Wazz up Ladies and Gentlemens!?
I have a minor problem here, I am struggling to lose this belly fat.
I run every morning and I go to gym every second day, I got rid of all body fat except the belly, it just wont go away, I used to practice lots of sports (mainly fighting sports) and this is what kept me in shape, unfortunately I am not allowed to do them anymore.
The thing is, I am taking a medication that causes all this body fat (its a steroid medication) and I simply cant catch up with my belly, that is the most affected area, intense gym made it a little worse, my muscles grew back(long story), but the belly fat remained and it appears even bigger now. So I decided to include diet in my routine.
Currently what I am doing is:
1 boiled chicken breast 2 times per week
2 boiled eggs 3 times per week
1 boiled Talipa fish 2 times a week
Cottage cheese sometimes
I take it every morning with rice, beans, potatoes or a soup.(I am getting very tired of this)
And during the rest of the day I take some fruit,vegetables, salads and green tea.
I avoid everything dough related foods like bread or spaghetti, and I also avoid butter.
So far after 1 month, I noticed a little change in my belly, SO IT WORKS! but I know there are better diets over there, so I want to know what other things I can include in my menu and what to avoid (this is important cause I didnt listed everything I eat), I want to know some routines, when to eat, when to avoid food and so on, cause I eat like an animal(not from the ground), I eat when I am hungry, all the time.
I have a minor problem here, I am struggling to lose this belly fat.
I run every morning and I go to gym every second day, I got rid of all body fat except the belly, it just wont go away, I used to practice lots of sports (mainly fighting sports) and this is what kept me in shape, unfortunately I am not allowed to do them anymore.
The thing is, I am taking a medication that causes all this body fat (its a steroid medication) and I simply cant catch up with my belly, that is the most affected area, intense gym made it a little worse, my muscles grew back(long story), but the belly fat remained and it appears even bigger now. So I decided to include diet in my routine.
Currently what I am doing is:
1 boiled chicken breast 2 times per week
2 boiled eggs 3 times per week
1 boiled Talipa fish 2 times a week
Cottage cheese sometimes
I take it every morning with rice, beans, potatoes or a soup.(I am getting very tired of this)
And during the rest of the day I take some fruit,vegetables, salads and green tea.
I avoid everything dough related foods like bread or spaghetti, and I also avoid butter.
So far after 1 month, I noticed a little change in my belly, SO IT WORKS! but I know there are better diets over there, so I want to know what other things I can include in my menu and what to avoid (this is important cause I didnt listed everything I eat), I want to know some routines, when to eat, when to avoid food and so on, cause I eat like an animal(not from the ground), I eat when I am hungry, all the time.