Newly-Deleted Porn Blogs; Fresh Start


New Fapstronaut
Hi all -

My partner and I have both been struggling with porn and masturbation recently, and tonight we decided to delete our respective accounts together. Then he sent me a link to this website, and here I am.

It was incredibly sad for me to see all the work I put into my blog gone with the click of a button. I didn't realize it would be so emotional for me to have that all disappear, though I suppose the point is to do the difficult thing even though it's difficult. I've had small successes in the past with giving up porn and masturbation, then something happens and I fall right back into it.

I know what I need to do, but doing it is the difficult part. Here's to trying.

Edit: I'm also historically terrible at keeping up with things in general. I'd like to think that instead of looking at porn when I get on my laptop, I'll come here; however, the idea of wading through these communities and forums is even more overwhelming than the idea of just not getting on my computer at all. But I think I need the community. We'll see, I suppose.
Welcome @helloyesd. Excuse my ignorance, but what is a porn blog? Do you mean like describing your sexual activities for others to read and get aroused from it, or is it something else? I have never heard of this before. Thank you for explaining.
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
Welcome @helloyesd. Excuse my ignorance, but what is a porn blog? Do you mean like describing your sexual activities for others to read and get aroused from it, or is it something else? I have never heard of this before. Thank you for explaining.
Thanks for the welcome, @IGY. I kept a tumblr account that had images/audio/video that were appealing to me which I reblogged from other tumblr accounts.
Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and sometimes challenge you but not judge you.

The enemy is here to steal, kill and destroy. What are your current strategies for combating the enemy called PMO?
Current strategies: stay off my laptop as much as possible, unless I'm visiting this website; make an effort to be around others instead of isolated in my room; increase intimacy with my partner, who is also working on taking down P + M; develop coping mechanisms.
Welcome to the forum. Getting rid of our stash or in you case porn can be incredibly emotional. We may have invested a lot of time and energy or even money to create it. We view it as a treasure or a work of art. The very act of cultivating it is a coping mechanism that can either create excitement or calm. It can be scary to let it go if you don't have any healthy replacement coping skills. Often we develop any addiction to bring control to something that is out of control within us. A big key to recovery is to find new new ways of dealing with stress and anxiety. That will involve a journey of self-discipline that hopefully will give you answers and peace. I wish you success on your journey.