Open relationship

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Eggsy, Mar 26, 2017.

  1. A better example would be water and how it comes in different forms. Sure it's still water in the end but you do not use or treat each form the same for every situation. Certain forms are used for certain situations while others are not.
  2. You don't have sex with your children or have romantic feelings toward your children. Therefore you do not express love in the same way, therefore the type of love you express towards your children vs. your spouse will be different. All love is not the same.
  3. Just as it's still the same love in the end.
    I was talking about the feeling / the state of mind type of love. But you are now bringing actions into it. Which is fine, but not what we originally argued about. So lemme clarify, do you judge what is love and what isn't by actions people do? Cos in that case lemme tell you, I have done loving actions for somebody without loving them in my heart, just as I have loved somebody but did things to them that did not seem loving from external perspective. My point is: actions does not always reflect feelings. Actions can be done due to many reasons (not always motivation coming from positive place) and feelings can be felt but not acted upon.

    Of course, I 100% agree with you one one thing; there are different EXPRESSIONS of love. But it is not because love itself is different. It's because the OTHER things are different. Such as lack of sexual attraction. Therefore we do not express love the same way for our children as our spouse. Just like we are not gonna boil a hot soup in ice cubes. Why? Because the water is not the same water? No, because of different conditions, in this case temperature.
  4. Yes. The expressions are different which is why we can express love in one situation in a certain way but cannot express it in another with the same result. I can have multiple children and be truly loving to all of them, but I cannot do so with multiple spouses.
  5. What limits you? Is it because you are physically incapable to develop sexual attraction for more than one person at a time? If so, fair enough. But it's probably not it.You probably just suppress it. Because of your life's values and beliefs. My values and beliefs in life are different. So there is nothing that stops me from sharing my love between two or more different spouses. It's not gonna be any less real or true love because of that. You'rs wouldn't be either, if you would be willing to share it between multiple partners. :emoji_v:
  6. I'm curious. Would you be in a relationship with a woman and multiple men? Also would you consider yourself as being truly loved by a woman who also wanted multiple men in the relationship?
  7. I can develope a sexual attraction to multiple people. Sexual attraction doesn't necessarily involve love. What I cannot do is give of myself fully heart, mind, and soul to multiple people in a agape expression of love when it comes to spouses. There will always be one which I will love more than the others and a hierarchy will form within the relationship. This is a common thing which happens in polygamous relationships amongst the wives.
  8. I am not sexually attracted to men. So no, I could not be in a sexually romantic relationships with other men. But we could have friendship type of relationship and share a woman sexually. Yes, that is a possibility.
  9. Your not answering the question. The question is would you consider yourself as being truly loved by a woman who told you that she wanted to have multiple men?
  10. Yes.
  11. Sweet. Why?
  12. Because she would say that she loves me. And if she say that she does not the I would not consider myself loved. Pretty straight forward. I mean I can't read her thoughts and feelinks through telepathy so there's nothing left for me but to believe (or not to believe) whatever she says.
  13. Thanks. What would be some examples of things she would do with other guys which would make you feel less loved?
  14. I have an idea of what love is. Respect is one big part of love. So I guess if I would feel that I am not being respected, either with other guys or by her lone, then I would feel less loved. So also going back to your previous question, yes I judge whether I am truly loved by what person says, but also of course by what they do and how they treat me. So here we are back to the idea of yours about expressions of love I guess.
  15. I guess what I'm looking for are examples of things you would find disrespectful. From what I can tell there isn't really a way for you to gauge in a polygamous relationship whether or not you're truly being loved or truly being used by the other person.
  16. My partner braking the rules or boundaries that I have set for our relationship or interaction between two of us. So for example if my rules is that I demand her not to ever rise a voice on me and she does then I would consider that to be disrespectful.
    Maybe there isn't, I don't know. But I don't think it matters to me. I don't care whether she loves me or just uses me, as long as I am free to GIVE MY love and get something I need from her in return as well (use her in return), because relationship is a trade in a sense.
  17. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    There are types of love? I only know one single love. Can you list some of these types ?
  18. "Eros" is not love, it is sexual desire / lust. There might be some love in that all, but in itself it is not love. Ancient Greeks were wrong on this one.
    "Ludus" is what we call romance.
    "Mania" is an attachment / addiction. Another thing that ancient Greeks were wrong on, since this is not love either.

    All the other "types of love" are simply same love within different conditions. Same water with different flavors. Or same water in different forms. What the article is talking about are not different types of love in fact, it's different types of conditions. Or rather different ways in which same type of love is expressed.
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