how many have disdain for where they live and where would you Move

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Onceagain2.0, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    It's not that bad where I live right now, I would not say I have disdain for it; I live in Europe, in a small town of about 2000 people, which is about one hour highway drive away from the big capital city. I like it here because I can hike in the forests, and I can hike to some hills with beautiful view—sometimes I watch sunset there while meditating—I like nature; the town is surrounded my miles of forests and farmlands. And I am not too social, I mostly spend time on my own anyways, so I like how quiet it is here. But at the same time I don't like how close community is; not many people here so people notice other people. When I used to live in the capital city I liked how I was lost in the crowd, there is certain type of anonymity in that which I enjoyed that you just don't get in small towns.
    I would like to move to some other country some day for few years. My place is fine but I am bored of it. I want some more exotic culture. Would be cool to live for few years in Thailand for example. Maybe a decade or so and then come back here to rise family when I am older or something.
  2. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    Yuppies are parasites, they claim to be conservatives but conserve nothing but their own greed and wealth. They are soulless and hold no value to the world. Disgusting people.
  3. Would you say you want to chops their jaws off with an axe?
  4. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

  5. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    The last time I was in NYC, it was for a quick stop and it was during rush hour and what an insane experience it was. I did not know that cop cars can shove other vehicles out of the road lol. I saw it happen when a guys bumper got fucked up as cop car shoved him 10 feet across the road to get his ass out the way but he couldn’t even move in the first place due to the traffic. The subway smelled like shit and everyone was crammed inside with no room to breathe while homeless people with bags of trash hogged up 3 seats. Then it started to downpour and everyone just got drenched and scrambled into the nearest store to wait it out. I was there for only an hour or so and decided to get the hell out of there as I continue on my trip to Boston.
  6. [​IMG]
  7. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    funny how feds have an endless money pit of resources and the newest, most advanced technology yet stick out like a sore thumb. Like an old man with 60 years of combat experience but doesn't know how to plug the TV in.
  8. This is why they will lose, we have the power of God and autism on our side.
  9. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    NYC is known for being dirty, in a way that's what makes it charming. The city is constantly moving and changing. Always wanted to visit Brooklyn but not so much Manhattan. Manhattan looks like a giant facade made to entertain and impress tourists. Whereas Brooklyn is a lot more working-class (or was) and feels genuine and authentic. Every single ethnic/cultural group you can think of is there. Impossible to get bored since the city is so big. Each local community has its own unique history and quirks. Reminds me of my hometown, feels familiar in a way but on a much larger scale. At least in a big city, you're more likely to have opportunities and experiences in life. I've never been to a place with more than a million people so my view on city life is a little romanticized.
  10. It absolutely is romanticized dude. Visit one of these ethnic ghettoes and your "authentic" experience will be being beaten up for the spare change in your pocket and left by the side of the road for passerby's to totally ignore you while you bleed out. If you avoid that, enjoy your overpriced food served to you by greaseballs who'll cuss you out if you say anything to them. Have fun paying for everything through bulletproof glass because of the constant fear of some hoodrat running into the store and shooting the cashier in the head.
  11. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    i wish reality was more like media so things didn't look so depressing all the time
  12. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    NYC next to Sanfran is the most disgusting city in the united states.

    The people in it are some of the coldest, miserable, and apathetic people you'll ever have the misfortune of dealing with in your life. They're unapologetically loud, aggressively rude, and willing to fight you over the most trivial things.

    You can be walking down the streets in Manhattan and have some gutter person force a CD in your hands or beads and try to force you to pay for it. You can be carrying your child while this is taking place and when you refuse they'll want to fight you. A very evil city.
  13. Binglebonglebangles would be better off visiting a city like Tokyo. All the hustle and bustle of the big city (in fact it is a mega city by definition) but with an extremely low crime rate and citizens who are generally polite and courteous. The worst that might happen is you get refused service for being a foreigner but that to me is preferable than being stabbed for my wristwatch in Times Square.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    This is still the media my man.

    Obviously guys here are either exaggerating or also got it from the media/second handed, objectively a city that manage to attract tens of millions of tourists per year is not quite the sh*thole they are making it to be.
  15. I'm not sure what a place being a tourist trap has to do with whether or not it's a dump. Plenty of popular places are dumps and there are plenty of beautiful places people don't visit. New York attracts tourists because it's one of the cultural capitals of the world and because of the romantic idea people have they are sold through movies and TV shows. In reality it's just a giant steel and stone ant farm like nearly all major cities. Especially American cities which are often less aesthetically pleasing than much older European cities.
  16. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    My post is all from lived experience.

    I've unfortunately had to frequent these areas in the past.
  17. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    Blackpool gets over 13 million tourists a year and yet is the poorest town in Northern/Western Europe. The whole place looks like the 1950s because none of the houses have been refurbished or knocked down. The town is a kitsch chav tourist trap that ignores all its issues. NYC seems to be the same way but on a much bigger scale. If I were to go to NYC, I would only visit once for the sake of seeing what it's like in person.
  18. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    I was planning on going to Tokyo next year with my friends but the travel costs put me off.
  19. A lot of English cities are like that, especially in the north.

    Yeah Japan is hideously expensive for most people. A far better bet than most other big cities though. Personally Kyoto appeals to me more.
  20. Bingles

    Bingles Fapstronaut

    My family are on benefits so not a chance I can afford to go to Japan. But I am wanting to visit Germany for the EUROs next year if Scotland qualifies. Hopefully visit Berlin for two days or so. Never been abroad before, it's a personal dream of mine.