I don't live the moment!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Aug 28, 2017.

  1. Hello guys,
    I will go straight to the point I feel like I don't live in the present I get this weird feeling that this moment is nah. I am 16 and a half years old and I feel really bored of everything I don't care to look good dress good and go to parties. But i get this feeling of what others might say about me and i want people to think that i am unique. .The past 1-2 years I spent a great time of my weeks on working out I have a great body and I eat mostly well for most kids in my age. I just cant get what is going wrong. I am bored of studying I just want to play counter strike and do nothing. Although I feel that I am made for extreme stuff.
    Abstain_for_gains likes this.
  2. jmavblitz

    jmavblitz Fapstronaut

    This can usually be traced back to our dopamine levels being funky in the beginning of the NoFap challenge.

    Dopamine is the pleasure chemical. It helps make us see the world as either dull and boring (low dopamine levels) or full of life and color (regular dopamine levels).

    Constant PMO is a horrible habit for Dopamine.

    P blasts our brain with an unhealthy amount of Dopamine, and when we're finished our Dopamine levels stay unusually low (think of it as like a hangover).

    After a week or 2 into the NoFap challenge, you'll start to notice that you're looking forward to life again.

    You'll want to improve yourself, dress well, and be social...and I want to add all of these feelings will come back naturally.

    This is because abstinence from PMO brings our Dopamine levels back to normal.

    You've mentioned that you love extreme sports activities and you feel great after working out. Find a sports team or club to join where you can show off your skills in these areas!

    Take these steps and you'll start to live in the moment. You'll understand how precious time is, and you'll want to make amazing memories with the people you workout with.
  3. Wow thanks you bro for your answer. I will do my best to stay on no pmo because there are huge benefits and I hope this solve the dopamine levels as you mentioned. :) However this year it is impossible for me to join a team as you said because at the end of the year I am sitting Really important exams!
  4. jmavblitz

    jmavblitz Fapstronaut

    Perhaps you can form a study group with people and you can meet someone who understands how much work you have to put in. Then you can see if this person has the same priorities with you and likes to do extreme sports/workout as well.

    Essentially, try to find a way to make time with your schedule and stick with it. Wake up earlier, cut out distractions to save time...it's possible...you need to take a look around at your daily schedule and see how you divide up your time.

    For example, I'm in college and I'm also on the University track and cross country team because I like to compete in running. Before I left home for college, I decided to leave all of my video games at home because I knew deep down that it would just waste my precious time. My teammates and I also get together immediately after a hard workout so we can study together and finish all of our school work.

    It's easy to skip a practice or workout early in the morning if you're going by yourself all alone...but you have that extra motivation to wake up early in the morning if you have a training partner waiting on you!
  5. as you lose addiction you get more interested in other things. natural things.
  6. PedroCalrissian

    PedroCalrissian Fapstronaut

    I honestly wish I had the same revelation of not living in the moment at your age, which is kind of ironic because dwelling on the past isn't living in the moment, but I'm gonna try to share my expirence that might by relevant.

    I basically spent all of high school in an emotionless daze, worried about what everyone thought of me, avoiding the present, and watching a lot of porn. Basically the only social aspect of my life was playing hockey. Point being sports are a great thing to be a part of, especially at your age. When I started high school I was in honors classes and was challenging myself in school. But porn likely caused me have a complete lack of motivation, switching into extremely easy classes and eventually losing all interest in hockey which had been my favorite part of life from the first time I laced up the skates and grabed a stick. I was depressed starting to have minor suicidal thoughts. The only thing that got me passed depression was to stop thinking on the past and to forgive everything that I held inside me.

    Which lead to the next phase of my life. At this point I was no longer depressed but I was still missing something. I suspected porn could be part of the problem and I started my journey on nofap. But I also noticed that I was always looking ahead to the future. I was excited for school to end for summer, then I was bored of summer and was ready for my internship to start in a couple of weeks. After a couple weeks of the internship I was longing for class to start again so I could hang out with my friends more. This left me with a very empty feeling. Then I started looking at how to live the present, which lead me to a book called "the power of the now". Although I'm still practicing silencing the mind and living in the now, I would definitely recommend the book if your interested in living in the moment. It also helps with dealing with urges to pmo.

    Wow this post really dragged on, I guess your post struck a cord with me. To sum it up; dwelling on the past made me depressed and thinking of the future left me empty when the moment actually arrived. Hopefully this was interesting and maybe something useful to you. Learn from my mistakes, avoid porn and try to live in the moment it's where you'll find happiness. Your still quite young and I'm sure you got a bright future if your already here on nofap trying to better yourself!

    Good luck