Get in the gym!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by TheNewDawn106, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. TheNewDawn106

    TheNewDawn106 Fapstronaut

    Hey gents,
    I'm telling you that getting in the gym and getting a good pump in will go a long way to help you build yourself back up again. It gets your testosterone pumping which will get your blood flowing all over (even down there) and the exhausting/satisfying feeling of leaving the gym drenched in sweat knowing you gave it your all is great for your self esteem to grow. Don't be too hard on yourself when you start. Start off slow, then once you build a proper workout regime and system then you can really punch it.

    Enjoy guys and get pumped!
  2. Soyuz 77

    Soyuz 77 New Fapstronaut

    I agree completely! I am trying to build a training program for myself. Specifically, I am training to drive race cars. This involves a lot of core and upper body strength especially neck and shoulders. My current weight is 62kg (136.6lbs) and my target weight is 66kg (145lbs). @TheNewDawn106 what is your routine? Maybe I could pickup some exercises?
  3. You know what? Reading this made me to think about joining the gym this month.
    TheNewDawn106 likes this.
  4. TheNewDawn106

    TheNewDawn106 Fapstronaut

    Good to hear dude! I always enjoy working out my arms. It's my point of focus for all times, cause they're really long and I always feel like they aren't big enough. Here's my comprehensive arm workout I put together with my trainer:
    Warm up:

    Overhead Kettlebells Carry around track: choose a challenging weight for 3 laps total.


    Kettlebell Squats: 3x8-10 (choose a weight that is hard to get past rep number 8)

    Diamond Push-ups: 3x12-15 (make reps very slow to increase muscle activation)

    Pull-ups 3x5-8

    Superset the following exercises for arms:

    Barbell Curls 3x6-8
    Overhead Tricep Extension 3x6-8

    Seated Curls on an Incline Bench 3x12-15
    Tricep Rope Pressdown 3x12-15

    Dumbbell Hammer Curls 3x15-20
    Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks 3x15-20

    Hope it helps!
    Soyuz 77 likes this.
  5. TheNewDawn106

    TheNewDawn106 Fapstronaut

    That's a great plan brother. Get in there and burn yourself out. You'll build yourself up and before you know it you'll be a different person inside and out,
    Soyuz 77 likes this.
  6. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    It is a great idea. I am going to the gym for awhile now, and the only time I did not go was some days after relapse, because it drained me all of my power.

    One more reason to stop fapping, and to visit the gym!
    TheNewDawn106 likes this.
  7. lostandfound

    lostandfound Fapstronaut

    Heavy: Deadlifts, squats, benchpresses finish with abs if you still have energy day 1
    Medium/heavy: Pull ups, rows, overhead presses, dips and ab work day 2
    Run 1 hour day 3
    If you are drained take a day off before starting day 1 because its a killer workout
    Do this and you will become a beast in no time
    TheNewDawn106 likes this.
  8. Henry Velazquez

    Henry Velazquez Fapstronaut

    Im a chubby guy that has been loosing weight but my body goal is slim muscular. So should i be doing more cardio than weight training??
    Soyuz 77 likes this.
  9. TheNewDawn106

    TheNewDawn106 Fapstronaut

    Good on you mah dude! Yes I would recommend a more cardiovascular challenging workout plan, but word of caution. Too much cardio and you'll just lose weight and not put on muscle. I always advise anyone who wants to trim down to conintue working out for mass, but only once or twice a week. Spend the rest of the time working out with this formula: less weight with more reps, quicker pace, and shorter resting periods.

    So here's the deal: working out is only half the battle when it comes to weight loss. You gotta eay right too! I'm vegetarian so this is actually the reverse of my focus lol, but lots of my meat-eating friends try to lean out too! The first thing they did that made the difference was cut red meats, and also lightening up on the bread makes a big difference too. gluten in general can make your metabolism sluggish, so it's best to try to limit your carbs to rice or other grains.

    Finally, vitamins are key! There's plenty of sups you can find at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe that specify in slimming your figure down. Look for fat-burner labels and anything with Green Tea extract.

    I hope this helps
    Soyuz 77 likes this.
  10. Henry Velazquez

    Henry Velazquez Fapstronaut

    Thank you.

    I am actually a fake vegetarian. I say that because i only eat meat once, either on the weekend or if i am offered in someone elses home. Sometimes i go weeks without eating meat. I live off of black beans, garbanzo beans, brown rice, khale, oatmeal, chia seeds, bananas and sweet potatoes.

    I was thinking of something like three days of cardio and two days of weight training. Would that help me reach the goal of a slim muscular body?
  11. SupBruh

    SupBruh Fapstronaut

    Well, hey. Losing weight comes down to having a caloric deficit. Cardio is nice, and it'll help improving your physical condition, but it's not going to magically slim you out whilst adding muscle. If you want to lose the fat, you're going to have to eat under your caloric maintenance. If you want to gain muscle (and fat), you're going to have to eat above your caloric maintenance.

