sooner or later. I would say reboot is all about cleansing the mind. Rewiring the thought process. If you don't allow bad thoughts to linger or are mindfull when they come you are in the right way to recovery. Thats why i say. "Don't reboot to get your sexual function back. Reboot to cleanse your mind". All other things that you want will return with this mindset. That's what I think.
    getbetter73 and again like this.
  17. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    I made the same mistake. I was doing this to get my sexual functions back. I got em and I lost em. That's why I have made up my mind now that If I ever have sex with anyone, it will be with my wife.
  18. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    The reality is that it is close to impossible for the average person to control all of their thoughts, let alone an addict. The average person experiences around 45,000 thoughts per day, there just isn't a method that will allow a person to control them all.

    A reboot cannot just be about cleansing the mind, simply because you are not just a mind. You have a physical body, emotions, desires, feelings, thoughts, fantasies and beliefs - and so a reboot is not just psychological, but physical, emotional and for some spiritual. You could spend 1 hour a day, cleansing your mind of sexual intrusive thoughts, only for them to keep returning because you haven't dealt with your incorrect beliefs, desires or emotions around sex.

    It could be said that advising others to reboot to cleanse their mind only is a personal belief that is deeply rooted in fear. Sex can represent something as simple as pleasure, or as meaningful as spiritual transcendence. It can be a means of intimacy, eroticism, reproduction, parenthood, self-expression or identity. When you say to someone that they should reboot to cleanse their mind only, you are working to potentially rob them of any (if not all) of these experiences.

    • A 14 year old brain is going to be more adaptable than a 35 year old brain due to neuroplasticity.
    • A 14 year old going through adolescence is more likely to pick up a porn addiction through peer influence than a 40-year old going through a mid-life crisis.
    • A 14 year old will have less discipline, motivation, resilience, social support than a 40 year old
    • A 14 year old is less likely to experience depression, anxiety, stress than a 40 year old
    • A 14 year old statistically has a higher chance of recovery from addiction than a 40 year old
    I would say it is a group responsibility to support those recovering, simply because we each have something unique to share. No two recovery stories are going to be exactly the same.
    Dave G 123, Kierann and Steelflex like this.
  19. Gorkhaliwarrior

    Gorkhaliwarrior Fapstronaut

    Nobody is saying to control all the thoughts. But one can definitely be mindful of the sexual thoughts. If you can't it's your problem. Someone who has completely lost impulse control cant entertain sexual thoughts.
    No matter how much you work on your physical, mental, spiritual and bla bla health, if you just allow yourself to have a conscious release, you know what happens.
    Cleansing the mind is the most important thing. Other things can help but if you allow filthy thoughts to linger relapse is just around the corner (if you are severely addicted)
    That's what I said. You said a person has to be responsible because he is of high age. Addiction makes any person irresponsible. If he gets triggers he just loses his control and relapses. That's why he has to be taught how to avoid triggers.
    You said that smoking weed actually helps in recovery. You say fantasizing can't be stopped, so it can be Done. You say edging is not that bad while rebooting( I know you are going to argue on this). I think you are not as addicted as i am. Or you may have recovered significantly. I don't know.
  20. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Dave G 123, Kierann and Steelflex like this.