
  1. I

    Gf taller than BF?

    Do you know men who have a partner where she is taller than him? im sorta in a long distance relationship with someone I haven't met yet (will soon) but she is 4cm taller than me. So i don't wanna put my expectations too high that she'll be attracted in me or whatever, I wanna be ready if we...
  2. E

    My porn addiction

    I watch porn since I‘m 14 years old. Sometimes everyday but at least 3 times a week. When I got 18y I startet watching it almost every day. Then I started to watch more extreme porn and I started to focus on the men‘s dicks more and more. Not only, the girls I saw always made me horny but I also...
  3. I

    How sex actually should be

    Our most sacred fluid our semen is not to waste and that's no different in a relationship and sex. If one doesn't have a partner then its smartest to do Semen Retention ofcourse. However, in a relationship I think you can have what I'll call Partner Share Retention. This is to have sex but not...

    Hello all, thank you for having me! 20 y/o university student here.

    I am a 20 year old university student, and I have been watching porn since I was 10 or 11 years old. Since then, I don't know that I've been able to go longer than 5 weeks or so without masturbating - I know that that is at least true of the past few years, I don't remember my habits much before...
  5. S

    Relationship problems

    My girlfriend has had a huge issue with her self image after discovering my porn addiction. Since being in a relationship I haven't acted on any urges to watch porn but I see a lot of women on Instagram and have the urge to look at them. I try to get my fyp to change and do a decent job at it...
  6. PhilippB

    Need your help

    Hello brothers, I really need your help and don’t know what to do anymore. So my situation is the following: I have been watching and edging hours long to femdom, IR porn, sissy, etc (also “normal porn” ) and have been chatting on sexchats. I am attending therapy (we are working on my past...
  7. B

    Lesbian off porn for 60 days

    I wanted to post this because I’m not sure how many people on this forum are female and queer. I’m 26, a lesbian, and since about 2018 my porn addiction has negatively impacted my sex life. Prior to my porn addiction, my performance during sex was just fine. From 2015 to 2018 I was in a long...
  8. N

    Long post: My story with Ares, tube sites and chats, and my 248 days streak of no PMO

    The first time I watched P was when I was like 12 yo, it was a movie on the TV at my aunts house, since we didnt have cable at home, it was a french movie, soft core. I liked it so much, every time we sleepover at my aunt house, I sneaked to the tv ON THE LIVING ROOM to wait till 12 am and turn...
  9. J

    PIED with girlfriend? Do I rewire?

    I have been dating my girlfriend a few months before I deployed. I go home in a couple weeks. When I get home, I’ll be 63 days into my second no PMO reboot (the previous one was also 63 days long, the two were broken up with an MO session). If I am capable enough to have natural sex, will the...
  10. N

    Anyone here in a long term relationship?

    I notice a lot of people are doing hard mode on this. A big reason for failing to urges when I've been single and doing hard mode has been due to my brain telling me I won't get to O for a while so why bother resisting but obviously that's not as big of a problem in a healthy relationship. I...
  11. M

    Feeling relieved!!

    So I went to meet my gf yesterday and we got intimate. So I have a history of 10 years PMO and PIED. So last two times when I tried to have sex with her, it got failed because of my weak erection due to PIED. So I decided to abstain many times but failed miserably. But recently I started...
  12. M

    Is it considered as a relapse?

    Tomorrow I a going to meet my gf after like 3-4 months. So we would be having our private time together. So I wanted to know would if it is considered as a relapse and will slow down my progress in this journey or is it fine to be intimate with my gf and see how it goes for me. I don't think I...
  13. M

    My relationship is about to end and I don’t know what to do.

