Going ape sh*t has helped me see clearly.

Star Lord

I'll confess it probably seemed like I blew off over nothing to most people.
I've just had so much worry building up in the background that it got too much and unfortunately, this was the place where I flipped out.
It's a shame it wasn't on a mountain top and I could yell and cause an avalanche like in the movies but hey, timing isn't always that perfect.

So I contemplated my life, thought of idiotic things like suicide, but fortunately my survivor instinct is too logical to let me give up so easily.
I slept on it after balling my eyes out in rage.

I've since changed my name here because every fresh start needs an out with the old in with the new moment right?
So to anyone who I may have offended while I was seeing red mist...sorry.

I'm a new person now.
This is goodbye from RepentMySins
And hello from Star Lord.

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I'll confess it probably seemed like I blew off over nothing to most people.
I've just had so much worry building up in the background that it got too much and unfortunately, this was the place where I flipped out.

It happens to the best of us.
Welcome star lord.
Walk tall mate.