Is this hocd?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by asdfadsf, Mar 15, 2023.



  1. yes

    10 vote(s)
  2. no you are gay

    0 vote(s)
  1. asdfadsf

    asdfadsf Fapstronaut

    Once when i was 10-11 (i think) i had a gay phase but it really was a phase because at that time i was an edgy cringe kid (acting like im depressed) and i thought that being gay was soo cool and i wanted that cool feeling. After some time i grew out of that cringe phase and i realised that im into girls. Since then i never had a gay thought. But since i started nofap i started having gay thoughts. Is this hocd?
  2. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    Could just be your mind reaching for that sweet dopamine as you take it away. My fantasies were on fire when I was on two longer streaks. If you can't get the real thing, your mind can just fantasize and get sips. That's why a lot of guys say you can't entertain fantasy at all during a reboot.
  3. Do you think you are Bisexual? (Attraction to both men and women) I remember back in high school I had fantasies about about both men and women for about three days, now I am exclusively attracted to women. I think it could be the case that your mind could be wandering a little or you could be Bisexual. Which unfortunately hurts your chances of getting a girlfriend as most women do not like guys who are Bisexual. Either way, I take the advice of @FocusIsLove don't entertain fantasies. I relapsed after trying to entertain mine.
  4. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    bisexual or straight or gay, I am not sure the distinction matters these days, especially depending on your philosophy. Part of the reason I say that is that I feel like porn has muddied the water beyond what we can understand. If you had your natural sex drive, and hadn't hopped up your mind on a limitless voyeurism, who would you be attracted to? Would you have the same fantasies or attractions, or would it be much different? We really can only imagine. The genie is out of the bottle, and there is no putting it back. The best we can do is become sober and see how we are after.
  5. Believe2Achieve

    Believe2Achieve Fapstronaut

    HOCD is a subset of OCD, it’s where you obsessively fear that your sexual orientation is not what you thought it was.

    Straight people with (H)OCD tend to have irrational fears that they are gay or bisexual, and it’s more so a fear of identity loss than a fear of being attracted to the same sex. When they get these intrusive thoughts, it causes anxiety which leads them to do compulsions which is basically things you do to seek reassurance, for example if I got a thought that I might be gay, I would check gay porn to make sure I’m still disgusted/not aroused by it to reassure myself I am straight. But by reassuring myself, I basically make my brain think that these thoughts are important, which makes the OCD stronger and leads to more thoughts and more anxiety and it becomes a endless cycle of thought - anxiety - compulsion - reassurance, it can get so bad that you become dissociated with reality and can only focus on your OCD.

    No, what you described is not OCD, nor does it mean you’re gay either.
  6. asdfadsf

    asdfadsf Fapstronaut

    then what?
  7. asdfadsf

    asdfadsf Fapstronaut

    i get anxiety too
  8. penisman1984

    penisman1984 Fapstronaut

    Could you elaborate on these gay thoughts and the "gay phase"?
  9. asdfadsf

    asdfadsf Fapstronaut

    What do you want to know?
  10. asdfadsf

    asdfadsf Fapstronaut

    Ok well the gay thoughts became strong when i started having hocd for the first time and i fed it. I read only that you shouldnt feed it but i did.. I felt horrible while doing it but i just did it. Now i know that they are just thougts and i should ignore them but im scared that i might be gay or bi. I just know that im not any of those.. I literally want to ask out a girl at school. The gay phase: I started crushing (at the time what i would call him) a cute guy. As i said i was an edgy kid so if i knew a way that i could be different in and get attention i would do it. So like i started being obsessed about being gay. Eventually i just grew out of that. Right know i know something that might be the cause of my hocd but its really an embarrassing story so i wont tell it but if you really want to know it i can send it to you in dm.
  11. penisman1984

    penisman1984 Fapstronaut

  12. asdfadsf

    asdfadsf Fapstronaut

    How can i dm here
  13. asdfadsf

    asdfadsf Fapstronaut
