I'm in a dilemna here , Anyone else faced the same ? {Need Help}{Numbing}


Okay, So this is my second thread on Nofap because I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. So forgive me if this already exists but I need to get it out.

One of the mains reasons I choose Nofap is because nowadays, I can't feel anything!
No emotions , No regrets, Reduced care for my loved ones.
You try to seek Happiness around you, Take a moment to observe the world.
You can't find the pleasure or happiness anymore in small things !
All I want to do (After and before nofap) is to sleep and not give a damn about anything.
I have to study , Prepare for exams , Try to get a relationship but I can't . I just can't focus on either of them, Too much multitasking shuts down my entire brain.

Its not like I'm desperate to get laid. Fine without it. I gotta focus on academics but u see, when I AM desperate, The only solution to feel Something.. is PMO
Too many voids in my life, Past about a rejection, Stress for studies, Hopes , Expectations..
I wonder what's left in.

i will suggest few practical things. try it and if u find it usefull, share it with others.

ur 17yr, ur young man. ur styding.
get some motivational,interesting,happy quotes. but their should be only two-three words. example. keep calm, be strong, stay focus,be happy,keep smiling.

every day keep repeating this words as soon as u get time. try it. it will help sooner than u realize it.
another suggestion .

ur 17yr , ur student, ur young.

u might know mathematical tables.
try reminding mathematical table whenever u go to sleep or u have time .