Our Small Everest - Base Camp

Overcoming your personal Everest.

  1. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    So here in this thread I'm gonna write my progress every day, let the challenge begin my friends :D

    Today is day 2, I feel good, and I did an excellent running workout. And after that, I take a nice cold shower - that gives me the power and feeling that I'm alive. My advice to people who don't take a cold shower - try to do this! That's really cool and also will make you feel alive and feel big power.
    lord_nelson and ThinkSmarter like this.
  2. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 2 - All is ok

    Day 2 is finished, and what can I say now? I'm feeling great and free!:) But I understand that this is only beginning and soon I need to do more and more progress. 2 running workouts and a cold shower that I did today - gave me really cool power to do all work that I needed to do.

    So - mission passed :cool: Let's continue our path friends :D
    ThinkSmarter likes this.
  3. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 3 - I'm feeling angry

    Today I also did my favorite workout and cold shower. But I feel angry. I feel angry cause I see that I'm not working enough on myself. So, I'm gonna work more and more jobs. Don't give up my friends, and let's continue our path :cool: We gonna win this small battle.
    anewera and ThinkSmarter like this.
  4. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 4 - Feeling good and motivated

    Another day finished quietly, and this is good. What do I feel and what about I'm thinking now? First, I feel motivated and I have ideas about how to fix troubles with myself. I just wrote some ideas on paper - how I can do more work on myself, and how I can do more without talking. I wish that everybody will become powerful and will fight fap addiction. Keep going friends, we have a really big path and I believe that all will be ok :cool:
  5. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 5 - More energy and mood

    Soon it will be one week with NoFap :cool:

    Day #5 is finished and this is another small win. This is not big progress, I must more work on myself and show more results. NoFap with doing nothing - makes no sense. So, let's remember my dear friends, that we need to do real results and become really happy people today :)

    That's all that I wanted to say today.
  6. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 6 - Ready for the next step

    I'm ready for the next day :) Today I did again running workout and took a cold shower. The only motivation to live and improve my life. Keep going my friends - we need to take the next steps :cool:
  7. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 7 - One week finished, time for the next goal

    I feel more progress with my recovery. And today is one week with the NoFap challenge. I'm more and more focused on the life troubles that I can fix - and I see some progress, but I know that I have to do more - and I promise that I'm gonna work more on myself and soon here I'm gonna write more information about my results. Maybe someone will find some advice in this small challenge diary.

    But last thought that I want to say today - I'm not cool, I'm not powerful, I'm only on the right path.

  8. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 0 - Bad news, I relapsed, but this is not time to give up :)

    Yeah, today I relapsed, but I know that I will not give up. So let's continue our challenge! And also I want to describe some of my feelings, I'm not feeling tired or depressed. I'm feeling normal - because today I did a great running workout and I did my job. This is not time for excuses. Let's try again to become more powerful and kill our weakness, my dear friends :cool:
    DevilMayFry and Revanthegrey like this.
  9. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 1 - Started again, and I'm feeling not bad :)

    So I continue this great challenge, and today I finished Day #1, this is a small step to a big result. My mood is not bad, I feel the energy, and today I also did a small workout. Tomorrow I'm gonna make a running workout again and after that take a cold shower. And also I want to say that I have the motivation to kill this weakness and I'm gonna continue writing this journal and soon I'm gonna write more about my results :cool: Keep going, my friends
  10. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 2 - Cool to feel more energy

    Day #2 finished. And this is great news! I'm feeling not bad and I'm ready to continue to do my job. As before, I did today's running workout and took a cold shower. I don't want to write here much, all that I want to say - we need to work more and more, my friends :cool:
  11. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Hi FuzzyDude, congratulations on the 5 day streak, I myself have just reached basecamp. Remember I'm right next to you while you climb to the summit, Ill be there all the way with you ! Leettss GOOO !
    FuzzyDude likes this.
  12. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Thanks, friend! Let's do this :cool:
    anewera likes this.
  13. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 0 - Relapse again, and back to my journal

    Relapsed :mad: But, it's not time to give up or try to blame this. It's time to make the conclusion and continue more work on myself. Yes, I understand that I need to do more - and I'm gonna do this. And also - I'm gonna write here more progress that I do every day. And also I want to add a few words, relapse can't stop me to make a running workout and taking a cold shower :cool: I think we can try also to create our own community of the cold shower fans, maybe it would be a nice idea :D

    I wish a good mood to everybody and motivation to continue making a progress :)
    anewera likes this.
  14. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 1 - Finished, and I'm happy that my mind is clear

