Misdiagnosed into circumcision depressed and suffering from pied please help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by My Best self, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. Can someone help me I’ve been so depressed at the end of 2020 I was circumcised I have been depressed ever since and I keep going back to porn more and more I’ve never had sex because I thought something was wrong with me and a doctor thought the problem was something else so I was pretty much terrified of being humiliated so I kept trying to recover turns out there was nothing to recover from I was just masturbating too much my pied has been getting worse lately because I keep going back to porn I just want to quit I struggled trying for 7 years so I would not be circumcised I wound up giving up in 2020 after a long streak I can get erections with porn sometimes I can wake up erect too so I think it’s possible to recover from pied I’m just starting to lose belief, again could someone give me some advice or encouragement don’t be too harsh I’m just really worried if my mind has suffered too much trauma from all of this all I ever wanted was love not this
  2. Lifewarrior24

    Lifewarrior24 Fapstronaut

    Have you tried therapy? I went through similar situations. PIED all my life. Did sex therapy for a few months and it got somewhat better but fell back into the habit and it returned. Also got a circumcision last year thinking it would help but same problems. After doing some intensive therapy I found childhood trauma and issues that led me down this dark road. Have been porn/orgasm free for 38 days now. Had some urges where I slipped and edged but I reminded myself why I am doing this. Better, happier life. Less depressed anxious and more confident. You can do this once you are truly motivated for a change.
    mentorr likes this.
  3. I was going too but my insurance did not cover the one they tried to put me with I had just started boxing and at the time that was doing some help in me so it’s pretty much been me reading my Bible as of the last several months and boxing but I think I’ve just been chickening out of therapy
  4. Lifewarrior24

    Lifewarrior24 Fapstronaut

    Any type of therapist can help. Last therapist wasn’t a sex therapist but help me realize trauma that can cause sexual dysfunction later in life. Also meditation can help tremendously. Working out as much as possible especially if urges are high. Find all the tools that work for you!
  5. Meditation I kind of quit that since my depression tried it once the other day so any kind of therapist I’m just trying to get better so I can finally move on in life I just want a girlfriend or wife I feel great shame and embarrassment when I know I can’t get it up that well I just want some happiness in life
  6. Lifewarrior24

    Lifewarrior24 Fapstronaut

    Same we all want love from another but we gotta start with loving yourself first enough to quit doing the things causing the harm. The confidence will come back and the anxiety of not getting it up will fade away.
    My Best self likes this.
  7. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    I think @Lifewarrior24 answered your question by saying "go and see a therapist" - you then answered with 'I keep chickening out'. I think here is the real blocker. I totally understand that insurance sometimes might not cover things, but therapy is likely your best route for not just understanding, but escaping depression.

    You speak about fear of being humiliated, suffering trauma, shame and embarrassment, yet you remain stationary, too afraid to take any action. You have to understand that these feelings are messages from your body. Messages that are trying to tell you that something is inherently wrong. However the more you repress them, the worse the feelings of depression will get. Remember depression is a symptom that comes from the body, and not the mind.

    If you truly want to become your 'best self' the best thing you can do right now is take action. If not for yourself, then your future girlfriend/wife. The longer you sit, wait and avoid talking to somebody, the further you move away from the life you are supposed to be living.
    My Best self likes this.
  8. It is nice to know there are people who went through similar situations I was feeling very lonely like this only
    Happened to me like no one would understand
  9. Yeah I did not want to see one because I did not want to seem crazy and then there is can I afford one now I may need to actually get help I’m starting to hit depression harder I don’t want to keep living like this fear has rule me for years I was a very proud person humility always terrified me I’m working on being more honest that is hard to do because I naturally want to hide things
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2022
  10. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    It seems as though you are more concerned with how other people perceive you, than how you feel about yourself. Why would going to therapy to understand how you feel be crazy? And even if it did seem crazy, why does it matter? Whether it matters to you is all that should be important - nothing else.

    If you want to recover and be in in a position to start living life, get yourself to therapy. If you want to continue living in fear of your emotions, avoid therapy and continue as you are.

    I went through this very same choice. Avoided therapy for years on end, while making excuses that I could not afford sessions, or that I could solve the issue by myself. My depression got so bad that I cut off my family, my friends, I started failing at work, I felt numb 24/7 and was consistently moody and irritable. Food lost its taste, video games and TV lost its zest. Nothing could reach me or move me.

    When I finally bucked up the courage to go to therapy and explain what had been happening in my life, I burst into tears for the first time in years. Shame, embarrassment, trauma had lived rent free in my body for so long that I had forgotten who I was. I totally understand, going to therapy is a hard decision for anyone to make. But if you are going to decide not to go, at least find somebody that you can trust and reach out to them.
  11. I’m probably going to get therapy I need to make an appointment with my doctor first I want to get better this is my main problem in my life I’m afraid of what people think I’m starting not to care but I know deep inside I care some of the times
    But I think I would rather get better then keep being torn apart from within I have to face fears of not they both rule and destroy me as I have already learned
  12. Yeah I think I’m gonna get therapy I made an appointment with my doctor next week I’m gonna try to find one that can help me the I need the help I don’t doubt that
  13. mentorr

    mentorr Fapstronaut

    Well done, it’s a big step for sure but I promise you will thank yourself. You deserve not only to be happy but to be your best self.

    Let us know how you get on?