Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by MrMojoRisin, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Fapstronaut

    Hello my fellow NoFappers,
    I need some advice, as you can probably tell by the title, this has to do with this girl at my gym. Let me break down the situation. There is this girl at my gym that I see ALL THE TIME, she is super cute, and obviously very passionate about working out (she's not crazy muscular, but very nice physique). Anyways, I talked to her once when I started my commitment to the gym, was feeling stupid high from a workout and managed to muster up the courage to talk to her. Asked her what she was training for, made small talk, she seemed really nice. This is my problem, I asked for her number, she said she had a boyfriend, we left it at that. Fast forward, like 5 or 6 months, maybe longer, I still see her. We haven't talked since, she's always very into her routine. The thing is, I would love to get a second chance at talking to her, and I don't know what it is, but I get some kind of vibe like I should. I just don't know how to approach it. I respect that it's the gym, and she's set on doing a workout, I know I wouldn't like being bothered, but damn, it driving me crazy. What can I do? How can I initiate another conversation? Should I even attempt it? The other said truth is, I forgot her name. Or at least, from what I remember it doesn't sound right. It wasn't a simple name. It was something completely foreign. But yeah, that's where I'm at. If any of you can offer some advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Nighthigh

    Nighthigh Fapstronaut

    She told you she has a friend so what? You are free to have a talk with her anyway. You can speak about something important for her, the workout! You will see where the conversation is finally ending. If you speak with a girl with the idea to get her number you are screwed up before it starts.
  3. You went up to her and talked to her. Bravo! Way to man up there. She could tell you were interested but she told you she has a boyfriend, so she said no. Bummer, but it happens. She moves on and from what it sounds like has given you zero signals that she's interested in talking further. You, however, think because it's been 5-6 months since that encounter that it would now be the perfect time to try again. Hmmm. Why? What has given you this impression? Doesn't sound like she's hinted for your attention, hence her being really into her routine. So what's your reasoning for pursuing this further? Is it simply because you want her really really badly to the point you're willing to be that guy who can't take no for an answer?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2017
    M.E.X., VanillaMacDre, Quiver and 6 others like this.
  4. Karimtolstoi

    Karimtolstoi Fapstronaut

    In my opinion you should forget about her and try to move to another one. Otherwise you will exhaust yourself with multiple hypotheses without having any result.
    M.E.X., VanillaMacDre, Quiver and 4 others like this.
  5. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    Hitting on girls at the gym is a no no
  6. I think you should forget her.
    Karimtolstoi and SilentJay313 like this.
  7. TheAwhit

    TheAwhit Fapstronaut

    "I asked for her number, she said she had a boyfriend, we left it at that."

    This is my thing.. If she did not give your her number and she stated she has a boyfriend.. She probably doesn't. She doesn't seem too interested at the moment. But PM me if you want me to tell you how to get her interested in you, I can't explain everything here
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2017
  8. I'd go with the "Is it hot in this gym or just You", JK. Then do like 50 pushups in front of her LOL.
  9. the only way is to change the gym. she doesnt want to have anything in common with you, leave her alone. you dont know how to read women signals if u asked for a number and she refused so this ....yet congrats on hitting to a girl.
    BlueDragonfly likes this.
  10. Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya

    Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya Fapstronaut

    You want advice?

    Man up. Stop talking about girls on a masturbation themed forum.

    Stop fapping, start talking to girls you find "hot" in the gym. Keep talking, don't fap. One of these days a girl, or woman, is gonna ask to see you outside the gym.
    VanillaMacDre and TheAwhit like this.
  11. Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya

    Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya Fapstronaut

    Bro rejection is a part of the process. The guck he should change gyms. She should.
    pranav02 likes this.
  12. Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya

    Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya Fapstronaut

  13. Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya

    Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya Fapstronaut

    News flash. The gym is a playground of uninhibited sexualities.
    Nighthigh likes this.
  14. Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya

    Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya Fapstronaut

    Brother, never ask her for her number first. If she gives it to you, ok.

    Did you ask her if she was on social media? Are you? So much more casual and easy to toss and grab an Instagram or Facebook contact these days from a stranger you converse with. Let her give you the number next time, but from your avatar you seem like a fuckin hound dog.
    VanillaMacDre likes this.
  15. Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya

    Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya Fapstronaut

    You can start another conversation. Or let her.

    Why should she want to talk with you? Are you as attractive as she is? Be honest.
    MrMojoRisin and TheAwhit like this.
  16. Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya

    Tell 'Em Jonny Sent Ya Fapstronaut

    What do you have to offer her other than desire?
  17. Sounds to me like you've answered all your own questions. She is not giving you any indication that she's interested in talking or initiating a relationship, so I would say it's time to move on and forget about her. If you have a casual conversation here or there, fine, but you shouldn't be thinking so hard about how to initiate a conversation with this girl, in my opinion. She's made it clear that she isn't interested, and she's busy... some girls go to the gym to meet people, sure, but if she's someone who is passionate about being fit and who has a boyfriend, she isn't one of them. If she's a nice person, I'm sure she's happy to chat every once in a while with strangers, but for the most part she probably wants to be left alone.
    Saskia Simone and Third_Eye like this.
  18. Lol what? How on earth do you come to that conclusion? Okay, so let's say she does have a boyfriend... what would you expect her to say or do in that situation that would be different from what she did? She didn't give him her number and said she had a boyfriend... sounds to me like exactly what someone with a boyfriend would say. I mean what, was she supposed to give him her number anyway? What exactly could she have done that would make you believe she has a boyfriend?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2017
  19. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    Looks like the forums has its very own Hugh Hefner.
    VanillaMacDre and TheAwhit like this.
  20. Honestly I'm not sure what you should do bc at first I was thinking that you shouldn't bc she, based on what you said, has zero interest in you. Has she been peeking over/smiling at you? Has she noticed you checking her out every single tme she goes to the gym?

    I'm assuming it would go badly. But on the other hand, what do you have to lose? Shooters gonna shoot, my man.

    I say go for it, go up to her. What do you have to lose?
    TheAwhit and Deleted Account like this.