Obsessing about size and addiction to a certain genre

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by BrSweat, Oct 1, 2022.

  1. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    So I recently measured myself and Im 5'2-3inches, bone pressed 6in exact. Both girth and length are dead average. It seems small tho still regardless I was relieved and ok that its just average but it feels small and for the past 2 days Im feeling depressed again that Im not bigger. When I was out in public today Im looking at guys old young ugly and thinking he's probably bigger than me and would satisfy girls better and when I see girls
    I again get feelings that a random guy could probably satisfy her better
    its a shitty depressing feeling yet there's some sort of arousal. Im confused guys idk what tf to do
    cyck p addiction
    for 3 long years messed me up.

    I always felt inferior about this thing and now it's out in the open for me. I don't think I'm even going to bother to try and get a gf or ever marry if this thing will be on my mind like this, ill become a fuckin celibate.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
    Qzmp1 likes this.
  2. I don't think you should get into a relationship either, but not for the reason you think. It's because you have size envy brought about by the same thing most guys are here for: PMO addiction.

    I felt the same way you felt when I was with my ex-partner. I always felt like I was too small even contrary to her constantly saying that it's big enough (For reference I'm around 6in or so) and that she was satisfied when we had sex (With orgasms where it mattered and it ain't the vag). My issue was that I was PMOing 3 times a day and it made me think I wasn't good enough. I was seeing all these women having sex with large penises and it brainwashed me into thinking all girls want is a big dick and rough sex, where my wife wanted the opposite: Gentle sex with someone of around average size.

    Porn has brainwashed you and I, and every other guy out there into believing that the only way to satisfy a woman is with a big dick. That is 100% not true, and my ex-wife is the proof of this for me (Our relationship ended because of PMO and weed and my emotion turmoil from both; not because my dick was too small). Stop watching porn, stop comparing yourself to other men who you don't even know and robbing yourself of joy. I don't know you, but I know every man and woman in this forum has the potential to rid themselves of these addictions with knowledge, discipline and the will to change. You can do it!
    TGAguy, BrSweat and stepitup like this.
  3. Hard Mode

    Hard Mode Fapstronaut

    Bro, the harsh truth is that there is power in having a big penis. But that doesn't mean you have a very happy sex life with a small one too.
  4. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Am I a Sissy?? (Actually a good story with happy ending, trust me, read the whole thing)
    BrSweat likes this.
  5. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    I realize I didn't reply to this but thank you. This helps a bit. You fapped 3 times a day my addiction has gotten to the point where If I relapse I've fapped atleast 5-6 times in just 2 hours nearly everyday or every other day. Porn really messed up my head makes sense though, all the high speed Dopamine and visual stimulation.
  6. Qzmp1

    Qzmp1 Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I can really relate.
    My penis is 4 inch and I have an issue with premature ejaculation. I've been watching porn for so long and I feel for years now that I'm a beta.
    I got to the point that I downloaded grinder and talked with men, even though I'm str8 and have a gf, and even met with men.
    I don't know how to get out of it, how to not see myself as beta, and admire men with big clocks, guys that can pleasure a woman in ways I can't
    Jeff_444 and +TenPercent like this.
  7. Qzmp1

    Qzmp1 Fapstronaut

    She doesn't know about this side of me.
    We have a somewhat open relationship, but she doesn't know I met with men and I don't see myself as an alpha.
  8. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Yea it’s all talk from half of them, trying to sound cool! It’s annoying when they can’t go on top cuz it hurts or doggy hits their cervix! God knows how annoying it is for those porn stars with regular chicks. I know an escort who’s come back from a porn audition/interview and was in agony and looking pissed off. Certainly not satisfied. Most women cum from clit stimulation anyway
    modernstore99 likes this.
  9. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut


    If anyone's calling BS on this it's totally true. I'm right above 6 inches and I've had both, some girls wanted me to go deeper than I can and others can't take it.

    As someone who has seen both sides, girls definitely prefer you going balls deep with some room left then hitting their cervix with an inch left. Sex is a lot about the physical sensations, but it's also very mental. If they see your whole penis is inside them and hear their cheeks clapping, they're gonna cum way easier. You have all the tools you need, don't worry about it at all.
    Jeff_444 and Peaceful magic 21 like this.
  10. L'escargot

    L'escargot Fapstronaut

    Porn is really messing up our self-esteem... Anyway, I always found it funny in porn where the guys can only fit half of it. What's the point?

    Dicks come in all sizes and so do vaginas! Some women like them huge, some small, and most of them average. I had a roommate who just couldn't take anything over 6'. All of her boyfriends had small Ds apparently. I am not bullshitting you guys.

    You just need to find the right partner. There are billions of women on earth. Statistically, there are more women than you can possibly meet that will have the perfect vagina for your dick.

    Also, be happy that you don't have a micro penis.

    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  11. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Yeah there are definitely hordes of women for whom your penis is the perfect size, literally no matter its size. Find out how to work with what you got, cycle through ones who don't appreciate, and you'll find your match.
    Dr.J_76ers and L'escargot like this.
  12. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    Yeah I am glad I don't have a micro penis, just thinking about it gives me anxiety. But still like it sucks a bit, I can't hook up with random girls and have fun ya know.
  13. Jeremiah4friends

    Jeremiah4friends Fapstronaut

    Hahaha. Yeah, exactly. I feel ya. A large endowment isn't always what it's cracked up to be.

  14. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    To all, talking about penis size is activating the same neural networks that give you anxiety about your size and arousal to porn themes that play on that anxiety. It is a porn substitute; not enough to be considered porn, but the neural networks are still firing, keeping them fresh and strong.

    Ofc feel free to share issues and difficulties, but actively talking about fantasies of your size (of any kind!) is harming your recovery and could be considered a reset on your reboot counter.
  15. Jeremiah4friends

    Jeremiah4friends Fapstronaut

    Darn. Just when I was going to say a lot more about my size and the joys and troubles that come with it! Hahaha
    Jeff_444 and (deleted member) like this.
  16. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    I wonder if penis envy/obsession is linked to trans sex or P!
  17. loneloan

    loneloan Fapstronaut

    envy implies someone is Hierarchically better than you. but,we're all a bunch of hairless apes (im using poetic analogies here).
    does the agonizing man envy the dead?
    we're all individuals,but also of same value and in the same wasteland road. Envy no one,admire no one, resent no one.
    BrSweat and MindfulWarrior like this.
  18. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    I see your point :)
  19. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    I met a trans escort who had 9” but said she wasn’t bothered about it and wanted blue eyes rather than brown!
  20. Cognac56

    Cognac56 Fapstronaut

    Hey, anyone interested in joining a telegram group to help and encourage one another on this hard porn infested road ? Here's the link :


    Or just search for 'Friends For Good' on telegram.

    Let's help one another grow and become better.