    So recently I just got to know that I have PIED. I have been consuming porn since 14-15 years of age and now I’m 24. I have a gf from like 3 years. I love her immensely and she’s the kindest soul I’ve ever come across. So I have told her that I’m dealing with this issue and she’s very...
  14. ZenAF

    I've found a way out of the struggle

    Intro First off, let me get a lot of you to stop reading right here because you're hoping to find a recipe in this post on how to quit porn. I haven't quit. But I have reached a place where porn isn't a problem in my life anymore. By that I mean my sex life is healthy, I have a great...
  15. Chaos Spayce Marine

    Broke up with my girlfriend over fears over future, worried now that porn could have contributed

    Hey guys, Lemme start by saying I'm early 20’s and have been in a relationship for ~2 years. Throughout this time I haven't been able to quit although I've cut down quite a bit and had some decent 25-30 day streaks. Although since January I haven't managed beyond 10 days (on day 8 right now)...
  16. C

    I wish I never ever watched you

    I'm an 40 yr old, who has been watching porn since I was a teenager. When I first watched a DVD I bought from a sex shop in London, I never knew that it would change my life as an adult forever. I recently ended an eight-year relationship with the love of my life. I struggled to feel anything...
  17. Hyperlord

    Hello, this is my introduction [trigger warning]

    Hey fellow Fapstronauts, wow, I'm nervous. It's the first time ever that I introduce myself in an internet forum and pretty much the first time I write to the interested public, what's cracking, what's wrong (?) with me. Hm, don't know where to start - so emberrasing ... maybe start like this...
  18. Sisyphus1

    Rebooting whilst single vs in a relationship

    I recently read a couple threads in the relationship section of the nofap forum. It was interesting and eye opening to see the effect of addiction and the implications in a relationship. As a single guy, after reading several threads, I think that rebooting while single is way more easier than...
  19. SortaTakingControl

    Hardcore porn addiction - a goose chase against my own mind

    Hello everyone, I am very much delighted to have discovered this community. I have been suffering from addiction to Hardcore p for sometime now. It is not that serious in the amount of times I watch porn (though sometimes I do spend quite a lot of time doing that) but I still feel my mind is...
  20. SortaTakingControl

    Hardcore porn addiction - a goose chase against my own mind

    Hello everyone, I am very much delighted to have discovered this community. I have been suffering from addiction to Hardcore porn for sometime now. It is not that serious in the amount of times I watch porn (though sometimes I do spend quite a lot of time doing that) but I still feel my mind...
  21. M

    Post-addiction sex life. Is it normal to masturbate to get an erection for sex?

    I've demonized porn and masturbating to get an orgasm. Although I am having huge difficulties getting it up to have sex. The little worry and performance anxiety should go away soon, but i could get a strong erection when I am alone (just a little bit of masturbating), and cant get it up for...
  22. D

    Hiding Porn from Wife

    I'm curious about why married men watch porn behind their wives' backs. Is it a lack of physical attraction towards your partner?
  23. D

    i'm new

    I am a 17 year old boy, and I started with autoeroticism very early. as a child, around 6-8 years of age, I fantasized about my classmates. I started masturbating when I was 9 or 10, I don't remember. it wasn't anything exaggerated, maybe once a month, then through adolescence (14 years old)...
  24. WannabeMonk7

    We were created for relationship. P and sexual chat are imposters.

    God created us for proper relationship with Him and each other. My tendency towards sexual fantasy online chat and showing off my goods on cam are faulty pursuits of that. I yearn for relationship but I crave it in the wrong ways. P for p sake doesn't really do it for me. It's the chatting...
  25. A

    Advice needed

    Hi Guys, I would like to ask you for some advice regarding this addiction. My boyfriend recently opened up about the topic and I feel completely overwhelmed by the situation. I would like to hear some pieces of advice on how I can best support him through this difficult time. Should I suggest...
  26. B

    Journey Begins.

    I have been watching porn since I was a kid. I am now realizing many of my problems throughout my life with regards to lack of confidence, low self esteem, trouble being in social situations... all have been worsened by my porn addiction. I would watch porn for hours and hours and hours at a...
  27. Khri$$ Javan

    Lack of sex is causing anger.

