
Because it's incredibly advanced technology, compared to even 10 years ago. To call it bad just shows that we are spoiled, because we've gotten used to such advancements. Pretty much any movie you see these days that has any sort of effects, people say the CGI is bad. If someone from 10-20 years ago hopped in a time machine, came to 2017 and watched a movie like IT, they would be absolutely blown away. But people nowadays are like "meh." It's sad, really. There's no more appreciation to the work involved in making a film, because we're so used to it all and everyone is a critic now.
Because it's incredibly advanced technology, compared to even 10 years ago. To call it bad just shows that we are spoiled, because we've gotten used to such advancements. Pretty much any movie you see these days that has any sort of effects, people say the CGI is bad. If someone from 10-20 years ago hopped in a time machine, came to 2017 and watched a movie like IT, they would be absolutely blown away. But people nowadays are like "meh." It's sad, really. There's no more appreciation to the work involved in making a film, because we're so used to it all and everyone is a critic now.
Oh.... okay.
I see what you mean.
Because it's incredibly advanced technology, compared to even 10 years ago. To call it bad just shows that we are spoiled, because we've gotten used to such advancements. Pretty much any movie you see these days that has any sort of effects, people say the CGI is bad. If someone from 10-20 years ago hopped in a time machine, came to 2017 and watched a movie like IT, they would be absolutely blown away. But people nowadays are like "meh." It's sad, really. There's no more appreciation to the work involved in making a film, because we're so used to it all and everyone is a critic now.

I agree to some extent, but I swear the kinda horror that you do NOT see, is where the magic happens.

Where they suggest something terrible and your imagination plays with your senses.

Nothing beats 'The shining', the scene that gets me is when the little boys is playing with his toy cars down a long corridor, the music shifts, and a ball out of nowhere rolls toward him.
I agree to some extent, but I swear the kinda horror that you do NOT see, is where the magic happens.

Where they suggest something terrible and your imagination plays with your senses.

Nothing beats 'The shining', the scene that gets me is when the little boys is playing with his toy cars down a long corridor, the music shifts, and a ball out of nowhere rolls toward him.
Oh, I totally agree with that. I don't see how it relates to what I was talking about, though. I was responding to someone who specifically said the CGI was terrible, which I think is silly, given that it's clearly incredibly advanced technology. It makes me roll my eyes a bit when people complain about something that didn't even exist a mere couple decades ago.
It just looks fake as hell. It's the same grey-ish desaturated-ish boring cinematography in every scene, in every setting, outside, inside, sun, rain...
Didn't seem that way to me at all. But I actually saw the movie, so....

Obviously you're entitled to your opinion. I just disagree with it.
I saw the movie last movie last Sunday, and all I gotta say... it was great. I found this new film a lot more better than the original.

Here's why I said that, and let's face it. The original was pretty much cheesy and a total
lackluster. Everything was regular for me. Don't get me wrong, I respect Tim Curry's work, he did a good job. But the old one was simply rushed. I don't hate it though, I just found it "meh".

The new movie, however, did more justice. It stuck more to the novel, longer storyline, better acting, better effects. Although, I admit that there were some mistakes in the movie.

Those are just my thoughts.
I saw this one then went back and watched the older one. Once again, props to curry but the new one is better. It made effective use of camera angles (wide angle shots to simulate when a character is being watched... which is basically all the time) and i really liked how the child actors didn't suck (compare to say... star wars episode one.) I'm not really into scary movies but it had pretty compelling characters, which was really built into its dna by King.

Honesty this made me sad they already fucked up the Dark tower. How cool would a Steven king cinematic universe have been?
In another thread he basically said I look like a man.

Most attractive man I've ever seen.

The cinematography is terrible

Are you kidding me? The cinematography in this movie was f***ing gorgeous, especially in all the daylight exteriors.

It's the same grey-ish desaturated-ish boring cinematography in every scene

Clearly we saw a different movie, because the one I saw had colors popping all over the place.
Most attractive man I've ever seen.

Are you kidding me? The cinematography in this movie was f***ing gorgeous, especially in all the daylight exteriors.

Clearly we saw a different movie, because the one I saw had colors popping all over the place.
Haha aw, well thanks. :p

And yes, I totally agree. I don't understand that critique at all. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the movie was perfect or that people aren't allowed to critique it. But that particular criticism doesn't really seem accurate at all to me.
But that particular criticism doesn't really seem accurate at all to me.

That or the comment about CGI. The CGI in the movie was actually pretty damn good, and I didn't feel like it was overdone.

And I thought it was scary as hell. The scene in the basement of the library freaked me out ... and obviously the "you'll float too" scene with Georgie in the basement of the house.

But I still don't think a clown will ever scare me as much as that f***ing doll from the original Poltergeist.

Bro how did you even find this thread? This was way long ago lol
Lol right? I was so confused when this popped up on the off topic page. I was like wait... I made a thread about It? When? :p

I saw it cant wait intill the secound one!
Glad you enjoyed it! I'm planning to watch the first one again before I see the second. Since I've only seen it when it was in theaters, I think it's been long enough that I don't remember everything that happens, so it'll be fun to watch again.
I haven’t seen it. Personally I find the majority of horror films down right terrible. Horror movies lack plot and good diolague. With the exception of Silent Hill and the first three Saw films every horror film I’ve ever watched left me with a deep sense of “dear god what a terrible fucking movie”. I do plan on watching the IT reboot though. Mostly because I’m a big Dark Tower fan and everything written by Stephen King is tied to that series. I’m hoping to see some Dark Tower easter eggs.
I haven’t seen it. Personally I find the majority of horror films down right terrible. Horror movies lack plot and good diolague. With the exception of Silent Hill and the first three Saw films every horror film I’ve ever watched left me with a deep sense of “dear god what a terrible fucking movie”. I do plan on watching the IT reboot though. Mostly because I’m a big Dark Tower fan and everything written by Stephen King is tied to that series. I’m hoping to see some Dark Tower easter eggs.
I don't think It falls into that category. It's a really good movie, and there is a solid plot and good characters