Benefit of cold showers?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 20, 2017.

  1. Just like the title says, what are the benefits people report? Benefits you have felt?
  2. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    If you want to try something along these lines but take it to the next level, look up cold thermogenesis, Wim Hof method...
  3. Is it just doing those power breathe exercises before getting into a cold shower?

    Do you do cold showers? How do you get used to it
  4. You wash off the filth.
  5. Like, we talking mental filth right lol
  6. No, it washes the dirt off too.

    Cold showers make strong, like bull. Put hair on chest. Soothe fire in balls.
    Deleted Account and Knighthawk like this.
  7. Not sure about the scientific bnefits, but cold showers (not cool, cold) usually end up making you feel awesome.
  8. Lol yes running water does take the dirt off you. Yes to the soothing of fire balls, maybe to the strong as bull shit, not sure about chest hair though
    cold showers do make me feel awesome, do you think if we do it everyday the affects will last days after? Or is it only temporary as in hours after the cold shower

  9. Honestly, the long term benefits would have to be scientifically proven, and I am not familiar with any (just never researched it). However, I took cold showers before, and the first shock of cold was bracing. After that, the shower feels normal, and once I get out, didn't need science to convince me I felt energized.
  10. Do you do it daily? How do you get used to it
  11. I take a frigid shower about once per week, cool showers other days (hot showers make me too sleepy). I really should do it daily, guess I'm not there yet haha. Honestly, it is kind of like tearing off a bandage. For the first time in your life, you were probably mortified, like your whole arm was going to fall off. After the first few removals, you realize it is harmless, and that makes you stronger for it.

    It is all about overcoming your trepidation. I found them easier to do in the morning, but do what works for you man.
  12. Cold showers are a good way to test yourself. They can shock your system and make it adapt to environmental stress which is a good thing. We spend too much time “pussy-fying” ourselves with climate control, microwave dinners, Alzheimer’s Prime and those annoying scooter things at Walmart. We need more discomfort in our lives.

    Unlike this guy who is a fucking beast:
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. I just did a warm shower then finished off cold, I found that easier, I try to do it everyday, I also meditate everyday ;)
    do cold showers make my semen demon too?

    LOL Alzheimer’s prime! Was that intentional?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. The point is to make yourself tougher. To step outside of your comfort zone. You feel invigorated after you take one. It also will kill your urge.
  15. Think it helps depression or anxiety? Help build will power?
  16. Absolutely! Make an effort to go out of your comfort zone and your confidence will build.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. I hope you’re right, I’ll keep doing it for whatever benefit it gives, why not, it’s free! Just like meditation :)
    Knighthawk likes this.
  18. murado

    murado Fapstronaut

    I achieved my highest streak of no PMO when I'm having cold showers twice a day everyday (6am and 6pm)
    It really helps me through my urge

    Without my double six cold showers routine, I keep relapsing after less than a week
  19. Exercise helps me not relapse too
  20. Ypow

    Ypow Fapstronaut

    I think 3 minutes of cold shower is enough. One in the morning and one at night before sleeping.
    murado likes this.