24 Years old, have been PMO since 13 years old. Need some info.


Hey NoFap! I'm excited to finally shake this damn habit. Here's a little about me:

My older brother introduced me to my first porn website at 8 or 9 years old. At about 13 I found out I could masturbate, which lead me to 11 years of PMO. I have had gfs before, two of which I've had sex with. Both times were disappointing for me (and probably for them), because I would get hard, and then it would deflate. I tried See-Alice :P, and it worked very well, but there was a lack of feeling. I want my sexuality back. The past month has been absolutely AMAZING, because I've abstained from PMO more than I have in years. Only watched porn 3 or 4 times in the past month, and PMO'd only 3 times (vs probably an average of 2 O's a day since 13). So here's what I'm wondering:

1) Tonight I PMO'd, about a 15 to 20 minute binge. Yesterday I edged, initially to softcore (i'd say 3 minutes watching), then I just stopped watching and finished the edge (not to climax). Before yesterday I had successfully abstained for a week. A week and a day before yesterday, I had started a 2 day 1 PMO per day thing. For 10 days before that I had successfully abstained. It sucks relapsing, especially after all of the good effects I'm feeling (and I just want to get withdrawals over with). Did I set myself back all the way to ground one here?

2) I've had trouble not feeling sex or blowjobs in the past. I go to a sexologist who told me that basically I conditioned my penis to respond only to my hand (because I know exactly what I want). Have many members experienced this? Does it go away completely?

3) Final question for whoever's interested... I have done a lot of research on the efficacy of Penile exercises for girth. I'd like to spend a few months trying PE, but I want to prioritize my recovery from porn first. Is it possible to do both without dramatically slowing down the reboot process? Feel free to convince me that PE is bs, I love hearing arguments against it).

Thanks for whoever participates!
hi welcome to the site,
you are definitely amongst friends who can help and support you.
If you fall, start again, but just keep trying. There is no shame in that at all.
Many many people will be able to offer advise to you; read journals and write your own detailing your process. best of luck.
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you.

What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
Hey NoFap! I'm excited to finally shake this damn habit. Here's a little about me:

My older brother introduced me to my first porn website at 8 or 9 years old. At about 13 I found out I could masturbate, which lead me to 11 years of PMO. I have had gfs before, two of which I've had sex with. Both times were disappointing for me (and probably for them), because I would get hard, and then it would deflate. I tried See-Alice :p, and it worked very well, but there was a lack of feeling. I want my sexuality back. The past month has been absolutely AMAZING, because I've abstained from PMO more than I have in years. Only watched porn 3 or 4 times in the past month, and PMO'd only 3 times (vs probably an average of 2 O's a day since 13). So here's what I'm wondering:

1) Tonight I PMO'd, about a 15 to 20 minute binge. Yesterday I edged, initially to softcore (i'd say 3 minutes watching), then I just stopped watching and finished the edge (not to climax). Before yesterday I had successfully abstained for a week. A week and a day before yesterday, I had started a 2 day 1 PMO per day thing. For 10 days before that I had successfully abstained. It sucks relapsing, especially after all of the good effects I'm feeling (and I just want to get withdrawals over with). Did I set myself back all the way to ground one here?

2) I've had trouble not feeling sex or blowjobs in the past. I go to a sexologist who told me that basically I conditioned my penis to respond only to my hand (because I know exactly what I want). Have many members experienced this? Does it go away completely?

3) Final question for whoever's interested... I have done a lot of research on the efficacy of Penile exercises for girth. I'd like to spend a few months trying PE, but I want to prioritize my recovery from porn first. Is it possible to do both without dramatically slowing down the reboot process? Feel free to convince me that PE is bs, I love hearing arguments against it).

Thanks for whoever participates!

Hi @RyWod
1) yes, it has no sense not to reset your counter once you have PMO'd. Try to understand what triggered you and what can you do different next time.
2 ) yes, it is called hard grip, your penis got desensitized because you MO applying too much pressure. probably you did not do this at the beginning when you started MO, but in order to get pleasure once you started losing your sensitivity you started pressing harder. It will go away once you move forward in your reboot, you will recover your sensitivity.
3 ) It is better that you focus now just in your reboot, which is hard enough, and you leave this for the future
Hi @RyWod
1) yes, it has no sense not to reset your counter once you have PMO'd. Try to understand what triggered you and what can you do different next time.
2 ) yes, it is called hard grip, your penis got desensitized because you MO applying too much pressure. probably you did not do this at the beginning when you started MO, but in order to get pleasure once you started losing your sensitivity you started pressing harder. It will go away once you move forward in your reboot, you will recover your sensitivity.
3 ) It is better that you focus now just in your reboot, which is hard enough, and you leave this for the future