    You could go about this two ways - do lots of cardio and weight training (at least three times a week - or you could do an upper body only routine twice a week, since your cardio will likely focus on legs), cut down on the eating and lose the weight. Or you could begin a slow bulk as you add muscle and get stronger, in which case you should pick up a beginner full body routine and then go from there.
  12. lostandfound

    lostandfound Fapstronaut

    Great that you are cutting your meat consumption. Dairy is also really bad for you and weight keep that in mind.
    A good mixture of cardio and weight training is best. Muscle is what is going to burn the calories continuously during the day. Cardio is going to help your blood circulation and getting nutrients to the muscles, increase your metabolism and improve your lung power. Have fun with it though. If you dont enjoy it find something that does.
  13. As @SupBruh rightfully said: You should be focusing on diet. If you've reached a point of having excess fat that you don't want, then that means you've been eating in a caloric surplus. Depending on the size of that surplus, it may be possible to simply exercise enough to lose weight.. or it may not. So it's important to sort your diet out first, or you might just slow down your weight gain rather than actually losing any.

    It's also a lot easier to cut food than to do an equivalent amount of exercise. For example, eating say your normal dinner is like: 200g chicken, 4 potatoes, and some veggies. Simply removing 2 potatoes will be about the same as 25 minutes of cycling in terms of the impact it makes. A lot easier to eat 2 less potatoes than to cycle for 25 minutes every single day.

    Also my suggestion is to focus primarily on weight training with cardio only as a supplement anyway. Why? Well as a beginner with weight to lose, you're one of the rare few who can still gain muscle while eating at a deficit (i.e. dieting down), rather than just preserving what muscle you have or losing a little like most people will when they diet. Normally that's close to impossible (unless drugs are involved) - but as a beginner, newbie gains combined with excess fat can make it a reality.

    If you don't eat meat, then you need to be meticulous with your diet if you want to build muscle. Protein is absolutely essential for both building and preserving muscle. If you're not planning your diet very carefully as a vegetarian then you won't be getting enough protein. When I was a vegetarian I was averaging like 60g of protein a day which isn't enough. So you need to go the extra mile and check how much protein is in everything you eat and track your food. Alternatively, if you don't feel like doing that, buy a protein supplement and take a couple scoops a day in addition to what you normally eat. Whey protein is veggie friendly and the best protein you can buy, and often works out cheaper than it would actually be to get all of your protein from food anyway.

    When increasing weight/bulking, aim to get at least 0.8g protein per lb of lean body mass, up to a maximum of 1.3g per lb of total body weight - no studies have found anything more than that to be helpful, and it doesn't seem like it matters where in that range you fall either. When dieting down/cutting (like I suggest you do now) I suggest aiming a little higher, at least 1g per lb of lean body mass or 0.8g per lb of total body weight minimum, since your body would prefer to get rid of muscle than fat and you need to go the extra mile both with diet and exercise if you wish to preserve/increase muscle during a dieting phase.

    My suggestion is to do a slow cut, aim for 1lb of weight loss per week, and get on a full body strength program like Fierce 5, Starting Strength, Stronglifts. Just focus on building strength while you diet - you'll probably also build some muscle, but even if you don't, you'll be making forward progress, since more strength means: you can lift heavier weights, which'll allow you to build muscle faster once you're at a body fat % you're happy with and can bulk up.


    Anyway my thoughts on this topic in general: Absolutely. I've said before that I believe a healthy life requires a healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit. A healthy mind can be maintained by constantly learning, meditating regularly, giving yourself time off, dealing with stress in a healthy manner, removing addictions, etc. A healthy body can be maintained by building strength and muscle, doing cardio, playing sports, getting adequate rest and nutrition, etc. For spirit, this means doing things not just for yourself but for your family/friends/community - give something back to the world, find a way to contribute and help others.

    If you're doing all 3 of those things, you'll find yourself happy, motivated, and enjoying your life. A lot of people tend to focus on just one or two. The charitable person who focuses so much on others they forget to take care of themselves, and suffer for it.. The guy who reads tons of books and meditates, but never takes care of his body.. The person who's in the gym constantly but hasn't ever read a book in his life.. Really you need to balance the three, and tend to all of them. :)

    So if you aren't working out, exercising, playing sport, or doing some kind of physical activity (hiking, mountaineering etc are other good examples) then start! It'll make a huge difference to your life.
  14. Henry Velazquez

    Henry Velazquez Fapstronaut

    I really appreciate all the information from all of you.

    As i kept reading my eyes would open more and more with the regret of not paying attention in math classes.

    I am still a fatty at heart and i thought i could eat the same amounts but have the advantage of losing some weight by eating vegetarian... Womp Womp
  15. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    In the gym 4-5 times a week, weekends off !

    Work hard during the week, Play harder on the weekends !
    Soyuz 77 likes this.