Disclosing PMO Addiction/Recovery to Family/Friends


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For people who are in PMO recovery, do you tell your family and friends about it? I get the sense that my family and friends have always figured something was "wrong" with me (how couldn't they), even if they didn't know exactly what it was. Now I'm in recovery, but they have no clue about that either. I feel like unless they know that I'm actually in recovery from something, they'll still go on to see/treat me like my past self, because they have expectations of who I am, how I act, based on a lifetime of experience. It's like I have this deeply personal battle going on in private, that nobody in my life knows about. They don't see it. As a result, nobody really KNOWS me. It would be nice to get support from family and friends during this time. But then again I know that one doesn't just blab about PMO addiction to the whole world. And it really is not anybody else's problem but my own, and don't want to hoist this problem on to family/friends and make it their problem as well

I'm interested in people's experiences with this
