Help: Is this another flatline ???

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by PleaseHealMe, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. PleaseHealMe

    PleaseHealMe Fapstronaut

    Hello Everyone,

    I am currently at 47th day of my streak. After my first flatline, which ended up with a porn dream. My life was going smooth. I noticed that my posture has improved and girls are looking at me for no reason. I became more sociable. Also I become less anxious. Basically I started getting all the benefits of NoFap.

    But on day 42 a strange thing happened. On day 41 I spent my whole day watching tv. I also went to bed late. At the morning of day 42 I decided to wake early because I had to study.

    After waking up i noticed a mild headache. I first thought that this headache might be because of over exposure to TV screen last day and less sleep, and it will go away if i won't watch TV for 2-3 days. Today I am at day 47 and headache is still there. Also, yesterday I was a little depressed too. More I becomes sad, more severe the headache becomes.

    But I am a bit confused. This headache is not identical to the headache I got during my first flatline. Last headache was in the middle portion of my head. But this headache is in upper forehead (hairy part).

    Please assist me over this issue.
  2. PleaseHealMe

    PleaseHealMe Fapstronaut

  3. Low

    Low Fapstronaut

    Have you stopped drinking caffeine that sounds like withdrawals i have when i stop caffeine.
  4. PleaseHealMe

    PleaseHealMe Fapstronaut


    I don't drink caffeine
  5. Dziki007

    Dziki007 Fapstronaut

    Had you any wet dreams during that period? Headache is probably caused by acumulated energy in balls during that long period. You need to read more about semen retention and techniqes to allow you circulate that energy though your body, Mantak Chia described it perfectly in his books. That acumulated energy is connected by spine with your head and if its too much it cause pain and headache. The best thing is to practice micro cosmic editation to circulate it, finally energy ends in belly where its safe.

    But if you dont belive in this, you can choose easy way and just exercise like crazy so that energy will be used.
    Are you sitting infront of computer many hours a day?
  6. PleaseHealMe

    PleaseHealMe Fapstronaut

    I use mobile phone a lot. Let me tell you some more things about my reboot. When i left PMO, my libido suddenly started getting sky high. As a result of this i started fantasizing a lot. I find it extremely difficult to control my brain from fantasizing this much. I think these withdrawals might be because i am trying to control my brain from drifting away.

    Ugh seriously, depression sucks.
  7. Dziki007

    Dziki007 Fapstronaut

    Well i understand your completely as i can easy relate to it. I have also very high libido on no fapp and fantasized a lot. You cant control your brain mate, its impossible, the more you try the more fantazies will come to your mind. Everytime you start fantasize focus on your breathing, very slow reathing then you realize you lose your arousal and erotic thoughts fade away. Thats why meditating is very important during abstinence becasue you learn how to change focus, how to observe thoughts. If you feed your brain with sexual thoughts and that cummulated energy is not relesaed then you got problem in sympotms as you described.

    Read book called "Power of now" by Ekchart Tolle, he perfectly described mechanics, what cause deppresion and how handle it.
  8. PleaseHealMe

    PleaseHealMe Fapstronaut

    Thank You So Much Bro
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