Dealing w/ loneliness, foreign country, and bisexuality

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by moonshapedpool, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. moonshapedpool

    moonshapedpool Fapstronaut

    Hi guys. Just posted a long update on my journal (over here, if anyone wants to read the whole thing: Till recently I was doing fine, I thought, but the occasional struggle with loneliness has really caught up to me recently. I've had this problem since I moved to Germany a year and a half ago, and only recently it's happened more often.

    One basic problem I have is that, while I have great colleagues in my grad program, and a handful of other people I get along well with in the area, I'd say I've not yet had any real, developed friends here. The few good friends, especially close ones, I have—the kind I can open up about anything, including this—are unfortunately nearly all are in the US, couple in the UK. (Though I have one potentially close friend here also in Germany, but quite a long distance to the north.) It's made it pretty hard for me when I hit crises, like what's sort of happened this last weekend, where having someone to call up and talk through things over a pint would help.

    This leads to another problem with bisexuality for me, and also romantic relationships in general. I've still not yet been in a formal relationship, but had what probably amounted to my first experience a month ago (if third base counts), with a guy—an experience I regret, and knew I would regret beforehand. In the end I found what I already thought of myself—only was into the guy for the sex, but that was it, to my shame and horror. I think it came about when I was at the worst stage of dealing with loneliness and the desire for physical intimacy, and horniness, all together coming about at the same time. Not good things altogether.

    It's only further entrenched this inner conflict I've had for a long time—finding myself sexually drawn to guys physically, but then get strongly, emotionally attached to certain girls. It also goes with my tendency to find close friendships only with guys (maybe normal?) in a way I couldn't have with girls. I don't know if one wire has gotten switched with another—and screwed over by a PMO'ing life—but it's only brought about the conflict further.

    I find I really want to have a relationship someday, and really only with a girl. I want to have a family, etc. And yet a great problem is that my circumstances just don't allow for any of that now, or at least I don't find myself ready for it. Esp. after my last experience, I don't want casual sexual relationships; I want it to mean something. And likewise with guys, if there's any intimacy there, I want it to be a real one as a friend—not as an excuse to get off. God help me...

    Sorry for the rambling. All to say, a couple questions for people: how do you guys manage loneliness while away in a foreign country, esp. when otherwise madly busy with studies? And for those who have dealt with it, how do you deal with bisexual inclinations, esp. when that's in juxtaposition to the desire to be good friends with guys?

  2. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I didn't go through living in a foreign country so far. Nevertheless, to deal with loneliness you either need to talk to people or distract yourself by working on your goals I think... Regarding the former I understand that it's not always easy to make close friends. I have not many around myself. I don't know you well enough to make a clear judgement, but may be you could try to reduce your threshold for talking about intimate subjects? If you see someone tête-à-tête you could just try to bring up the subject yourself.

    Regarding bisexuality, well, I recently uploaded a video on HOCD on Youtube. It contains my thoughts on the subject so far.
  3. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    Why do you associate yourself as bi? You do know lots of straight men are totally confused sexually because of pmo addiction.
    From what you say you want to be straight. You sound straight to me.
    In the depths of his PMO addiction my boyfriend was so confused about his sexual tastes. He was so over sexualized everything made him horny. He fantasized about men dominating him was he gay?! But he liked women and always had sex with women so he was bi? Thankfully he never went ahead with meeting a man because he knew deep down he didn't want a relationship with a man.
    What he did realize was he needs human connection. He was isolated for 2 years and went over the edge. He's always had social anxiety and bouts of depression.
    He did a stupid Facebook quiz and it said he was a toy poodle and one thing it said was he hated being alone. We laughed about it but damn it was true.
    I think if you stop all PMO and give it time your fetishes will lift. I can only speculate.
    I understand you are in an unfamiliar place and don't have friends or a significant other. Stop wasting time and energy surfing for porn and MOing. Get out there and meet real people.
  4. moonshapedpool

    moonshapedpool Fapstronaut

    Hey @Rav70, sorry I didn't respond. Time flies when you're busy and (not) having fun with academic work/life... Thank you for your message and encouragement. I really appreciate the last point, especially 'get out and meet real people'. Hard (for me at least), but true and so important.

    I don't particularly 'identify' as bi, and in general I shun identity labels. I do think, though, that romantically I've really found it hard with the idea to pair up with a guy, so you're maybe right there. It really does come down to getting it on with people though. I'll just say a couple experiences over the last two months sort of confirmed this for me... So now it's back to getting through month 1 and hopefully getting in the clear from P *and* MO by year's end, hopefully...

    And as always, thanks for your encouragement @Headspace. I'm slowly getting up to knowing people enough to chat casually, little by little.
    Rav70 likes this.
  5. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    @thereisjon I feel very similar to the way you do in regards to both genders, now I ultimately have made a conscious decision to only do stuff exclusively with women from here on out, however even now I am attracted to men sexually. I suppose you could always try a feminine male right? You may be attracted to feminine personality but masculine body types, so a feminine male would be right up your alley. What I will say though is that you basically have to choose one or the other, most women do not under any circumstance want bisexual men, so in order to get the lady of your dreams you must be decidedly straight, it might sound kind of deceptive but the issue is on the female's part for being unable to handle it, so you are just providing peace of mind.

    As for the whole developing close friendships with males that is extremely common, most people fair better with their own gender than outside of it, so I would say on average most of ones close friends throughout life are going to be of the same gender. In general your current situation is likely temporary, once you leave that area (I assume your going back to US right?) you could either pick up where you left off with your old chums or get new pals to hang with, don't concern yourself with that too much.
  6. jfromcr

    jfromcr Fapstronaut

    Hi thereisjon,

    I am sorry that you are going through this struggle. I know what it is like to be far from home with few friends. I don't have personal experience with HOCD, but I wrote something over here about obsessive thoughts that you might find helpful.
    moonshapedpool likes this.
  7. moonshapedpool

    moonshapedpool Fapstronaut

    @melancholy king ironically feminine types with guys have been kind of turn offs for me, lol... In general I notice I've gotten romantically attached just to girls, although when I notice guys I usually end up just becoming friends or moving on. But your point is taken, I think it makes sense; so far I also just see girls as the only possible domain of action. I think being stable and free from PMO for a decent amount of time will help determine things for me. So far bi- for me has been almost exclusively in the realm of PMO and, I think an extension on that, spontaneous hookups I definitely know will not develop (and really don't want in the end; I see it as an outgrowth of the addiction side of things). In that sense I'm trying to approach my sexuality in a balanced way, particularly in getting to know people first.

    Sort of a roundabout way of agreeing with you otherwise :)

    Friends-wise, I hope the old ones stay around. It's hard because almost certainly I will end up elsewhere than "home" in my line of work. That's maybe why I try to return back when I can, even though I also want to try my chances while I'm here. Guess we'll see.