    It's a great feeling when your mind is clear, and you can focus on your tasks. Today I did a running workout and took a cold shower. And looks like workouts are now like a new habit for me :) New details soon, for now, I want to go to sleep and start my new day. So I wish a powerful mood to everybody :cool:
    anewera likes this.
  15. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 0 - Second relapse, time to take more control :cool:

    So I just relapsed, but I want to be honest - so that's the reason why I write here this new post. Don't give up, my friends. If we relapsed, that's means that we need to take more control and start make more workouts, and make more self-improvement. Let's continue our path :)
  16. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Me too dude, hurts like a motherfucker to fail again, but weve got to get back on the horse. Your honesty is what will bring you through, I made it to 3 months a few years ago, the work never stops. Day by day and hour by hour, I just made it to a 10 day streak before I recently relapsed, so now my target is to surpass this, make it to 11 and go from there.
    FuzzyDude likes this.
  17. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    Day 1 - Again, but two workouts, a cold shower, and a nice day

    So I relapsed yesterday, but today I finished my first day. I did two nice workouts and was focused all day. And I just want to say that I'm gonna continue my path, and I don't forget about this journal. I wish for everybody more power and more desire for changing their life :cool::) Just do your job what you do best.
  18. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Hey ! Well done on completing your first day of many, i'm currently sat a 2 days after a disappointing relapse after 10 days myself. From my first relapse I have learnt much, such as being much more self aware and simply learning to say no. I went to the gym just before and it seemed the eyes of every girl in the place was looking in my direction, completely igniting my masculine libido, and I started to crave porn on the way home, but I told myself "no" this is not the path you are choosing, you must learn to curb these cravings and rise above these urges for at least 6 months. I believe I have gone so far along the road of porn addiction that I will need at least double the time of the NoFap recommended reboot to begin to heal from this mental illness. It is a mental illness, no two ways about it. Sex and porn addiction is a horrible thing, but it is self inflicted, it is no-one else's fault but ours that this mess has occurred and its time to take hold and win our lives back.

    I think the greatest challenge as learnt from my first experience is to stay humble during this process and not allow the ego to rule our choices. Ultimately it is the ego that craves porn, and porn and sex has become a defining element in our lives. The power of addiction is not to be underestimated, the moment you underestimate its power, it wins 100% of the time. For a long period of time you must be on your guard at all times and I think this is why most people fail to win the battle against addiction, they become exhausted mentally. This is a battle against boredom and the tedium of a half-lived life and the only way to beat it is to become busy in all waking hours, which is against most peoples customary living pattern. To beat win we have to start living like the 1% because thats who we are choosing to be, the minority who are free of porn addiction, we are choosing to live the clean and righteous porn free path.

    I don't think statistics truly realises the grip porn has on all corners of society, men, women and the youth. Rich/poor. Intelligencia/working class. Addiction isn't selective over its victims, but those who are aware they have a problem can choose what they are addicted to in this life. Better to choose positive addictions such as learning, exercise, a social, career and serving the community rather than poisonous addictions that lead to depression, loneliness, feelings of self loathing and worst of all guilt.

    You sound like you are choosing the righteous path with your workouts, and the fact that you are holding yourself accountable daily on this platform is positive. I truly wish you and the rest of the world, the best in fighting this battle against self. I don't even think that science has begun to scratch the surface in discovering the dangers of internet porn, and its ability to warp the most innocent and good-willed minds into nihilistic wrecks. I hope that the global community is able to get a handle on this before we descend and devolve back into animalistic beings. I believe porn addiction is to blame for rampant masculine toxicity, the growing cases of sexual violence and other societal evils. And I believe that we in this community have inherited a huge responsibility.

    Where many users here think that this community represents a minority or porn addicted people within society, I would argue this is absolutely not the case. I would argue that this community represents the light. A minority of people within a society plagued by the conditioning of a lifetime of sexual imagery including easy access of internet porn, aware of the damage it has done to them, and they want to change.
    FuzzyDude likes this.
  19. FuzzyDude

    FuzzyDude Fapstronaut

    That's true my friend. We need to stay more humble in this process and continue our path. Porn - is dangerous shit that have a bad effect on your life and mind. Thanks for your thought in my journal! And soon I'm gonna write here more about what I'm thinking, for now I want a few days of silence.
    anewera and lord_nelson like this.
  20. anewera

    anewera Fapstronaut

    Great news ! I look forward to reading your musings over the coming days :)
    FuzzyDude likes this.