Circumcision as a cure???

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Never give up 1987, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. Never give up 1987

    Never give up 1987 Fapstronaut

    Hey all,
    In my desperation to put an end to this horrible habit/addiction which has haunted me for 36 years now, seriously contemplating getting circumcised. Would appreciate any advice on this, have an appointment with a surgeon lined up.
  2. Montesquieu

    Montesquieu Fapstronaut

    I would strongly recommend against this extreme measure. I believe you should exhaust all other alternatives instead. For example, see an addiction therapist, check yourself into a rehab facility, start going to sex addicts anonymous meetings or another similar group (like SMART), talk to a physician about maybe trying some medication that might help with addiction. I would strongly recommend against surgery.
    Prophet Harry likes this.
  3. Never give up 1987

    Never give up 1987 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your response, but in general isn’t circumcision a harmless and safe procedure with minimal or no side effects and more advantages than risks?
    Steve.tmq likes this.
  4. Montesquieu

    Montesquieu Fapstronaut

    That’s a good question for a physician. If you would have said that you want to get circumcised because research suggests it’s healthy or something like that, I’d be all for it. But you indicated that your reason was that it would help with porn addiction. First,
    I doubt that’s true. I’m guessing that most porn addicts are circumcised. Second,
    I assume there is some reason you aren’t circumcised, so it seemed like a drastic, ill-advised decision to me. If your goal is to overcome porn addiction, there will be more effective approaches. But if you have other reasons for getting circumcised, then it might be perfectly fine. I’d consult a physician.
  5. Never give up 1987

    Never give up 1987 Fapstronaut

    Thank you Montesquieu, really appreciate that you’ve responded,but it’s not like I’m getting my dick cut off, I’m 52 now and reckon I’ve reached a stage where I’m just about ready to throw in the towel unless I do something drastically different, last chance saloon this.
    Montesquieu likes this.
  6. Montesquieu

    Montesquieu Fapstronaut

    I hear you, man. I wish you all the best. I just think there are more effective strategies to quitting porn than getting circumcised since there isn’t any reason to suppose there is a correlation between circumcision and porn use at all. If your goal is to quit porn and if it’s bothering you as much as you are indicating, I believe you should seek out the other things I mentioned above (counseling, a sex addiction rehab center, attending sex-addiction meetings, and all of the other things that are effective for people). Those will be more effective options for you. But if you want to get circumcised for other reasons, then that seems perfectly fine.
  7. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    America's obsession with circumcision was born in part from an attempt to stop masturbation. It doesn't work. It isn't the problem and will likely lead to other physical and emotional issues. It is a drastic change and will likely lower the sensitivity of the penis as it removes all protection and hardens the skin. I would worry that this would drive seeking more stimulation to compensate for the loss which will only make your addiction worse not better.

    Posting this as a significant other and a mother who researched every facet of circumcision when having babies. My husband is circumcised, it had nothing to do with his addiction at all. Please find a csat who can help you think through this. It cannot be undone and really could make it all worse.
    hope4healing and Montesquieu like this.
  8. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    I had a circumcision in April for health reasons... the one thing about it, you can't masturbate while it is healing, so if you feel horny, too bad. How long of streaks do you typically put together?
  9. Tunya

    Tunya Fapstronaut

    Hello friend. Circumcision will not remove the sexual drive or the triggers and desires that lead you to mo. A drastic move like that may feel like you’ve hit the nuclear button and decimated this issue but the truth is there is no silver bullet. What happens when the procedure heals and your desire kicks in again? A relapse ensues and suddenly the realisation that this drastic magic bullet has failed? All I can see is a feeling of let down and unwarranted ‘failure’. Your intentions and frustrations are understandable. Please do not go this route.
    Give yourself some love and patience and live in the moment. One day at a time. Each free day is an absolute blessing. If you fall, get up and go again. Never despair or be over harsh on yourself. Wishing you every success brother. The issue is not a matter of your foreskin, it is acquired behaviour linked to years of habitual practice and corresponding neural pathways at the behest of dopamine. Well that’s how I see myself anyway and I suspect how most of us here have somehow become enslaved to this thing.
    Sending blessings from London Town.
    SlopeSide likes this.