    Mods I post this in the wrong section I apologized I haven't posted in awhile. Anyways.I haven't look touch, or been inside some V for almost 2 years . Its causing me to want Edge spear or Mike Tyson somebody ear off Lmao. Isn't the whole reason of doing NOFAP so I can master my sexually...
  28. Hustler0008

    23 Male NoFap in Relationship

    Hello, I have been an on and off fapstronaut for a while. I first started nofap back in Nov of 2020 when I was heart-broken and wanted to change my life. The first wave of corona virus had ended and I finally got to spend outside. During lockdown, I tried changing a lot, making various...
  29. JaMorant01

    Dating, PIED, Early recovery, Choices

    Hey everyone, I'm 3 weeks clean which is one of the longer periods I've had in the last 2 years, slowly moving forward, picking up the pieces and looking to build myself back up. Anyways, I recently met this girl and things are going great, although I'm a very inexperienced guy I'm fairly...
  30. T

    Curious about sexting within a relationship

    My girlfriend sent me spicy text today. It caused me to think about this. I mean I think it has to do with the definition of porn in this community. If someone's in a relationship, do y'all think that pictures of the people there in a relationship with count? I'm personally not on a hard mode so...
  31. tawwab1

    Fantasizing in a long distance relationship

    I'm madly in love with my new lady. But she lives so far away. We have plans to move in together but it's gonna take some time. Every time I'm lying in bed, my imagination launches into fantasies about her. I am careful not to touch myself, but it goes on for hours. I can't seem to think about...
  32. drenelprup

    New and looking for an accountability partner with similar goals

    32 year old queer black male new on this journey and looking for an accountability partner. I am currently in a relationship and interested in a “standard mode” reboot (no masturbation to porn) with the goal of becoming more confident and experiencing more pleasure during sex with my significant...
  33. jackcruiser800

    I was coming to usa from india for........

    I want to pursue ms in usa and i though my dating life would be ruined if all the girls (in the usa stressing very much about looks, chad and all) are like what we see on the internet. Then how will i survive with these girls and i even wonder will i get any . All the girls in us mainly are very...
  34. Kar0lu

    I think I'm in love

    I used to go to elementary school with one girl. We were good friends, but our relationship ended at school. When we went to high school we didn't talk to each other, until now. About a month and a half ago we met at the gym and I decided to talk to her. I invited her for coffee and since that...
  35. Sondae

    Improved Performance, But Not Enough

    My primary motivation in starting NoFap is to better myself for the sake of my girlfriend. With that being said, I have had mixed sexual experiences with her. We have tried a few things several times, and most of the times I end up going soft on her very quickly. I was fortunately able to...
  36. FaithWithGod

    What do you even do when you like someone?

    So there's this girl that I really like, she's from my college. I've never been on a date before nor ever had a girlfriend. One of the problems I have right now is not knowing what to do when you like someone. Do I straight up tell them I like them, ask them out or just wait for them etc.. So...
  37. Sondae

    My First Sexual Encounter Since Starting NoFap

    It has been a little under two weeks since I started my NoFap journey. Since then, I have had two streaks that both lasted four days before leading to a reset. My primary motivation in starting NoFap was to better myself for the sake of my girlfriend, who I love very much. I had noticed a loss...
  38. Max_Phill

    Unique circumstance, addicted to my ex/homemade porn. 37 M

    Hello all, So after talking to my therapist about what I thought was performance anxiety, she's diagnosed me with porn addiction. But it's a little different, maybe. A little background, around a year and a half ago I started having an affair, I didn't realize that growing unhappiness in my...
  39. Sondae

    I Want to Desire My Girlfriend Again

    I've always had a problem with porn addiction. I've always had a problem with getting around a little bit. Now, it's affecting how I perceive my girlfriend. Let me start by saying my girlfriend is beautiful. I love her brown eyes, her curly hair. She has an amazing figure. I admire everything...
  40. FaithWithGod

    Just A thought

    So before I post this question/thought, I just want to say that the thought I am about to share does not resemble me in any shape or form, but I am just rather interested in the answers as it might help me keep my emotions & other insecurities in check. So imagine you're a guy like Chris...
  41. Rhobar II

    P-addiction and low self-esteem linked to being despised by girls

    Today something strange happened at my local mall that lead me to recurring thoughts about porn. But before I get into the situation I quickly want to tell you how my addiction to porn started. I started watching Internet porn on the age of 15. It went from vanilla to an*l to degrading porn...
  42. JusteArthur

    How do you announce to your GF that you want to PMO for months ?

