Please help me I want to get out of it

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by wewillgetoutofit, Oct 18, 2020.

  1. wewillgetoutofit

    wewillgetoutofit New Fapstronaut

    Hi my name is sk I'm 20 yr old .lam graduating in engineering. And I want to quit porn and masturbation addiction.I don't know how to do it please help me . I want to quit it because I want to grow as a human .... And it is not letting me to do .

    So guys please help me to get out of it...
    wishdasher and Jefe Rojo like this.
  2. First of all, good for you! You can totally change your life and overcome this issue. It won’t be easy but it sounds like you’re ready.

    Sometimes it might seem impossible but that feeling comes from a lack of awareness. Think of it this way: if a person has a hammer in their hand and they keep beating themselves in the head with the hammer, the solution is to remove the hammer so that they can no longer hurt themselves. So how do you remove the hammer in the situation with PMO?

    The answer starts with awareness. When does it happen? How does it happen? There may be situations (triggers) where you feel more tempted to turn to PMO. Like when you are bored or lonely. Many time we use PMO to escape uncomfortable situations or feelings. Maybe you’re stressed because of an upcoming exam so you escape for a while by using PMO. The problem with this is that the escape is temporary and you usually end up just feeling worse about yourself.

    Also, does it happen at night? Do you take your phone to bed with you? Etc.

    So eventually you start seeing patterns of when and how it happens. The next step is removing those triggers. How do you deal with those uncomfortable situations in a healthier manner? You must find replacement activities. If your lonely, maybe call someone instead. If you’re bored, go find something to do to keep yourself distracted. Keep you phone in a different room at night. Don’t fixate on thoughts of PMO. Think of something else. If you’re stressed, go exercise or go for a walk. Find solutions to those triggers.

    The problem with addiction is that you have turned to PMO so many times that your brain has created a neurological pathway to PMO. It takes a while to reprogram that pathway into healthier pathways. With abstinence and with new alternative behaviors, that pathway will fade away and you will eventually be free. The pathway never fully goes away though. You must never use PMO ever again or the pathway will re-establish itself.

    You can do this, no matter how many times you have failed. It helps to have a support network. It especially helps if you have a friend or family member that you can confide in. NoFap also helps. This community is very supportive and can help motivate you and teach you how to overcome this addiction.
    Best of luck to you!
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2020
    wewillgetoutofit likes this.
  3. wewillgetoutofit

    wewillgetoutofit New Fapstronaut

  4. @stonehead421

    @stonehead421 Fapstronaut

    Man whenever you feel like relapsing just do something physical like going out for a walk or pushups I have this android app called victory I restarted it the last time I relapsed it keeps counting days mins and secs looking at it when I have urges just gives me some sort of strength to overcome am on day 19 now never made it this are not alone bro stay strong recovery is possible but only for the strong minded ones
  5. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut