How I cured my sexual disfunctions (ED and PIED and desensitization) and how you can to

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by HereIsMyNickName, Aug 20, 2016.

  1. Yes, upper forties. Be aware though, I've been through some sh**. Divorced, unemployed at times, moved last year, three different jobs, was on an antidepressant that affected my ED, which I got off of, etc. However, on this site, you'll read numerous stories of both young and old men with PIED/ED issues and it's well known that a much higher percentage of young men are unable to perform sexually due to their apparent viewing of readily available internet porn. There's been surveys that show this to the be the case. Older guys like me didn't have the internet when we started viewing porn. Younger guys got started on graphic internet porn and it's apparently having a toxic impact on their sex lives. Doesn't really matter how old you are, and even guys much older than me will testify as to the advantages in getting off porn regarding their ability to get/keep and erection. The bottom line is that porn most definitely can have a negative impact on your ability to perform sexually.
    Clerk373 and waterworld like this.
  2. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    Day 7.

    I reeally want to reach day 30, and get past this sh*t..

    I feel like i'm losing my time. I really shoouldn't have PMO'd during the holidays..

    Anyway, 23 days to go on hard mode!
  3. Keys

    Keys Fapstronaut

    Congratulations you are doing very well
  4. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    Day 9.

    It is crazy how tmeg goes by slowly, i'm so eager to reach day 30.

    I am not playing perfectly by the rules, i've spent time on faceook, and seen some pictures of girls.. no more!:)
  5. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    Day 11.

    Had sex yesterday. Went perfectly well. No more PIED, no more DE. :)

    I thank Nofap for teaching me about the downsides of Porn.

    I don't thank this crazy world for letting porn exist in the first place.

    I'll never watch pron again; And i won't M for a very long time.

    Maybe i'll come back for a 6 months review or something like that.

    See you guys ;)
  6. I understand and I hire prostitutes. And I use condoms, always
  7. ediv

    ediv Fapstronaut

    Only a question: in the first 30 days, in which you said to keep no PMO, can I even kiss, touch and do preliminaries to a girl or do i have to quit?

    I'm in the step "can get erection but can't mantain it without physicals stimulation" (only bj/hj, practically use condom is impossible)
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
    Clerk373 likes this.
  8. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    HereIsMyNickName Brah, great post and congratulations for your recovery,
    Im in the same boat, I have become impotent and cant get erection with women and thats when I got to know this nofap.
    Im on day 17 of nofap, Im also taking dopamine antagonist to fasten my recovery,
    Now , i have started to get morning wood, the erections are really strong as morning wood, just like I had in my teens, but i can't get erection without physical stimulation,
    I have to touch my penis to make it erect/edge, Now when i do edging, the erection is stronger than before but the only problem I face is - I can't get erection without stimulation
    Do u think i will ever get cured?
  9. Ghost rider same is the case with me.
    We have to stick to nofap for a year or so post which we can say for sure if we'lll get better.
    Ghost_Rider likes this.
  10. But speaking truthfullly I've given up hope on getting better. Once impotent is always impotent.
    Things like semen leakage, varicoceles, ED and venous leakage are not cured according to me, especially if a person is over 25 years of age. I am also 27.
    People who fapped a lot with tight death grips can simply not recover at such an old age.
    I've given up on the aspect of being cured now, however, I will forever stick with nofap irrespective of what happens.
    I will never fap, edge or orgasm even if semen keeps leaking out everyday during bowel movement. And do hell with porn as well.
    I am willing to see the other noted effects of nofap like deepened voice, confidence with girls and in general, lesser anxiety and better ability to give good timely response to people. All this does not happen if you have brain fog due to orgasms. I also read that people who quit fapping can build better body muscles so there are many reasons to continue with nofap even if we remain sexually debilitated forever. It can also improve our immunity manifold..
  11. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    I dont think like this because im clearly experiencing signs of improvement like Morning Wood ( my Morning Wood is so hard that It feels like like im in my teens). So i know that its just a matter of time before i get cured.
    Keys likes this.
  12. I went to some doc and even he told me that at 26 I have high grade impotence caused by an earlier combination of antidepressants and fapping. He said he'd put me on some herbal medication and hopes to see some results. Nonetheless he said that I came to him too late.. should have approached him at or before the age of 25.
    Lesson: Go to good doctors before the age of 25 post which PMO induced impotence could exist for your entire life
  13. Ghost_Rider

    Ghost_Rider Fapstronaut

    I dont think so.
    I never had sex with a real woman, i always hired prostitutes for sex.
    So i dont know what making love feels like or my brain has no idea what making love actually means.
    So i dont have to worry regarding dopamine release when u make love.
    I think its all about body's ability to heal itself, how much sexual experience u have had, etc.
    I think if u have just overfapped and not made love to a woman,
    i think 90 days reboot will completely solve your problem.
    However, if your brain is already used to releasing dopamine while making love with a woman, then it might be more difficult for u because then it is difficult to change how your brain operated when u touch your woman and how much dopamine is released,
  14. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    Good thing I came back here.

    Yes, you can, and it is even better if you do !! The only rule is: don't touch your penis, and dont let her touch your penis ;)
    ediv likes this.
  15. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    You can heal. Your doctor is wrong. Porn induced impotence is reversible. Just follow the advice i give here, and you will get back your ability to get erections and cum when with a girl.
    You're 26, so maybe it will take longer than if you were 20. So what ? The mecanism is the same!
  16. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    Yes you wil get cured, f you follow my indications !

    I also recommend you to not take the dopamine antagonist. Let your body do the job himself !
  17. Veeav

    Veeav Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I've read a lot of successfull stories about rebooting and never heard about "sex after 30 days of no PMO must occur". There are people who rebooted completely without it. I don't say It won't speed up the process but it's not necessary .
    Clerk373 likes this.
  18. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    I agree, it is not necessary for every body. But ist is recommended for serious cases. And, in my case, I truly changed everything. (I didn't wait 30 days actually, because I had an opportunity yo have sex on day 28, and it was suuch a victory :D)

    If you have been struggling with PMO for seveeral months or more, and have PIED, just do this, it works :D
  19. mirko

    mirko Fapstronaut

    I am in phase 1 i have an erection sometime, what do you think take pills and try to have a ejaculation with occasion partner?, i am near at 100 days and when i will have the chance to have sex i don't want miss it for a no erection
  20. HereIsMyNickName

    HereIsMyNickName Fapstronaut

    Don't take any kind of pills. Let your body heal itself. If you are at day 100, try to have sex :). If it doesn't work, it will work the next time, or the time after :). You need to let your body get used to sex again, spo maybe it will fail a few times. It's okay, not a big issue !