Indulging in Porn whenever my gf is away... anyone feels the same?


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Hy guys, I have a problem for a while now, it's basically in the title.

So I live with my gf but sometimes we have 1 to 7 days where we don't see at all. It's often over holidays where I am not occupied with anything (work, study, chores,...).

I start watching P often out of boredom or because I "think I can and won't be bad" but then I completely loose myself and watch up to 10 times/day and more while my mind is constantly around this. I think a big factor is that I don't have proper hobbys (except a bit gaming, which I want to cut down aswell) and then I just start my computer - watching a bit youtube, a bit memes and suddenly my mind thinks "hey why don't we watch some p???".

Anyone has some tipps for me or feels the same?
Yep, P is a thing that gets progressively worse.

Did I say progressively?
That’s a sign of a problem.

Find things to do and do them.
Things that have meaning to you.

Get an AP, several, to connect
with at those times.
Text gf nice things at work.
Hy guys, I have a problem for a while now, it's basically in the title.

So I live with my gf but sometimes we have 1 to 7 days where we don't see at all. It's often over holidays where I am not occupied with anything (work, study, chores,...).

I start watching P often out of boredom or because I "think I can and won't be bad" but then I completely loose myself and watch up to 10 times/day and more while my mind is constantly around this. I think a big factor is that I don't have proper hobbys (except a bit gaming, which I want to cut down aswell) and then I just start my computer - watching a bit youtube, a bit memes and suddenly my mind thinks "hey why don't we watch some p???".

Anyone has some tipps for me or feels the same?
Try to do more productive activities bro during your free time, anything that you enjoy. Activities that help me a lot during times of intense urges are spending time with nature, exercising and photography. I hope you'll find those activities that you really enjoy while your gf is away. You have to stop PMO before it ruins you and your relationship.