Lack of intimacy with wife makes NoFap impossible?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Deleted Account, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. My problem is this. My PMO has led to zero interest in sex which stopped all intimacy between me and my wife. We have had sex 3-4 times the last 3 years. It started with her being fed up with me never taking the first step. It was always her that came to me for sex. She wants it every day so after a while she got fed up and turned to M.

    I now try to get back our intimacy by stopping PMO. After a 20 day streak I was walking on fire when I saw her. Everything felt great, I wanted her so much and my love had increased allot. It felt like the first weeks we were together. I also noticed that she liked me more so our relationship really took a great step forward leading to allot of kisses and hugs.

    The problem now is that since I live with her, I want her so much right now but we are not having sex this Nofap seems impossible. She is like a trigger all the time, every second, every day.

    This has led to 2 relapses already.

    What should I do?
  2. nitsuj0786

    nitsuj0786 Fapstronaut

    Does she no about your nofap journey?
  3. Jehu2077

    Jehu2077 Fapstronaut

    Is sex off the table for the two of you now? If not, if it's going to take her time to warm back up to you, then FIGHT! My wife also has a high sex drive which led to her MOing and PMOing on occasion. I PMO'd before and during the first 1.5 years of our marriage without giving it a second thought. It never went as far as you have described with your wife, but there were plenty of nights I left her frustrated because I just wasn't interested. Now that I've begun this journey, it's helped our intimacy immensely, and made me the one who initiates from time to time. If you can win back her physical affection, you must keep fighting. You may relapse or reset, but you must keep moving forward. If you still love each other than this is a fight for your marriage.
    And personally I believe it would be best for you to tell her about your journey. Let her know you want her, woo her. That's my two cents, and it's worth what you paid for it. Please fight. And keep reaching out. I'll say a prayer for you and your marriage.
    WifeInTheDark, Serial1 and FredSamson like this.
  4. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    I don't have experience with married life, but I would suggest some cold showers when you're having urges. Either that or something else that will distract you, like brushing your teeth, eating a meal, etc.
  5. Thank you very much for your warm and supporting words.

    It has been several times she has been upset and sad and asked me about this and why I don't want her. I have always been silent and didn't want to talk about it. Right now it feels very weird from my side to have sex with her and probably from her side as well. I listen to your words and especially ... If I can get her physical affection back ... That is tough to think about. How should we be able to continue if I don't fix this. You are right I need to fix this right away.

    So you think I should tell her? I mentioned it just quick that I have been neglecting her because of P and will stop M to get back on track but we didn't "talk" about it really. Maybe I should talk to her again for real, I get a bad stomach just thinking about that conversation. I will try.

    I am worried that it is to late and that she just want to continue M now. If so I will have to go back to M also Sooner or later but I will give nofap a year and we will see.

    Thanks again, it was good to get insight. This will help me in my journey now.
  6. Serial1

    Serial1 Fapstronaut

    Excellent advice from Jehu. Lol. Worth more than you paid for- for sure. Best line I've heard yet on this site!

    If you can build the communication back and talk about what's happening for each of you, its best. Build the trust, and connection. I really know what you mean about stopping the PMO and then feeling a deep desire for the partner/wife you live with. I get to where I can't sleep by her I'm so fired up. And then when there's nothing, no sex or intimacy, I feel I need to self-serve. Aargh

    I'm going to work on a new start with my relationship with my wife. It's worth the risk. Worth the effort.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  7. So Nofap -> fired up by wife (which was the goal) -> want sex with wife (also my goal) -> she doesn't understand that since it was a while -> frustration -> Fap

    As I said its damn tough.

    It's like stop drinking and then sleep next to a bottle of whiskey you can not open. Of course it is easy to relapse and go out and take a sip of your hidden bottle in the kitchen.
  8. The Eleven

    The Eleven Fapstronaut

    You can go without O for much longer than you think. People do 90 days (or more) of hard mode in here all the time. It's simply not true that if you cannot have sex for whatever reason that you must turn to M. That's a lie we tell ourselves to justify turning to M. But nothing is inevitable. You can choose to give in, or choose not to give in.

