If anyone is interested in getting fit with someone who has been there and done that, contact me with a PM. I write custom diet and supplement plans for fat-loss and muscle gain.
I'm currently 86 kgs with like 15%bf, I want to reach 100kg then make a cutting until it is really shredded. Need eat more and training hard, right?
Well...I am an individual with a skinny body. So I would love to know a proper dietary plan so that I gain some muscles.
Cool dude, it's a good idea. I will not recommend any specific diet, but what I can tell you is that you will have to eat more than you are used to. And train hard. Your body will use the nutrients to build muscle. Nofap helps a lot in this process
It depends on your current body composition, current lifestyle and diet. What are you currently eating and what are your goals ?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are not 15% body fat. People heavily underestimate their body fat levels. I just sent you a pic of me at 12%. Also, you can reach 100 Kgs but most of it will be fat mass. My advice is to not focus on the weight at all but to take weekly pictures to assess progress. Your diet and training will vary greatly depending on what you are trying to do: Gain muscle while minimizing fat gain or heavily shed fat while maintaining muscle or minimizing muscle loss.
True to be shredded at 100 you either got to be like 205 sm , or one of those dehydrated stage ready competitors .
Bro, it is totally possible to reach 100 kg. I don't want to get too shredded, just "natural". As I said, if I get 10 - 15 kg more, maintaining my fat percentage, that's fine. My genetics don't let me retain too much fat or water. And I still use testosterone weekly. In addition I have 1.83cm so I have structure to reach 100kgs or even more.
Somebody needs to tell it to you straight man. You are probably not even 20% body fat, judging by the fact that you didn't respond by sending a pic so that I could at least give you my opinion about your current body fat level. I am telling you, most males today are above 20% and think they are at 15%. Unless you are on TRT prescribed by a doctor for a medical condition, you shouldn't be using even mild doses of Test. With your body fat, most of it will aromatize to Estrogen. No male should EVER be above 14-15% before injecting external Test or even trying to get on a proper bulk to gain muscle mass. Your goal is unrealistic in my opinion. You will simply look at the scale and keep weighing yourself to reach 100 Kgs and you will just get fat in the process. It will take you months when you try to cut again to look decent. My advice: Cut right now and get to 10-12% and then try to SLOWLY gain muscle.