    Hey guys, I'm beginning a PMO reboot for 90 days, which includes not having sex with my girlfriend. She's aware of my porn addiction, she is also suffering a lot from it which is one of the reasons why I'm trying to do this. However other than the fact that every human being simply has...
  43. JusteArthur

    Life Long Porn Addict looking for much needed help and partners to go through a full reboot

    Hello everyone, My Name is Arthur, I'm 23 Years Old. I'm french. Today I'm writing a quick overview of who I am and the challenges I'm facing with porn and beyond. Trust me, I'm not proud of anything I'm sharing in this post, but I'm trying to see this as a new start but more so to connect...
  44. Spcavazos

    Seeking advice, week 8 is messing with my relationship

    So I would like to ask for some advice... Just for some context I am a 30 year old male and have been watching porn since age 8. For the first time in my long 7 years battling against porn I passed day 30 and am currently at day 55, but this week has been so tremendously hard and its starting...
  45. Tan Korrey

    Porn is ruining my sexual life (In a relationship)

    Hi good people, I have been watching P and M since I was 10 years old and today I am 28 yo. I was always M non-stop, but it took me a long long time to even understand its an issue that is blocking me from reaching my highest potential. I'm in a loving relationship for the past 2.5 years, and I...
  46. Tan Korrey

    I've tried so many times, how to do it

    Hi all, I'm a pretty "successful" individual, I have a beautiful girlfriend that I love. But I can't stop returning every few weeks to porn. And when I come back, Its masturbating 3-4 times a day and feeling like shit. How to stop?
  47. William_Gregoire

    Sharing my epic success story

    Hi guys , I want to share my story with you, because it took me 12 years of trial and error to figure out how to stop porn once for all. I am completely cured now and I have a wife . I only had 1 girlfriend in my entire life prior to having a wife and curing myself from porn. So I was pretty...
  48. R

    28yo. Hopefully for the last time.

    It's an exhausting time. I think it's mostly due to self concept and the associations I've attributed to how much I DON'T want to be the porn addicted, sex-stimulation addicted fiend that I am. Maybe it's the physical impact. Maybe it's both. Either way, I'm fucking exhausted. I've been on...
  49. D

    I'm ruining my life...

    I'm a 29 y.o. female and I'm scared out of my mind because my porn addiction got totally out of hand. I'm currently doing a pretty good job ruining both my relationship and my career. Just yesterday I missed the deadline for an important assignment at university because I was too busy watching...
  50. J

    What not to do with husband to avoid triggers

    I am here because my husband is trying to reboot from porn to improve intimacy and connection ( and I am with him even though I am not technically addicted) but I have been told here that limiting sex for a while is a good idea but there are many things we do during the day that appear to...
  51. M

    Do nudes/sexting in a committed relationship hinder progress?

    I am in a relationship of almost one year. I am only about a week into my official recovery. I have abstained from porn probably a few days longer than that, but I mark that day as my official starting point. I met my girlfriend online and we began dating after a few months of being close...
  52. zeke27

    How come a lot of women think of us men as creeps and perverts?

    *DISCLAIMER: I am not a sexist man, I don't hate women, I am an advocate of sex fairness, that both sexual genders are unique and have qualities, that men must treat women right, care about them and vice versa, I just want to understand this kind of situations and improve in social environments...
  53. H

    100th day today (need your support)

    This is the second time I am going to complete 100 day streek, last time it went till 105. Everything went perfectly till 60-63 days. After that one girl came to my life (in office), we got attracted towards each other, regular eye contacts and curiosity to know each other. Looking all these...
  54. zavenwycliffe


    The other day I heard this song by AREA21 and it resonated perfectly. What's cool, if you really think about it, is we live in a unique day and age where our greatest challenge is also our greatest opportunity: balancing our lives between the real life universe and the digital metaverse that's...
  55. modern milarepa

    Best advice for dating and relationships

    Current streak: 484 days no PMO, semen retention Be sex independent that is it. If you can live without sex, masturbation, porn. Even without sex while having sex with a girlfriend, meaning that if all of the sudden she breaks up with you or she simply doesn’t want to have sex any long you...
  56. modern milarepa

    Success won't get you the girl

    It's like saying simply by doing semen retention you are going to be a great engineer or a violin player without ever going to university or playing the violin. Sure good looks, money, status can win you some attention from the girls but making a girl fall in love of you, being able to handle...
  57. modernstore99

