I’m new to Journaling!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by A_glass1900, Feb 16, 2021.

  1. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut

    I have been journaling for the first time on nofap. I'm still new to it. Is it basically writing down about your day? How are you been feeling? What you have accomplished today? And observeing your own feelings in regards to rebooting?

    Since I reset/relapsed on my 15th nofap streak, do I stop where I left off and continue journaling again until I get passed by the day of the reset/relapse happened on? Or do I just keep on journaling?
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2021
  2. The emperor

    The emperor Fapstronaut

    Journalling helps you to keep in touch with your feelings.

    Whatever happens,

    Never Stop!

    If journalling works for you,

    Never Stop!!
    BobbyBaccala1987 and A_glass1900 like this.
  3. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut

    Thank you Emperor!
  4. Ruhns9593

    Ruhns9593 Fapstronaut

    I took on a journaling habit throughout lockdown (oldschool, pen to paper, notebook type stuff) honestly helps keep you on a much more level playing field.

    Don't worry, I too feel awkward journaling in regards to NoFap. It can be sometimes difficult to express you wrestling with this problem into words.

    If you're interested in Day to Day journaling, my structure is as follows:

    In the morning:
    • 3x things I am grateful for
    In the evening:
    • Wins from today
    • One thing I Did Badly
    • How can I improve on this
    • Life on a scale of 1 - 10
    • How can I improve that score by 1

    Best of luck, like Emperor said, never underestimate the power of writing things down to clear your head.
    A_glass1900 likes this.
  5. For what anecdotes are worth, I will say that it helped me tremendously. I should get back into it.