Hi. 18 year old newbie here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by steppenwolf, Sep 20, 2017.

  1. steppenwolf

    steppenwolf New Fapstronaut


    I've heard about nofap before, and made an account about two years ago. I think its time I start using it.
    I am a 18 year old male six months away from starting a science degree at university (I hope that's enough time for getting rid of this ridiculous addiction). I have been using pornography since the age of 13, when I was in year 7. The porn I saw on sites like pornhub were scary and deeply unsettling to me, so instead I used "soft core" porn you can find with a quick google image or youtube search. After a while I developed a feederism fetish, which I believe is infinitely worse to anything on pornhub or related sites due to the health implications to the members involved, and the weird power dynamic between gainers. It's disgusting and it's definitely not me, I just want to be a normal teen, interested in science and cool girls.

    Its impacted me in a lot of ways. I am anorexic due to the way I am drawn to fat fetish porn, afterwards feeling disgusted and worried I will gain weight. This then led to depression and anxiety as my stomach gurgled all the way through class in high school since I wasn't eating enough. I couldn't even look a girl in the eye due to how disgusting I felt from the fetish. (I have never had a girlfriend, or even kissed anyone.)

    I have tried to quit this several times, mostly on my own, which is why I now turn to nofap. The longest I have gone is about a month. I need this in my life because I really want a partner, and the only way I will build up confidence is by getting rid of this fetish. My rebooting parameters is completely cold turkey for nintey days, no masturbation or anything.

    Tomorrow is day 0, since I watched some this morning...
  2. Hey welcome! You are in the right place. I know you are in college with lots of books to read. But, please take a few minutes and read the "getting started" guide on the front page. You can download it for free. I read it over and over and it took a bit of time, but I at last saw myself in it.

    Best of luck
    steppenwolf likes this.
  3. steppenwolf

    steppenwolf New Fapstronaut

    Thanks :) I'll read the document...
  4. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

    The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
    steppenwolf likes this.
  5. steppenwolf

    steppenwolf New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the post :) It's good to have support like this.. For my strategies, I've made I huge list of why I shouldn't watch porn, which I have memorised and write down each morning. I've made progress chart of ninety days which I've tick off each day, and I've bookmarked the panic button. I feel this isn't enough though... any ideas?
  6. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut