No edging(fantasizing, sexual thoughts, searching for inappropriate content) 21 days challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Dec 12, 2020.

  1. Day 1.

    Had alot of distractions throughout the day. Managed to not allow indulgence in thoughts, thanks to this challenge.

    I feel confident, in charge of myself. Perfect start to 2021.
  2. Day 2.
    I love myself for the fact that I didn't give in to sexual thoughts.
    I'm proud of what i accomplished today.
  3. Day 4

    Not a good day in many ways. No desire for sex or sexual thoughts.
    Got attracted to a lady, who seems to be into me too. She looked pretty yesterday, attracting everybody's attention, and here she was today looking "not so pretty", what was noteworthy was her confidence despite that. Kept silent the whole day. Made no approaches to her, and I'm quite sure I never will, cause I tend to loose interest very quickly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2021
  4. Day 5
    Early checkin

    I heard a guy say once, it's not recommende to go above 1 year of NoFap. Reason? Lot of spiritual frustrations, you become very quiet, detached from materialism, and spiritual.

    It was a very quiet day today once again. It's not that I've become more smarter that i don't prefer to talk, but, now I've understood, my reward system does not produce the normal levels of dopamine when engagjng in social activities, talking which is one of them.

    Resultant, i just remain quiet and refrain from talking. Simple as that.

    As I said yesterday, I loose interest in people very quickly, that could be because my brain doesn't release the blast of dopamine in association to the person I'm attracted to, for me to remain enchanted.

    Maybe this is all withdrawal symptoms. Me remaining quiet, anxiety, staying away from social activities.
    Or is it the result of me giving up sexual thoughts and desires?
    Zero sexual thoughts, Zero sexual desire.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2021
  5. Day 6

    Few temptations. I was able to keep myself focused.
  6. Day 7
    Got exposed to some naked bodies in a movie. Counter is clean otherwise
  7. Day 8

    Got exposed to some minor trigerring content due to mindless browsing on youtube.
  8. I'm tired, tired mentally. I thought too much throughout the day. I need rest. I'm gonna eat dinner and just sleep.
  9. 10
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2021
  10. God help me today. I am having to continuously and consciously reject temptatious thoughts. I'm at work
    En?gma likes this.
  11. Made it to Thirteen

    Counter is clean but the temptations were quite strong and will be from here on. I can feel myself getting lustfully attracted to women and they to me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2021
  12. yep refuse edging because it will not cost you a relapse, but an edging addiction that is far worst than a relapse.
  13. Well said my friend.
    En?gma likes this.