40 days and feeling good, but

I am at day 40 of a hard 90 day reboot. I have had a few difficult moments, but for the most part I have done much better without porn than I thought. But now my libido seems to be edging back up, and I am concerned. If it continues going stronger, that should be a good sign, but it might make it harder to complete my 90 hard reboot.

My current plan, reached in consultation with my wife, is to complete the 90 days and then engage in healthy one on one sex with her. We hope that will be the first step to reconnecting my sexuality with an actual person that I am in love with.

It still seems like a good plan, but I fear that it will start to get harder very soon
Hi Matt,

Congratulations on 40 days! Seriously, 40 days that's a long time, nice work. For me this is how I see it, you have two choices - 1. Lose the progress made, be a slave to pixels, disappoint your wife (in more ways than 1 ;)), continue being unable to be fully intimate and losing out on potentially a magical re-connection with your wife OR,

2. Keep going. Don't be a slave to the urges, remind yourself you are doing it for your wife, yourself and that no urge is more important than that. Get to 90 and see what happens.

It's amazing you have confided in your wife and she is being so supportive. That for me would be a huge inspiration and reason to not let her down - If you fail to reach 90 maybe make it into a game where you have to do the chores or wash up for an entire month. Something that if you were to fall, every day you'd be reminded by it.

Keep going, 40 days is strong!
You're right it probably will get harder but that's just an opportunity for you to exercise more will-power and channel that sexual energy towards your wife rather than a bunch of pixels! You've come this far so you can go further - just believe!
Congratulations on your success so far and for confiding in your wife about your struggles. Last May,did the same thing and I have never regretted it.

Keep you eyes on the prize: mutually satisfying sex with the wife that you love so much.