2020 Vision!! ;)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Jan 29, 2020.

  1. Turbo here. I want you to feel good and confident because it's a new decade, a new era, a new time for us to beat this addiction. I'm struggling with it but I've come to realize that it's a new decade and I won't be held back by porn stars and pixels on a screen. I want to walk my own way without any addictions. It's time for change.

    Midnight of this year I did Keto diet. I haven't relapsed or caved in to any sugar, soda, desserts, nothing. It's all meat and salad.

    Hygiene - Time to let my nails and hair grow out. I gotta look good for my job and new clients.

    Smoking & Drinking - Cut it out, no problem. I've lost weight because of it.

    But NoFap....I honestly need your help. It's gonna take guts and willpower for this one.
    This is the biggest one because I feel like my whole being is captive by it. If only I could let it go and be a new me. But it's going to happen. if I failed a few times I get back up.

    New self-improvement this decade it's here. Let's get it. I don't want to reset my counter even once. The positives and benefits out weight naked models on a screen by myself.

    Same for you. It's a new decade, a fresh start, make it YOUR decade. Time for Self-Improvement, You got my support!
    dogeatdog likes this.
  2. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    Firstly, FUCK YEAH that's the spirit we all want. I did keto myself around 2 years ago and managed to lose around 25 kilogarms (roughly 55 pounds) and felt really fucking great. It sucked though because carbs were my favourite food so when I dropped the diet I went back to binging carbs. Decided to hit the gym and just limit the food I eat rather than living on a strict diet. It's important that you find a 'diet' that you can live with forever or else you'll probably gain that weight back. You have my support too. Stay strong, and good luck!
    TurboBull92 likes this.
  3. Thanks @dogeatdog

    It's day one for both of us so lets go get it. In two weeks I want to go from feeling like a low-life to feeling like a CEO. It's all about that willpower. If I have the willpower to put down ice cream, bread, sugar, etc. Then I can get through NoFap. Let's do it! DAY 1!
    dogeatdog likes this.
  4. nifahs

    nifahs Fapstronaut

    Yeah man, definitely a new decade and a new life. Wonderful way to put it. I feel like it's a level of maturity I have to adapt in order to excel in this nofap endeavour and other ones for this new decade to really manifest. I am beginning to see my life and my actions from a mature standpoint, if I want to sleep, but really should study, then it would be mature to study instead, if I watch porn, that's an immature childish thing to do.

    I also eliminated weed, sugar, and processed food for the most part. I no longer can stomach something I know will make me feel like shit.

    FUCK YEAH TO 2020!!!
    TurboBull92 likes this.
  5. letthemagicthrive

    letthemagicthrive New Fapstronaut

    First of all, I am so sorry for hijacking your thread. But I have to post this somewhere, and I am not capable of making my own thread.
    Anyways, I have always wanted to life to be magical, and the last year my life has transformed to something I would never expect. Let me rewind a couple of years. Back then I had what I would later call a dead mind. Nothing really made me feel anything, and my life was just sort of miserable in general. You know when you think "so this is it...?". It was just that, and chronic health problems made it even worse. Sneaky problems that ruined me from the inside. I am the shy type of guy, and have always been told I could just sit and think for hours and hours. However, that often leads me to digging my own grave and overthinking. Bad thought goes in loop, and they feedback and get **** bad.

    However, the last year my life has changed. I have always wanted life to be magical, and "oh-my-God", there has been a huuuge difference. I have gotten into meditation, I have met the craziest friend in my life who has introduced me to new perspectives, I have gotten obsessed with how my mind works (and I do daily journals), and I actually have a purpose. I realize that life can be whatever you want it to be, and you have every damn possibility to change your future for the better. And lately I have gotten this vision. Call it a purpose or a calling. What matters it that I REALLY KNOW what I want, and I will do everything in my damn power to make that happen. Life is getting vivid and there is nothing stopping me!

    But as you might sense, there is a reason that I am here. I have this constant struggle with masturbation. Not that it is really bad, but it happens once every few weeks. I know that people on this forum knows the power and feelings within masturbation. For me personally, it drains me. It sucks the little extra energy that I so desperately need to keep inspired and "in the zone". Holds me back from where I wanna be. I also feel like its pretty symbolic. Because I subconsciously let the urge to masturbate build up, like I am not aware of it. It makes me feel weak, dumb and very guilty. If I subconsciously let this pass, I will subconsciously let other stupid stuff pass. This is not who I wanna be. I wanna be alert and I wanna look forward. I want to be able to have flow and to dedicate myself. When I just "aaaaaaah" release thatt stuff, JESUS... It is like I just gave up. Like I let life win. I submit to the ocean of temptations. **** no... And its not of importance who reads this or whatever. This is just dedicated to myself. Let the peace set in.
    TurboBull92 likes this.

  6. That's exactly how I feel. I feel like I've stimulated myself so much, normal things in life just don't really turn me on or excite me. But if I give it a few days I get this "power" feeling. It's my mind settling down and adjusting to no PMO. As men, we are built around this essence of energy. We waste it when we watch porn and are drained because of it. It's meant for procreation only. The real problem is that porn and pmo is an epidemic in our modern world. I reallty don't think our grandfathers or ancestors had this problem. It's seriously messed up our energy and dopamine and such. It's had me to conclude that Porn is a legit fix, a drug without any filter. When I was in college I wondered why I just couldn't get a grasp on my internship. It took me years to figure out that PMO to porn is probably what caused my lack of focus and failure of those courses. I don't PMO as much as I used to, but I've noticed every few days I don't, I feel more focused and better. We weren't made to pmo five times a day. We've got problem in our society. That's why I'm on here. I'm part of that problem.