I'm still more outgoing than I was before I started the journey. I'm 1 day again, which is nice. Yeah I really want to PE, but I'm going to leave it until after I'm cured of this. I don't want to have to fantasize to do the girth portions until I have a healthy sex life. My trigger was I asked a girl I've been crushing on for a while if she was has a bf, she said yes. So I came home and one thing lead to another. Next time I should just go to a public place and mingle a bit I guess, instead of returning home to reflect so soon.
I'm still more outgoing than I was before I started the journey. I'm 1 day again, which is nice. Yeah I really want to PE, but I'm going to leave it until after I'm cured of this. I don't want to have to fantasize to do the girth portions until I have a healthy sex life. My trigger was I asked a girl I've been crushing on for a while if she was has a bf, she said yes. So I came home and one thing lead to another. Next time I should just go to a public place and mingle a bit I guess, instead of returning home to reflect so soon.
Yes, avoid being alone at home as much as you can. Use that time to do some sport, workout or exercise, this will help you to vent out the stress and the horniness
Yes, avoid being alone at home as much as you can. Use that time to do some sport, workout or exercise, this will help you to vent out the stress and the horniness
I'm a software developer, currently unemployed. I'm working on a product that I'm going to put on the market soon. It's going to be hard for me to be away from my monitors. But I'll make due.
I'm a software developer, currently unemployed. I'm working on a product that I'm going to put on the market soon. It's going to be hard for me to be away from my monitors. But I'll make due.
Cannot your go to work in a public library, Starbuck's or the house of any family member, so you are not alone in front of the computer?
Cannot your go to work in a public library, Starbuck's or the house of any family member, so you are not alone in front of the computer?
I wish.... my app requires two devices, and I need the screen space. Also since I powerlift and bodybuild, I need to have access to quick food. It'd require a major lifestyle shift, and a whole lot of carting of equipment around.
I wish.... my app requires two devices, and I need the screen space. Also since I powerlift and bodybuild, I need to have access to quick food. It'd require a major lifestyle shift, and a whole lot of carting of equipment around.
@RyWod , reboot needs a major lifestyle change, it is not just quitting porn
I changed my lie and routines completely. Used to stay in bed after breakfast "working " and arriving late to the office. I used to sneak out from office to go to my house and fap
Also used to stay late in the office so I could fap when everyone left
I changed my whole routine and life style , you need to be creative otherwise you will never succeed
Have you installed K9 in your computer and devices ?This helps.
Ok, I reset today. All because I was at my computer at home. I started thinking about my fetish in the privacy of my room, and next thing you know I'm at the google searchbar like a rabid dog. My mode of operation throughout this process is... every time I reset, I will change my habits cumulatively. So now... I will put my computer and monitor in the common room permanently, ban all smart devices or computers from private spaces (bathroom, my room, etc...), and spend at least 4 hours a day with my monitor, laptop, and testing phones out at the library or other public space. I had k9, it started interfering with my work so I deleted it. I was sad to do it... it actually worked because I felt I owed it to the k9 lawdog to not look at porn. Also, I'm going to get a counter finally. And you know what? I'm going to write in a "porn journal every day."
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Ok, I reset today. All because I was at my computer at home. I started thinking about my fetish in the privacy of my room, and next thing you know I'm at the google searchbar like a rabid dog. My mode of operation throughout this process is... every time I reset, I will change my habits cumulatively. So now... I will put my computer and monitor in the common room permanently, ban all smart devices or computers from private spaces (bathroom, my room, etc...), and spend at least 4 hours a day with my monitor, laptop, and testing phones out at the library or other public space. I had k9, it started interfering with my work so I deleted it. I was sad to do it... it actually worked because I felt I owed it to the k9 lawdog to not look at porn. Also, I'm going to get a counter finally. And you know what? I'm going to write in a "porn journal every day."
This is trial an error @RyWod , you need to understand what it works for you. K-9 is kind of a nuisance, I know, Some times I need to restart my notebook once or twice a day because it does not allow me to browse non-porn sites. But the protection we get makes it worth it. I have been 21 months clean, and still do not feel safe enough to uninstall it.