    Obviously you and your wife have some work to do to get back to a place where your desire for intimacy matches up. A lot of damage has been done, and it will need to be repaired. I don't think turning to MO is going to help with that process, do you?
  9. Jehu2077

    Jehu2077 Fapstronaut

    Its not a bad analogy, but I would say the bottle of whiskey is the laptop or phone that is the gateway to P and then to MO.
    Your wife is something much more, a safe and healthy outlet for sexual desire. There is no safe way for a drunk to take a drink. I don't do hardmode because I will not deny myself nor my wife the intimacy of marriage. For some that's part of their journey. It's not part of mine.
    Perhaps it's what you will have to go through for some time, but the ends justifies the means. Kicking this habit and rebuilding the relationship you have with your wife is of paramount importance, but again I urge you to tell her everything. I believe it will only be for the best. Honesty and intimacy go hand in hand, and without honesty there is no true intimacy. So has been my experience.
    Keep up the fight and keep us posted.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  10. Thank you very much everyone… I think you are right but is a bit afraid of telling her…

    I will try though!
  11. JDM

    JDM Fapstronaut

    I am in a similar boat as you. As Jehu said early, I too won't do hardmode. My wife has been putting up with me neglecting her for too long and I want her to feel loved for once. Therefore, I figure since we only have sex about once a month (mainly when i just give in to appease her) I can use the time in between our pathetic sex adventures to try and cure my self with no PMO. I am hoping that this will be enough to set me on the right path and from what I gather from these forums, it can make you feel like a brand new man in terms of sex drive, energy, focus, and many other things. I feel bad that I am continuing to knowing have sex with her once a month but thats what she has gotten use to and if I focus on other things and not PMO then I think I can completely change or relationship for the MUCH better. This is by far the biggest issue in our marriage.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  12. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    She use to want sex with you. You turned her away. She started taking care of herself. You are not being honest with her about how deep your addiction was and how you desire her again.
    Talk to her. Simple. It's hard for you? Imagine being in her shoes.
  13. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    What ever you do, do not use P and Fap. It is not only bad for your marriage but bad for you. You really need to man up and do the hard yards. No excuses. Just my 2 cents worth.
    britaxe, The Eleven and Rav70 like this.
  14. JDM

    JDM Fapstronaut

    She still does want sex with me thankfully. Problem is I turn her away more times than not because I already had my fill with PMO at some point earlier. Due to this, we only go every so often which is not good. This is Day 2 of my journey, but I don't think I want to tell her yet. In many ways, I'm not sure if I need to due to the pain it will cause if I can just fix it myself by doing this. I want to cut out all PMO other than things with her directly. I don't want to go hard mode because she has been neglected enough already. This is life changing for me. Currently, I wake up horribly in terms of energy and attitude. I also have negative attitude and lack of motivation throughout day which means short temper and no desire to get things done many times. There are many things I believe this could help dramatically with.

    FredSamson- I know how you feel man. I'm finding this entire community very helpful so far and hope you do too. Unfortunately, I can't help you other than support in you endeavors. That being said, stick around awhile and I WILL be able to help you out. I'm tossing this bad habit one way or the other. Its do or or die time. GL
  15. JDM

    JDM Fapstronaut

    That's what my "critical thinking skills" conjured up as well. For the longest time I traveled the world in the Marines which meant lots of PMO during times and I think I just got addicted (and used to) the easy way out. Ironically, even when I did this, I never felt the way I do now; fatigued, worsened moods, very low motivation and sometimes ambition, and dramatically increased stress.
    Buzz Lightyear likes this.
  16. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    When bf came clean he said he was PMO ing 2-3 times a day. My reaction was How the hell did I even stand a chance? Meaning who would want to have sex, Jesus you must be tired and just want a nap.
    WifeInTheDark likes this.
  17. JDM

    JDM Fapstronaut

    Your very right; she doesn't stand a chance. Its unfair and messed up. How often did ya'll do it before he came clean? How has it helped when he stopped PMO?
  18. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    Maybe 1 a week and he never could finish. He would m and finish.
    Since he's stopped his fantasies of kinky shit are fading. He can finish now. We talk about everything now. We are much closer and more in love.
    He's 10 weeks free PMO
  19. DireMerl

    DireMerl Fapstronaut

    I'm hoping that's where me and the husband can get to. He's supposedly one month clean but no 'finishing' yet.
  20. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    JMD trust me this works and talk to your wife. I'm still struggling with trusting him. It's so hard but our relationship is 100 times better and it is real.