25 I’ve been dealing with PIED for almost 6yrs I was getting blowjobs and fooling around with older girls since 11 lost my virginity to a Costa Rican hooker at a super 8 motel at age 13 Around the same time
I started watching porn Regularly on my laptop I had a lot of sex M and pmo in my teens I would be able to fuck like 7times a day I was comfortable with my size and girls seemed to be really satisfied
I dated this one girl for around a year
After a while I started to fantasize to porn while having sex I noticed a change once I did it led to less sex and more MO
To porn or sexual images on google or pictures of girls I knew on fb or ig
I continued to have a good sex life until age
19 when I wasn’t able to get it up with a beautiful girl after this experience my dick was lifeless no more morning wood or spontaneous erections my porn addiction had increased drastically I was PMOing
4-6 times daily with much more extreme vids and fetish’s stuff I never was into
And lots of pictures
I went to a urologist everything checked out fine even took testosterone injections for 6months nothing happened
In the last 6years
I have still managed to have shitty sex some days better then other Pills helped for a while but stoped my dick Is not the same
I stopped Pmoing 2 months ago and last O was 9 days ago
any idea on how long till I recover???
I started watching porn Regularly on my laptop I had a lot of sex M and pmo in my teens I would be able to fuck like 7times a day I was comfortable with my size and girls seemed to be really satisfied
I dated this one girl for around a year
After a while I started to fantasize to porn while having sex I noticed a change once I did it led to less sex and more MO
To porn or sexual images on google or pictures of girls I knew on fb or ig
I continued to have a good sex life until age
19 when I wasn’t able to get it up with a beautiful girl after this experience my dick was lifeless no more morning wood or spontaneous erections my porn addiction had increased drastically I was PMOing
4-6 times daily with much more extreme vids and fetish’s stuff I never was into
And lots of pictures
I went to a urologist everything checked out fine even took testosterone injections for 6months nothing happened
In the last 6years
I have still managed to have shitty sex some days better then other Pills helped for a while but stoped my dick Is not the same
I stopped Pmoing 2 months ago and last O was 9 days ago
any idea on how long till I recover???