Fapstronauts of the non-Anglophone world: how common is knowledge of English in your home country?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ghost in the Shell, Aug 31, 2020.

Is English sufficient for a cosmopolitan?

  1. Yes, English is all you need.

    2 vote(s)
  2. No, learn more languages.

    6 vote(s)
  1. I'm convinced that learning any foreign language besides English is increasingly more useless since nearly everyone knows English, especially millennials and zoomers not to speak of Gen Alpha.

    Do you agree? What's the situation in your country?
  2. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    Depending on where you live, you might need to learn something else because people won't understand you in English.
    While it is the international language, it is not something that most people can understand, let alone speak.
  3. Muphy

    Muphy Fapstronaut

    I think spanish is another language one should learn..
    I started it but stopped after some classes.. but its in my wish-list...

    anyway.. learning a new language activate another creative part of brain ..
  4. Well, I think you are shooting yourself in the foot by taking a narrow and utilitarian view of things.
  5. Abzu

    Abzu Fapstronaut

    it's a shame that in my country (atleast in schools) english is given more importance our national language hindi, i just can't stand it. Sounds like inferiority and feels like we are still controlled by britishers in this aspect, even our whole education system is based off what they established like and i really despise it.
  6. Learning new languages will never be useless, even if there is a so-called international language. I like to learn languages for fun, and so that I can connect with people and learn about other cultures. There are also career-related benefits to being multilingual. There is something very heart-warming about seeing the smiles on people's faces when a foreigner comes into their country and speaks with them in their native tongue.
  7. elvagoazul

    elvagoazul Fapstronaut

    In my country, very few people speak English fluently. I understand English myself, but I'm not able to speak it quickly or without a terrible accent. In addition, learning a new language is good for increasing mental abilities such as memory, and it prevents Alzheimer's disease.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  8. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    In Finland everyone is taught english at school. Some won't learn, others finished their studies before english was being taught or have forgotten most of it. However the majority of the finnish people do know at least some english and my english teacher claimed that people who graduate from lukio (I guess the closest equivalent would be high school) know english well enough to be able to study in english universities.
  9. Been itching to give Vietnamese a try, because I'm in a region in the US where there are lots of Vietnamese people.
  10. Der Drachenkönig

    Der Drachenkönig Fapstronaut

    At least where i'm from i know only a handful of people can speak english. Teaching that language is given a lot of importance because knowing a second language is considered a huge booster when applying for a job. In my case i know more than two languages, i want to travel the world one day so i'd like to know how to communicate in the countries i get to visit.