180 day Warrior Challenge! Who wants to join and grow stronger than ever?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Human Lab-Rat, Aug 4, 2017.

  1. ConstraintsTheory

    ConstraintsTheory Fapstronaut

    Well today is day 30 for me no pmo didn't really have any urges or thoughts. Though I have noticed I have a hard time going to sleep at night. I get anywhere from 4 to 6 hours of rest might be less if I had class or work. Though, in the beginning I was constantly tired but now not so much I get 4 hours of sleep and operate all day with no fatigue. Increased energy levels?
    RBYG_flag likes this.
  2. world_traveler

    world_traveler Fapstronaut

    I have to come clean and admit that I just had my one, and only, relapse of this challenge - not even two days after starting it. For some that would be, perhaps, a good indicator that this challenge is too difficult, like a signal to quit. But for me I'm going to use it as a wake-up call - I really do need this right now. In fact, there might be no other time I need it so much.

    I'm compiling a list of techniques/strategies that have worked for me in the past - not staying by myself with my door closed for long periods, not touching my wang unless to clean in the shower/pee, Kelly McGonigall's trick of predicting your own failures every day (as in, describing the potential circumstances of a willpower failure so that your brain will be better adapted to overcoming it when it arises), abstaining from alcohol which is a personal trigger for me, getting enough sleep, and meditation. Part of my 180-day challenge will be to stick by these six principles as daily habits in order to make it maximally easy to succeed.

    @djmotion the 180 day counter is a great idea, man. That may help me keep some perspective of the fact that this is a long damn challenge that I'm going to need to grit my teeth and bear, especially for the first part...

    नमस्ते, y'all. Gonna stay in from here on out. 180 days from now is February 9th, incidentally, which is 7 days before my birthday, so in order to keep it easy to remember, I'm just going to keep going until my birthday. Boom baby.
    UrameshiTao and djmotion like this.
  3. NewDrug

    NewDrug Fapstronaut

    Aaaaaand...I'm out. Relapsed tonight and headed to bed now - that's 2 nights in a row. Damn this compulsion. Anyway, stay strong everyone!
  4. Hope☺

    Hope☺ New Fapstronaut

    Don't give up.
    NewDrug likes this.
  5. Ready_Ryan

    Ready_Ryan Fapstronaut

    Day 80,
    Today marks the end of my summer time off from college. And now begins the transition phase to the new chapter in my life.
    With each new chapter brings new Characters into the story, some old past Characters return, and others still may or may not ever return. This goes the same for the actions we take. We can learn from our past chapters and remember to not trip on the same out of place brick.
    The turning of a Chapter is a fresh start to the same you, but only it is all about right now and the choices you make. Are you ready to make this moment in your life an end to a chapter filled with the pain associated with porn? And to take the fresh page and write something different?
    UrameshiTao likes this.
  6. max9292

    max9292 Fapstronaut

    Day 9. Guys Can You explain me what is flatline And how i can understand i am in?
  7. gio Hernandez

    gio Hernandez New Fapstronaut

    I'm in, I haven't fapped in 19 days already, turns out I've been doing this longer than I've known about the forum
    curryman likes this.
  8. Stromboli

    Stromboli Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I am in. Today is day number 9. I try quitting PMO since three years. My highest streak were 31 days. But I feel like this time I am going to win.!
    UrameshiTao and curryman like this.
  9. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! my urges have been non-existent for the past few days and I've been up all night feeling seriously depressed then I fell to sleep at about 12:10pm and just woke up so approx 15 mins sleep. Got woken up with a super urge from hell, no joke. my dick has been dead all night, it shrank and started turtling and now it's come out to play. I was in serious shit so I got on NoFap quick.
    UrameshiTao, RBYG_flag and curryman like this.
  10. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    Lesson to be learned from this. When you feel like shit, depressed, on a flatline or any other negative feelings, it's only temporary. Remember it will always get better especially if you don't fap.
  11. curryman

    curryman Fapstronaut

    Good decision. The awareness of having urge and making the right decision are keys to success. Are you okay now? But I've noticed that not only my day is different. I woke up at 8 AM, ate breakfast then fall to sleep for about 3 hours. I had a dream that I was on the internet, browsing Facebook, and I believe somebody called me from other room, I turned my head for several seconds and then when I saw the computer display again, a porn video played on the same page. Later, I immediately woke up and felt like it was so real but fortunately not. Uff...
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
  12. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    Yeah I think my awareness is getting better and I think I'll be okay, I'm still sad about my best friend but I'm not down in the dumps about it. I just need to give it time. They do say that you can begin to have vivid dreams with NoFap, I still haven't had them yet.
    Human Lab-Rat likes this.
  13. Human Lab-Rat

    Human Lab-Rat Fapstronaut

    Welcome new members! :)

    Max Toulouse, If it was your first you still have one more chance.

    Brothers, I'm back in work and doing 14 hour days so I'm sorry I can't be online so often to support you. But I will still do my best and log in every chanse I get to .

    Remember warrriors, If this challenge get's tough: We don't stop when we get tired. We stop when we are done!
  14. Giftson1991

    Giftson1991 Fapstronaut

    Hi Im in
    Watching porn is also out?
    Actually I plan for 30 days of NoFap only this my 21 day today I am watching porn but no masturbation is't out or not? What you think about?
  15. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    Porn is the worst one so yeah it would be out. Sex only in this challenge bro but welcome and hope you stay with us and become PM free. :)
  16. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    so just had a shower & shave to freshen up. my hair feels smooth as hell and feels/looks the healthiest it's been in years, I was actually shocked. My skin is also smooth, moist and clear like I've been using moisturizer for weeks or months. I'm starting to get the benefits guys. :p
    RBYG_flag and Ready_Ryan like this.
  17. Giftson1991

    Giftson1991 Fapstronaut

    I am just watching porn but no masturbation brother
  18. curryman

    curryman Fapstronaut

    I observe that I have realistic dreams whether I do P/M or don't. But I experience more sexual dreams after some time during my reboot.
    Ready_Ryan and djmotion like this.
  19. Giftson1991

    Giftson1991 Fapstronaut

  20. djmotion

    djmotion Fapstronaut

    nope, porn is worse than masturbation.