Girls are so hot these days ..

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Hezeru, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. Are you migtow? I mean you don't have to be married at all but to avoid girls is kinda moving in the wrong direction. It's kinda like I'm too much of an addict to see a female.
  2. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    women spread pheromones, your brain goes crazy on that scent, either you like it or not
    The_Monk likes this.
  3. I've never heard that in my life.
    Low likes this.
  4. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    Mate I live in Spain... just imagine the girls here. Its summer so that means skimpy clothes.

    On the other hand it's great for testing your discipline
  5. Nucleus

    Nucleus Fapstronaut

    Exactly. Breathe in the beauty of these women and let it energize you. Dont lose control and simply jerk it all away or turn to fantasy. Let their beauty sink in and fill you with power.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  6. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    I always wonder why do women need to dress that way that makes men look at them? It's actually like a woman saying, hey dude come and look at me. And most of them end up with getting raped, sexual assault and sexual harassment. .
    The_Monk likes this.
  7. What women wear are never excuses for sexual assault.
  8. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    I never said that, but they are a pig part of the problem.
    Taylor25, Hardboiled24 and Low like this.
  9. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    actually the "uglier" ones can do it more intensive , so that man would attract to her :p you surely know a girl that grabs men's attention all the time
  10. I don't think it is as big a factor these days as most women have bald or nearly bald vulvas, pubes and pits. :oops: Pheromones are captured and more likely to be spread by a nice bush. :p Bring back the 1970s when people were just as clean btw. :D
  11. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    you're right, shaved maybe looks better, but only that :p
    Hardboiled24 likes this.
  12. Gents, @Lazarus Shuttlesworth speaks like a real, confident man. Please heed his advice.
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  13. Thank you @Lazarus Shuttlesworth for being the voice of balance, reason, and truth
  14. Hezeru

    Hezeru Fapstronaut

    Voice of balance :emoji_musical_score: sounds really untriggering :emoji_sob:
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  15. Low

    Low Fapstronaut

    lol this post though XD
    Taylor25 likes this.
  16. Iaroslava

    Iaroslava Fapstronaut


    Just imagine, you're in shorts because you think you look good in them/it's hot/it's comfortable/you feel confident in them. A man/woman grabs your ass in the bus. Is your outfit guilty of this aggression ? Did you make your body a public property by wearing shorts today ?

    Men and women can dress the way they want, whether they want to feel like they look good or because it's 25 degrees. Sexual aggressions and rapes are aggressors' and rapists' fault, just like for any other kind of aggression/crime.

    Furthermore, no, women are not wearing that skirt today so that you look at them and want to bang them. Just like men are not wearing shorts because they want to get banged in the street. Do a favor to males and don't participate to the belief that men are just brainless animals that have no other choice than uncontrollably salivate in front of human bodies.

  17. Spiff

    Spiff Fapstronaut

    I hate to do this.. because I think it may be an unpopular thing to say... but it's what comes to mind.

    Of course no male is ever excused of any aggresive, unwanted sexual behavior in any manner, even if it is only words. To use the way a woman dresses as an excuse for your own misbehavior is totally unacceptable and immoral.

    However, humans do inexcusable things all the time. Just look at the things that go on in this world, every day, all over the place. I wouldn't wrap myself in an american flag and read the bible while walking down the street in Pakistan. Should a mob lynch me - would it be unjust and not right? Sure. Would it be unexpected? No.

    Similarly, if a woman shows up in certain places dressed in certain ways, should she expect certain behavior from men? Sure. Would that behavior be unjust and not right? Of course.

    I feel as though this vehement argument that women should be able to wear whatever wherever and get as drunk as they want and theres no excuse for harrasment has its problems. It might be true, but it isn't practical. Many men will not consider the virtues of this argument before they rape someone.

    I make no excuses for men, I just know women who have suffered from these mistakes, and I would advise women to consider these thoughts.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  18. Iaroslava

    Iaroslava Fapstronaut

    First of all, teach to men/women to not rape, not to victims to blame themselves. I don't think that the comparison was relevant, as 900 declared rapes - declared rapes represent about 10% of rapes - occur everyday. This kind of speech "you must expect consequences" is not helping anybody. Dressing like a nun and drinking water have never protected anybody from being raped and it's a lie to say to our daughters "if you go home early and dress "properly", nothing will ever happen to you". With one woman out of 5 that was or will be sexually aggressed, it's time to admit that there is a problem in the education of our kids.

    Second, in 80% of cases of rape, the victim knew the rapist. One third of them are perpetrated in the relationship itself. Contrary to clichés, most rapes don't occur at night, in a small and dirty street, meeting a psychopath. Actually 96% of rapists do not have any kind of mental pathology.

    Your opinion is actually, and unfortunately, very popular. And this is why today 99% of rapes - of the 10% which were declared - will be classified and never lead to the condamnation of the rapist.
    Lazarus Shuttlesworth likes this.
  19. You are right and wrong. Look what happens to women is terrible absolutely but I don't think this culture at all helps with this. I have personally been in dance clubs and techno clubs where men and women will barely know each other and start grinding against each other and call it a fun activity. You have to understand sex is males weakness and once a man is in the mood it is very hard to contain it which unfortinitley sometimes leads to bad stuff.Another thing that plays into this problem is the porn industry which is what the fine Men and Women on this site are fighting because we want the best for us and the people around us which gives me hope that one day rape will be a thing of the past.

    I agree with you on the education part. I think to fix this problem we need better education on why this problem happens in the first place and teach men and women how to prevent either doing the crime or being a victim of a crime. Let's keep on doing what we are doing and eventually if we get a big enough following the whole world will join us.
  20. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

    Actually most women dress that way to bring attention, Have you ever seen a man wearing small shorts like women? No, again I never said that wearing of women that way is a justification for rapists, and aggressors. I said that women also share a part of the problem, a big one. That's why you see rape rates are very low in Islamic countries, because women there tend to not show parts of the body and even their hair.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017