Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Oct 2, 2017.

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  1. nfp100

    nfp100 Fapstronaut

    Starting today, Day 1 of no PMO. Including 'no dating app' use in this as well.

    Sex within a clear relationship is allowed.

    It's been a while since I attempted this sort of thing but have found myself overusing in recent months. I want to give this an honest shot.

    I have specific career goals as well as tasks related to file organization and financial planning I would like to take care of over this month. I'd also like to reach out to friends and family, work on music and exercise more frequently.
    A-shamed, Jack778, MS PBH and 2 others like this.
  2. gouda

    gouda Fapstronaut

  3. MarcLal

    MarcLal Fapstronaut

    5/30 (Piątek, 21.04.2023)
    April18-, Nick19902, A-shamed and 2 others like this.
  4. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Day 8/30 was done yesterday:emoji_muscle::emoji_fire:
    April18-, Nick19902, A-shamed and 2 others like this.
  5. MarcLal

    MarcLal Fapstronaut

    ugh relapsed. tomorrow begin again.
    I have to set some rules regarding surfing on internet. I didn't even feel any urges. : /

    0/30 (Piątek, 21.04.2023)
    April18-, Nick19902 and A-shamed like this.
  6. Jack778

    Jack778 Fapstronaut

    Day 6 of 7

    Felt urge temptations today after a week of IT stress. Lot's of stuff just not working. The printer that will print but won't scan. After a week of this it was so tempting to get some alcohol and act out.

    But I need to learn to sit in these kinds of feelings. IT not working, rain, cold (add whatever annoying things you like to that list) are all part of life. It's strange many of us have developed an approach to distract in unhealthy ways.

    I hope to get through this next 24 hours or so and make it to day 7.
    April18- and A-shamed like this.
  7. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Today I completed day 9/30 noPMO.
    I created a new challenge about vikings which you can join with your current streak :)

    (Day 21 noPM and day 8 of stickig to my general media rules)
    April18-, Nick19902 and A-shamed like this.
  8. A-shamed

    A-shamed Fapstronaut

    Day 12/30. I'm a bit late posting this message as it is almost one in the morning where I'm from, and technically day 13, but yesterday was day 12 and this new day hasn't ended. Anything can happen, I could decide to go back to PMO and that would ruin everything. Once I hit day 14 (if I even make it to day 14) it'll be the first time since I was probably around nine or ten that I abstained from PMO for 2 weeks. The first time for about 10 years... I can't believe that just posting messages here has helped me to get this far, it's incredible. I do hope everyone's feeling OK, just keep posting messages, talk about things that trouble you the most, we're all here to support each other. The more we talk about our worries, the more we'll be able to help others and help ourselves.
    April18- and Nick19902 like this.
  9. Nick19902

    Nick19902 Fapstronaut

  10. MarcLal

    MarcLal Fapstronaut

    1/30 (Sobota, 22.04.2023)
    A-shamed, Nick19902 and April18- like this.
  11. gouda

    gouda Fapstronaut

  12. Nick19902

    Nick19902 Fapstronaut

  13. Jack778

    Jack778 Fapstronaut

  14. A-shamed

    A-shamed Fapstronaut

    Day 13/30. Almost half way!
  15. MarcLal

    MarcLal Fapstronaut

    2/30 (Niedziela, 23.04.2023)
  16. gouda

    gouda Fapstronaut

  17. day 43 quite a good day. After spending some days at home now its time to move to hostel of college. Tomorrow going back at college premises. Fighting inner demons and becoming best version of myself. Feeling quite good by sharing feeling with someone. World is nasty place it all depend on ourself how we are supporting each other and helping those who are in difficult situations to make the world better place for ourself and our future generations. We all are here in this world only for short period of time. After death we have return back to god. In this short life we should fight our inner demons to be the best possible version of ourself. I am feeling happy and proud by expressing these views with random people of communities. Thank you everyone who help and push me to pin down my inner thoughts.
    gouda, April18- and A-shamed like this.