90 days NoFap, really struggling with concentration and brainfog lately

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by LuckyPressure, Feb 21, 2023.

  1. LuckyPressure

    LuckyPressure New Fapstronaut

    I used to get high (weed) every day and PMO every day at least once. I am now clean and NoFap, I am really happy that I am finally pulling through. Going to get my 90-day-keytag at NA this week. I had 2 wet dreams at around day 30 and day 60, my energy and motivational levels were really low following those occurrences. I had a lot of self-deprecating thoughts and would ruminate often.

    The way I see it, the build-up semen has a strong influence on my hormonal levels and my body is struggling to find new balance. Month 1 and month 2 ended with discharge in sleep. I feel like my body is adjusting now which is resulting in the brainfog and concentration problems. I am also encountering precum in my underpants lately. For example after urinating or yesterday after petting the cat...

    I tried NoFap before but would just relapse when high. Combining getting high and NoFap is obviously not possible...

    My focus has completely shifted to working towards a future in stead of living in the past. Everyone has their demons, their story and their struggles. Individual contribution to society is always valuable because it is singular. Make your mark, however small.

    What has been a great help for me is knowing -more or less- where I want to go in life. I drew inspiration form David Goggins and Jordan Peterson and formulated a congruent direction I wanted to work towards. I then broke down this goal into smaller goals and smaller goals. Sometimes the faraway goal seems distant and unattainable or the ultimate goal changes. The way I see it, it can not be absolute. Since you formulated a lesser goal you can then refocus on that for the time being. Purpose is not lost and you have time to reformulate the destination. There is however a guiding light that allows you to make a confident choice in te moment.

    Walk life like it's a flat plane, easy step by easy step.
  2. Hi,

    I hope you are doing well man and you keep going. I deal with the same issue, weed and MPO. I didn't smoked and MPO for 17 days. Its not bad so far but I brainfog is killing me.