    I HAVE ADVICE on communicating virtually with women in the dating world

    Saw on another thread someone who wanted advice about not seeming needy, and thought I'd go through some tips and tricks I've used while communicating with women virtually. I understand the NEEEED for affection and connection during a reboot. This can make us act in ways that normally...
  58. King Tut 23

    Problems with ED, cumming and sex

    Hi guys, I need your help. A month ago I lost my virginity with a girl that I like and and she was a virgin too and yesterday we had sex again. The problem is that both times I felt that my erections were weak and I couldn't manage to cum. She was worried and she asked me if I liked her because...
  59. R

    Trying to Enjoy Being Single and Enjoying What I have

    I have been single for about 10 years. My last relationship didn't end well but I don't have any regrets ending it with her. Since then, I have been dating/having sex with different girls. I don't have a big social network of friends like I use to since. My friends grew up by getting married...
  60. J

    Desiring for other women -> Feeling "a miss" -> PMO

    Hey. 30yo married male. I feel that I'm stuck in this loop: (1) Seeing and beeing triggered by other women everywhere (street, gym, internet, etc). (2) Desire for other women other than my wife. (3) Feeling "a miss" that I don't try to hook-up with other women. (4) PMO and questions about my...
  61. ProminentPosterior


    When it comes to romantic relationships... I’d advise against it. The rationale behind it is akin to the reasons why many of us struggle with pornography. We are displacing emotional and sexual desire from being in person to being through a screen. Even with meeting that person in person, and...
  62. Skrenzel

    My girlfriend makes me lose focus

    Just wondering how others with a relationship handle this. I notice that I am becoming even more (sexually) attracted to my GF since I started No PM. Almost like all the attention I gave to P is slowly moving towards my GF. Granted, we already had a magnetic relationship, so now it is becoming...
  63. modern milarepa

    Can you be friends of an ex?

    I think is a bad idea. One of the two always wants to come back. There is a reason for the break up. Also let's say there is no money, kids or common ownership of any kind so you are not forced to be friends. Also this take us back to the thread about if two straight people from the opposite...
  64. Velox X

    I start today: Day Zero - Lets go

    Hello, I am new to this community, I just joined. I have been addicted to porn since I was 11. I am now in a relationship with my partner, we are married, and Porn has taken a tole on our relationship. My partner used to normalize porn, like many of us have. Until, they did more research and...
  65. modern milarepa

    392 days no PMO, you need to give up love

    Current streak: 392 days no PMO, semen retention. There are three areas required to master sexuality: your body, mind and heart. Body: it means monogamous sex, celibacy, semen retention, sexual moderation. Mind: not craving sex. Heart: not being attached to happiness when you experience sexual...
  66. N

    Seeking advice - sexlife on flatline

    Hi, hope I posted in the right section. If not, please correct me. I'm not sure where to begin but I'm gonna do my best to cover most of my story/problem. I'm a confident guy in my early 20s and I think I'm on this mysterious flatline and don't really know what to do. Let's start the story how...
  67. F

    Have you been in a relationship with a kinky person?

    How it went? How much of a problem it was?
  68. WhyNotStop

    How gain control over urge to masturbate?

    So I’ve been dating the woman whom I would like to marry and build a family with. Here’s my issue: I’ve managed to gain control over porn and am only left with a masturbation/sex addiction. Every time I see her I get the urge to either have sex or a combination of edging and masturbation...
  69. letsgetitdone

    Is there any hope?

    Hi, I am new to this forum, but already knew about Nofap for a long time now. I am in a great relationship for 10 months now, with a very loving, supportive and cute girl, which I really love. She never gave me any reasons to dislike or even lose feelings for her, but in the recent past there...
  70. L

    I screwed up

    Hello brothers, This might be a long post, but I hope it is worth it. I want to talk about my situation and my experience with nofap. I have been married for a year now with a beautiful 3 months old daughter. I knew about nofap “but not about PIED which is my main problem” 2 months before my...
  71. Quiet Riot

    Feeling Sexually Frustrated

    Hey guys, so ive been dating this guy for like a month and a half and he's my first bf. We've already kissed and made out, and we've been doing some sexual stuff to, not actual sex though. The thing is i'll do sexual stuff to him, but he wont do anything to me when I ask. I feel frustrated cause...
  72. N

    New to NoFap (kind of)

    Hi all, I am recently signing up to the NoFap forum to try and reclaim my life. A little backstory: I am 25 years old and I have struggled with porn addiction for 10 plus years. About a year ago I realized that I had a serious problem after asking a doctor why I found it difficult to get and...
  73. Sutsu

    New to NoFap! 10 days without porn so far, I'm thinking about having a girlfriend!

