***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    @SaapKaBaap Thanks. It is the least I can do to serve humanity - we all have to abstain from PMO. It improves our lives, makes us more happy, and if we are happy others get happy too, and the chain does not stop! I am feeling you are going through hard times - but I am confident in you success!

    @JesusGreen Congratulations, keep it up!

    @DeterminedToWin Napoleon Hill is one of the best authors in self-help books. Probably the best. I'd suggest reading other books of him, too!

    my post:
    1. I am grateful for conquering another day.
    2. I am grateful for being grateful. I forgot it yesterday!
    3. I am grateful for my busy schedule - I have to keep myself occupied if I want to beat this enemy!
    4. I am grateful for my family and for my friends.
    5. I am grateful for the chats I had.
    6. I am grateful for the healthy food I had.
    7. I am grateful for my visit in the gym yesterday.
    8. I am grateful that I'll go to the gym today as well!
    9. I am grateful for my efforts to get "ripped". It will take long, though, but I'll be successful!
    10. I am grateful for my spirit and for my determination to win!
    11. I am grateful for this forum - and especially for everyone who posts here!
  2. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for another day;
    2. I am grateful for the respect and kind words I received yesterday and been receiving lately;
    3. I am grateful for life;
    4. I am grateful for mediation.
  3. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    I relapsed after a 10 days streak. In spite of that...

    I am grateful for going for another streak.
    I am grateful for noticing, once again, that my fantasies were just that, fantasies, and that no porn video deserves my time and energy. In fact, none of my fantasies deserves it, only a real person.
    I am grateful for reading over a 150 pages yesterday.
    I am grateful for exercising.
    I am grateful for noticing the side effects of relapsing.
    I am grateful for this community where I can post my thoughts and has helped me lenghten my streaks.
    I am grateful for having made the decision to battle PMO back in December.
    I am grateful for my no gaming streak (41 days here).

    Last edited: Jul 15, 2017
  4. microsmurfen

    microsmurfen Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for this thread.
    I am grateful that I found my purpose after many wrong paths and working on it every single day.
    I am grateful to help sick people.
    I am grateful for my sis in NY.
    I am grateful for my bro on the restaurant.
    I am grateful for my dad and mum.
    I am grateful for nofap. Feels like this was the last piece in the puzzle of self development. But how come i didnt know about it earlier. But Im happy ive overcome it. There is no urges anymore and it is effortless.
    Peace guys, stay strong and work on your goals.
  5. SaapKaBaap

    SaapKaBaap Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for not giving up again fully, I slumped big time today, I crossed the borderline but my senses came through right at the moment and I stopped myself. I am grateful for that.
    2. I am grateful for having drinks and dinner with my best friend.
    3. I am grateful for other fapstronauts journal entries that give us hope to stay put and not give up on ourselves.
    4. I am grateful for brothers & sisters on this forum that are keeping up the good fight & also helping each other out when in need.
    1. I'm grateful that I met new friends today.
    2. I'm grateful to learn that if we are ready to die or succeed we will be successful. (Tony Robbins excerpt)
    3. I'm grateful to my mom for everything she does for me without ever begrudging.
  6. SheMonk

    SheMonk Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for:
    • getting everything done in time.
    • my foot feeling a lot better.
    • having great friends.
    • going to the movies later.
    1. I'm grateful that I was able to push through, squat today, and set a nice rep PR even though I really didn't want to squat.
    2. I'm grateful for setting a lifetime PR on overhead press today.
    3. I'm grateful that I am stronger, healthier, and happier with each passing day.
    nojerking, SaapKaBaap and LoyalKnight like this.
  7. LoyalKnight

    LoyalKnight Fapstronaut

    @SaapKaBaap Hard times ahead, when I crossed the borderline I always got really hard urges after a few days. Stay on DEFCON 1. "Nuclear war is imminent" and "Maximum readiness!"

    @NightReaper775 I look forward to your new streak - do not do the same mistake I did, and do not trick yourself saying "Just X days... I'll fap once more".... I cannot explain how I regret that descision. Stay strong, victory shall be yours !

    1. I am grateful for conquering another day.
    2. I am grateful for not falling asleep today.
    3. I am grateful for recognizing that I have to cut on gaming!
    4. I am grateful that I had a good gym session with my friend today - chest and shoulders.
    5. I am grateful for being that successful, together, with my AP and with everyone here!
    6. I am grateful for the social interactions I had today.
    7. I am grateful for the good food I ate today. Below 2400kcal, and around 180g of protein! That's a success!
    8. I am grateful for my efforts, and for my persistence and determination.
    9. I am grateful for the freedom I have.
    10. I am grateful for being free of porn!
    11. I am grateful for my efforts in NoFap!
    12. I am grateful for books. Going to read, then to sleep! Good night everyone, take care, stay safe and sound!
  8. topjobmate

    topjobmate Fapstronaut

    Greatful for my freedom. Greatful for my cat who I've had for many years. Greatful for this almost 30 days nofap
  9. Dragonnlife

    Dragonnlife Fapstronaut

    1.) My loving and supportive family
    2.) My education
    3.) Friends that help me out when I need it
  10. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    1 . I'm Grateful for feeling great .
    2 . I'm Grateful for everything about me .
    3 . I'm Grateful for the life that I was blessed with .
  11. Parzival

    Parzival Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for nofap.
    I am grateful for finding a passion.
    I'm thankful for my family and the morals they have instilled in me.
    I am grateful for the spiderman movie inspiring me to exercise even when I'm tired.
    I am grateful for how God crafted my view of the world.
    I am grateful for a place where I can feel I'm in good company.
    I am grateful that NoFap reminds me the world isn't a complete garbage pit of immorality.
    I am grateful for life and the ability to experience.
  12. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    • I am massively gratefull that I gonna try out a new recipe today
    • I am grateful thatl I didn´t have had urges so far
    • I am gratefull that I start producing a new track next week
  13. microsmurfen

    microsmurfen Fapstronaut

    I am grateful to clean my room.
    I m grateful for sunday.
    I am grateful for my work.
    I am grateful for planning.
    I am grateful to relax.
    I am grateful to see my gf soon. 4 weeks without her, starts to miss alot.
    I am grateful to lend my parents car.
    I am grateful for all they help me with.
    I am grateful to soon get 3 weeks vacay.
    I am grateful.
  14. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for life.
    SaapKaBaap and NightReaper775 like this.
  15. perseverence24

    perseverence24 Fapstronaut

    1. I am grateful for making it through the weekend.
    2. I am grateful for staying positive.
    3. I am grateful for keeping busy.
  16. NightReaper775

    NightReaper775 Fapstronaut

    1 - I am grateful for my life.
    2 - I am grateful for another day of NoFap.
    3 - I am grateful for my family.
    4 - I am grateful for food.
    5 - I am grateful for my discipline.

    Take care.
  17. av_2905

    av_2905 Guest

    1. I am grateful for IHOP pancakes and omelettes. Nothing tastes better.
    2. I am grateful for the good night out with friends last night.
    3. I am grateful for today's magnificent weather.
  18. SaapKaBaap

    SaapKaBaap Fapstronaut

    @LoyalKnight Rightly said there & Yes! Proper measures have been taken to deal with the current situation. [love your humor]

    1. I am grateful for my life.
    2. I am grateful for parents.
    3. I am grateful for Sunday.