i'm worried about these testosterone spike, it only spikes because we are decades depleted with testosterone and now recovering, after these spikes the flow of testosterone will become normally healthy means you are not in need of spikes because it is now free flowing on your bloodstream, that's why the urge never stop to hunt you even in longer streak because those urge can be converted to testosterone for useful work, also accumulated vitamins and minerals where cultivated to your system as long as you are on this journey, its like your second puberty, the hormones is re-engineering your physical and mental body once more because you are retaining, if you relapse its not because you lose some vitamins or other important stuff, but you take a hit again of dopamine highs that's why rewarding is must to be avoided at all cost and again you will be back again in the spiral loop of addiction it can be slower for others or it can be faster to some but all will meet at the end when the symptoms caused by PMO comes knocking at your door once again and you want to stop and reboot again. And as you reboot further you will consider again to relapse, you think its not harmful. but the body just like any other material, its depreciating so the recovery can't be the same twice because we are aging and has different bodily constitutions because of individuality and genetic heritage, for those who will read this, if the urge for relapsing is harassing you in this moment you better adjust your emotions and read more of rebooting articles because will and determination is not enough we must approach this addiction professionally.