    My first thread was posted in Rebooting section, I didn't find the "New to NoFap" section at that time, and I really had an urgent question to ask. Anyway, hello again, I'm Sutsu, and I'm 23 years old, I'm addicted to porn, or let's say I was addicted because it's 10 days now without porn ... I...
  74. T

    Help me understand relationships

    Another post: Every time I relapse my brain thinks of either sex or relationships, and I know they're not the same. I really don't want to be in a relationship just for sex I feel like that'd be bad for me at this time during recovery. I guess I'm going hardmode then? Because I don't know when...
  75. L

    February Self Improvement Challenge

    The purpose of this challenge is to foster positivity, personal development, camaraderie (virtual or in person), and mutual encouragement. All are welcome! The one and only expectation is to post what your goal is for this month of February - whether it is to learn a new language, share a kind...

    Unpopular Opinion: Being Single is Awesome :D

    First of all, it's my personal opinion that society perpetuates the false idea that we need a romantic partner in order to be whole. The real question is, what's so dangerous about an independent, attractive (yes you reading this and me are attractive!), successful, confident, and intelligent...
  77. TheReddestFlare

    How do I get a girlfriend?

    I do plenty of exercise and aren't too subhuman looking irl. What are some good places to meet women?
  78. theshifter

    Vicious Cycle

    Hi, Any of you ever feel like you're in a position where you want a relationship to happen, but it never happens? And when something does spark somehow somewhere with a girl, she ends up being just friends because you don't seem to get any obvious signals from her? I'm 26 this year, and...
  79. RaXaZ

    Relationship Dilemma

    Hey guys, Let´s get straight, I need your help. Firstly I must say that this post has barely something to do with NoFap, but rather is dealing with the constant dread of Fear of Missing out. In general my life is good. I work a job as an English teacher in my leisure, while I´m trying to...
  80. W

    SO Issues

    I have been in a new relationship for around 3 months now after talking for 4/5 months, we are working really well, we have really good trust & we have been consistently communicating about any issues. Anyway, we met in a hotel a couple of months ago, this is the moment that made me come here...
  81. M

    Is it me or just wrong girlfriend?

    My girl leaves in another city & we can't have regular sex often. We sometimes do virtual sex. But it's basically just a masturbation under supervision. She's not a seduction expert and she doesn't know how to drive me to pleasure. I am quite polyamorous and she's very jealous and superstitious...
  82. M

    New to the scene, need some advice

    Hello everyone, A few nights ago my fiancé found on my phone that a I had a secret separate Instagram account that the only thing it was dedicated to was following hot girls to look at and jerk off to (hundreds of liked photos, and I had sent videos/pictures from my personal account and then...
  83. AdamTheJensen

    Am I a relationship-phobic person?

    I'm currently on day 53 of nofap. Do you know the feeling, if you to get to know a new girl and after your first date you thought "this could be the woman of my life" But a few dates later, you get to know this person better and you starting to see the quirks/small defects in their life...
  84. D

    My Story

    Hello, this is my first post on this website. I discovered the masturbation quite early, when I was something like 8 years old. From that moment until now, it has become a lifestyle for me. Now I'm 22 years old. I had only one girlfriend in my entire life (some months ago, the relationship was...
  85. A

    Masturbating to Orgasm during Sex

    For a multitude of reasons, some to do with porn itself, I can rarely ever cum through any form of sex, including handjobs, blowjobs or even anal. My great girlfriend understands this and my reasons, as I work on fixing one part of this issue through therapy. The other part involves nofap. I'm...
  86. J

    Does Sex take away from NoFap progress?

