Fighting porn addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by F_Nietzsche, May 1, 2020.

  1. F_Nietzsche

    F_Nietzsche New Fapstronaut

    Dear all,

    I am quite new member here, but as an unregistered member I have started to read this forums more than two years ago and I tried nofap for the first time back then. I have to say that nofap and finghting porn addiction significantly helped me to change my (almost-incel) point of view on life in general. For you, who are new on this journey I have a little advise, which can help you at the beginning.

    1. Identify your enemy - Is a masturbation the problem or pornography? After having serious problems with ED I tried nofap for the first time and I just wasn't able to reach longer streak than 18 - 20 days even though I was strongly motivated. Why? I tried monk mode, but after two weeks I usually got serious genital pain (maybe blue balls or IDK) and several cum leaks during day and night. You cannot imagine how humiliating that was and after two or three days of suffering I always relapsed.

    Later I switched to only "no porn" mode and things were getting better. I was able to reach up to 60 days streak without porn and the only thing I tried to avoid was fantasizing about pornography while masturbating. Unfortunately, despite masturbating quite often I still had urges to watch porn, mostly because I was running of fantasies... another relapses happened. On the other hand I realised that being without any erotic stimulation is /for me/ unhealthy and I don't want to experience the pain and wet dreams again.

    2. Fight urges - This was the most challenging part of my journey. I tried to find a way how to get rid of that but only success I achieved were long 30 - 60 days no porn streaks and eliminating watching all of my favourite porn actresses except one... I read in many threads that masturbation always leads to falling back into pornography addiction, but I managed to control it to help me to fight urges.

    Basically I can do myself how many times I want, but when the urge comes, I stop for a one week and after this "week of refreshment" I can do it without any urges for porn.

    3. Stick to this schedule and control your body - Trying a monk mode can be pretty useful while exploring the reactions of your mind or body, but nefer forget that human is not an asexual animal and return back to your schedule when you feel some physical (not psychical) discomfort. If you feel, this schedule is not constantly sustainable, adjust it according to your needs, but remember what's your enemy.

    4. Stigmatize porn and anything related to that.

    5. Reduce your time on internet, especially on social media and find an offline hobby. Spend more time outside and do some sport.

    6. When "triggered" by a model photo on IG or 9Gag etc., search for photoshop edits in the picture :D and reconsider if he/she really looks that hot. It helped me a lot guys!

    7. Realising your progress improves confidence!

    8. Socialise and date!

    Thanks for reading this long article, I wish you good luck!
    Last edited: May 1, 2020
    BlueBallsOG and | Nico | like this.
  2. BlueBallsOG

    BlueBallsOG Fapstronaut

    Didnt know Nietzsche had a podn addiction?