Hey NoFap! I'm excited to finally shake this damn habit. Here's a little about me:
My older brother introduced me to my first porn website at 8 or 9 years old. At about 13 I found out I could masturbate, which lead me to 11 years of PMO. I have had gfs before, two of which I've had sex with. Both times were disappointing for me (and probably for them), because I would get hard, and then it would deflate. I tried See-Alice
, and it worked very well, but there was a lack of feeling. I want my sexuality back. The past month has been absolutely AMAZING, because I've abstained from PMO more than I have in years. Only watched porn 3 or 4 times in the past month, and PMO'd only 3 times (vs probably an average of 2 O's a day since 13). So here's what I'm wondering:
1) Tonight I PMO'd, about a 15 to 20 minute binge. Yesterday I edged, initially to softcore (i'd say 3 minutes watching), then I just stopped watching and finished the edge (not to climax). Before yesterday I had successfully abstained for a week. A week and a day before yesterday, I had started a 2 day 1 PMO per day thing. For 10 days before that I had successfully abstained. It sucks relapsing, especially after all of the good effects I'm feeling (and I just want to get withdrawals over with). Did I set myself back all the way to ground one here?
2) I've had trouble not feeling sex or blowjobs in the past. I go to a sexologist who told me that basically I conditioned my penis to respond only to my hand (because I know exactly what I want). Have many members experienced this? Does it go away completely?
3) Final question for whoever's interested... I have done a lot of research on the efficacy of Penile exercises for girth. I'd like to spend a few months trying PE, but I want to prioritize my recovery from porn first. Is it possible to do both without dramatically slowing down the reboot process? Feel free to convince me that PE is bs, I love hearing arguments against it).
Thanks for whoever participates!
My older brother introduced me to my first porn website at 8 or 9 years old. At about 13 I found out I could masturbate, which lead me to 11 years of PMO. I have had gfs before, two of which I've had sex with. Both times were disappointing for me (and probably for them), because I would get hard, and then it would deflate. I tried See-Alice

1) Tonight I PMO'd, about a 15 to 20 minute binge. Yesterday I edged, initially to softcore (i'd say 3 minutes watching), then I just stopped watching and finished the edge (not to climax). Before yesterday I had successfully abstained for a week. A week and a day before yesterday, I had started a 2 day 1 PMO per day thing. For 10 days before that I had successfully abstained. It sucks relapsing, especially after all of the good effects I'm feeling (and I just want to get withdrawals over with). Did I set myself back all the way to ground one here?
2) I've had trouble not feeling sex or blowjobs in the past. I go to a sexologist who told me that basically I conditioned my penis to respond only to my hand (because I know exactly what I want). Have many members experienced this? Does it go away completely?
3) Final question for whoever's interested... I have done a lot of research on the efficacy of Penile exercises for girth. I'd like to spend a few months trying PE, but I want to prioritize my recovery from porn first. Is it possible to do both without dramatically slowing down the reboot process? Feel free to convince me that PE is bs, I love hearing arguments against it).
Thanks for whoever participates!