    First off I wanted to say I wasn’t completely sure which forum this was appropriate for, so if this isn’t it let me know. I’m in a long-term relationship, however I feel I’ve recently come to realize my porn/masturbation addiction stemming back to middle school and the negatives. I’m motivated...
  87. JosefN

    NoFap as porn substitute?

    My last relapse was on May 11 this year, which means I haven't watched porn or masturbated since that date, which is now 4 months ago. Today according to my counter I have been PM free in 122 days. Actually most things are going quite good. If it's placebo or not - in fact I don't care - I...
  88. M

    What comes after hard mode?

    Hey, I'm new around here even though I'm 61 days into Hard Mode. I've been having urges as of late and haven't hit the flatline I thought I would have 61 days in. My girlfriend is really supportive and she's been helping me for almost 2 years now with some success, until I discovered NoFap...
  89. T

    Newbie in need of support and advice

    Hey, so, I have been here before years ago and the community was helpful, I just clearly wasn’t ready to truly rid myself of porn once and for all. Fast forward to now and I have just destroyed my girlfriend of 10 months self-esteem and confidence that she had slowly been building since she has...
  90. D


    So, guys I had joined this forum to talk frankly about my sex related problems but I can see that here I can discuss about other problems I am facing in real and people here are so kind that they never judge or make their own assumptions instead they try understand you. I would always be...
  91. D

    I met a girl. Should I go for it?

    So I met a girl the other day. She seems pretty cool. I've seen her before and thought she was cute but never acted on it. Yesterday I went out with some friends to a drive in movie and she work makeup and regular clothes for the first time and she looked drop-dead gorgeous. Like, no joke boys...
  92. B

    Life Reality check

    Well, kind of strange that only now I post first time in this forum. I've been reading many stories about loneliness and I want to share mine with you. I have been doing smart work since February and I got back to my hometown to avoid paying rent in the city. I hate my work because it is so...
  93. cqprice

    New Member: Caught in a dilema... Need advice

    Hey Guys, I'm 10 days in to Nofap and haven't had any pmo... Going well so far. To give a little background, I've been pretty desensitized and as embarrassing as it is to admit- in recent years I've struggled with keeping an erection with chicks I've been with sexually. I believe its due to a...
  94. takezawa2

    Dating during Quarantine: My Take

    Here's my scenario: I left town at the beginning of the government mandated lock down because i lived in a city that has and continues to have the highest rates in the country. When this all began i had an INFLUX of past partners i casually dated ALL reach out at once, i've never felt so...
  95. B

    How to solve this problem, please help!

    Hi guys, Because of the support I found here in nofap community I could do great about my addiction to PMO,but I still keep on relapsing actually the last relapse was an hour ago, it was after 20 days. My problem is I don't know how to deal with strong urges , I don't talk about the physical...
  96. Sobretension

    Day 1 No Porn. I need advice!

    Hi everybody. I'm 19 years old and I have done PMO for at least 6 years. During this time, I sometimes had problems with my erections while being intimate with a girl. Recently, I started dating a girl that I really like, and I'm having one of the most meaningful relationships I've ever had...
  97. D

    What silence communicates to your partner during and after a relapse

    I feel the need to provide a blunt clarification to the PA in a relationship with a partner that is injured by the behaviors around the addiction, especially when lies and lying by omission is involved and probably has been for some time. There may be some confusion or even plain ignorance about...
  98. F

    My first serious relationship — need help

    Hi, I have had modest success with NoFap till March 30, 2020. I was sober for 178 days, I was single but physically, mentally and intellectually fully engaged. After the pandemic hit I was not able to bring myself to practice with same vigor and was not able to stay sober for more than 7 days...
  99. R

    The Best Accountability Partner You Can Ever Have - YOU HAVE TO DO IT FOR HIGHEST PURPOSE

    Your Ideal Self. That's it. That is the best accountability partner you will ever have. Please read on to understand what exactly I am saying and exactly how to go about your NoFap journey with this new-found motivational insight - an insight that has allowed me to reach my streak that you see...
  100. Sam_Hill

    My SO is a girl with PTSD

    Hi Fapstronauts and SO's! Longpost ahead. Mods, I'm not sure about this post. Delete if necessary but please tell me if there's any place on this website I can post it. I need eyes and replies for this to be useful. Thanks If you read the following story, please share advice, thoughts, or any...