Anyone got hate for sharing NoFap?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Bogor, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. Bogor

    Bogor Fapstronaut

    I shared my recovery experiences on Reddit, in a subreddit related to addiction recovery. While some people there reached out to me to share their own experiences and asked for help, I also faced a lot of hostility.

    Some called NoFap "trash", others outright denied that porn addiction was a thing, the rest accused me of trying to "nanny" grown men.

    So, have you guys faced such hostility online or out in the real world?
  2. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    Not personally no but Ive seen it too many times online anytime words porn addiction or NoFap comes up, theres hundreds of troll comments and people making fun of it. Not much awareness around this sadly. If only they knew
  3. DiegoSR

    DiegoSR Fapstronaut

    I usually don't share my NOFAP journey anywhere but here.
    People simply do not understand... and internet is full of idiots
  4. Contrary to popular belief, the normies don’t watch porn. That’s why they laugh or mock the idea of porn/PMO addiction.

    The normies are too busy working or getting into relationships and friendships to be worried about a person’s chronic usage of PMO.
  5. I have faced hostility online for it. But it’s somewhat interesting that the hostility mostly comes from guys. Like 70% Men to 30% Women.
    Tryhard Winduptired likes this.
  6. Everyone wants to be a normie on this forum but addiction has us in a time loop of constantly repeating the addiction over and over again, while watching from the outside at normal people going about their lives. It's very isolating. It's like living like a ghost.
  7. That might be true. Never thought of that.
    Lion732 likes this.
  8. My experience of telling people about NoFap is that women mostly understand or don't mind, and that most men don't understand and either are hostile or mock or are confused by the idea.
    If you're a Hindu, Muslim or several other things then apparently it's normal, but if you're Western then apparently it's 'weird'.
    Actually there are some women who want to 'break' you but most women are cool in my experience.
    Also, imagine how much money the whole porn/escort/stripper industry generates. Also just pictures of attractive girls, music videos, fashion...Jesus, even Baywatch back in the day. Sex sells.
    It's beauty, strength, affection, respect and natural desire usurped.
    Whispers and BrighterFuture like this.
  9. Gar Funkle

    Gar Funkle Fapstronaut

    I have come to a point in which people are not saveable. I really did try and help some close friends out and tried to explain to them. You could almost see in their eyes how far gone this generation has become. For me to have been friends with people only for the period of time in which I was really badly porn addicted does show how much they actually meant to me.

    I have not said anything to anyone IRL like family or close acquaintances since I know they probably don't even understand it.
    Whispers likes this.
  10. mj48

    mj48 Fapstronaut


  11. This is why there needs to be a PR campaign about the harms of porn. The same way with cigarettes. The anti-tobacco TV commercials and internet ads. The anti-tobacco PR campaigns helped lower rates of smoking and reduced it’s social acceptance.

    Otherwise, nobody will talk about porn or think anything of it. At least with drugs and alcohol, there’s some social awareness with warning labels, etc. With porn, almost zero except for some anti porn websites like this website, NoFap.
    Gar Funkle and Whispers like this.
  12. Pitter

    Pitter New Fapstronaut

    I never faced hostility for it, but I have seen posts about it on social media that aren't well received. From my experience, people who say nofap is trash and/or porn addictions aren't real often don't have porn addictions or deny that they do.

    I guess it's because they automatically assume that we think "nofap = get hot gf and gain superpowers" when that's not at all the case. If anything, nofap is just a kick in the right direction to get your life (back) on track. At least, that's how I see nofap.
    Dr.J_76ers, silex_jedi and you_can_UK like this.
  13. MaryWenzelp

    MaryWenzelp New Fapstronaut

    I have not told anyone that I am a member of this society, I think that many people will not understand, and will say that we are stupid
  14. Oh yeah, definitely. The world loves their porn. They don't want to face the truth, so it's easier to just mock us and say we're stupid or crazy.

    As a Christian, I'm very used to this kind of response when sharing tough truths, so I try not to let it get to me.
    Morior Invictus, Catch-22 and RaFy942 like this.
  15. Interesting. I've had some women be understanding, but in my experience these days, women are just as addicted to porn and lust as men are, and they don't want to hear the truth either. I think their hostility comes in a different form though. I feel like women are more likely to take the social justice warrior route. Whereas men are more likely to just be upset or say you're dumb because they enjoy porn and don't see any problems with it, women are more likely to condemn you for implying that sex work isn't a good industry to be in, because it's disrespectful to sex workers and they should be treated with just as much validity as any other career.

    At least that's been my experience. Maybe because I'm a woman. Maybe when women see men talk about porn addiction, they take it as an admission of personal fault, but if they see a woman talking about it, they take it as me attacking other women in the porn industry or something.

    As a romance author, I also have gotten a ton of hate for even the most tiny implications that erotica isn't good. I pretty much just keep that thought to myself, lest I be raked over the coals and burned at the stake for "attacking my own community." Which is, of course, nonsense, because I'm not part of the "community" of erotica authors, as a writer of clean romance.
    RaFy942 likes this.
  16. ImFuture

    ImFuture Fapstronaut

    I were talking with 2 close friends, 1 girl, 1 man. My female friend said some like 'haha yea you will for sure masturbate' joking about some girl's pictures we were looking at (she lesbian, my friend) and I laughed and said 'I do not masturbate, not even watch porn' and they both laughed and replied 'You don't even believe that yourself'. I told them 'well yea, it's been 1 month since I do not masturbate nor watch porn, neither I have had sex, since my gf is on a trip right now'. Of course, now, they defended fapping saying things like 'you should do it, it's good for your health, it reduces prostate cancer chances by a lot, you need to masturbate to release semen' blablabla

    So this is my story :D
  17. Here is my non-organised reply.
    I doubt that women have exactly the same outlook on pornography/lust as men do, although the act of voyeuristically touching alone in a room might make many people more selfish and able to objectify. Bear in mind that porn is made by men for men really and that's it's a distillation and fantasy more than a reality for most people. I don't have my finger on the pulse of young women, however.
    I also think about the zeitgeist quite a lot: we as humans want to follow the current trend so much that we don't really have our own thoughts, hence if one is against pornography or escorting one inherently somehow is 'anti sex' or even hates women! What a bizarre accusation-culture idea.
    Luckily, the internet also has full access to the means of accessing clear, rational thinking also. We just need to look into that and also introduce people (especially young ones) to it.
    It was there on the school wall: 'Maths is cool'. Thank you.
  18. Eh, not exactly the same, no, but probably not as different as you might think.

    Lol yeah, I would say I probably have a bit more experience than you do in that department ;)
    SirErnest likes this.
  19. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not but a lot of people watch porn. Unfortunately, people who work, have friendships, and are married watch porn. Here's some stats to back that up.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
    Pitter and RaFy942 like this.
  20. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Clearly, something must be done about porn but realistically, nobody reads the warning labels and even fewer people pay attention to them. We need to raise awareness through civil discourse, etc.