PLS HELP! I am stuck in my life.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Bemybest, Jan 14, 2022.

  1. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    I am a tv shows addict due to my laziness and procrastination since last many years. I can't Don anything when at home. I just binge watch shows , YouTube or watch sports nok stop whole day from morning to night.
    I don't even take care of my health or do any work.

    I have tried many times to get out of it but I have failed everytime. I don't know what to do.

    Last one month , I have done nothing just binge watched shows morning to night. This time my addiction started after I fractured my hand and had to take medical leave from work. Otherwise I was doing pretty well productivity wise when I was working before that for 2 months.
    I was taking care of my health and I was being consistent in my schedule. I was getting better. But now i have relapsed badly.
    I don't have any willpower to try again. I can try again but i feel that it is invariably going to end in failure.
  2. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I feel you. It's so easy to fall in a rut and find it takes over everything. I was just reading about this as I suffer setbacks like this too and I came accross some helpful truths.

    You have to make that extra effort to shift out of your current 'state of mind/being'. You have to literally change your beliefs from negative to positive and support that change with more action, regardless of whether you feel like doing it or not.

    Try listening to things like this:

    And take notes and plan escape strategies as you do. There is a lot of really helpful info out there, but as I remember everytime I struggle to get out of a low, it always comes down to me having to make that extra effort, or else I'll be stuck there for quite some time.

    1. To heal or overcome anything negative, you have to do the opposite positive thing, so Make a list of all your struggles in one column and in an opposite column right the positive alternative. The list will help you find starting places to move forward positively.
    2. Make a list of things your are genuinely grateful for and meditate over it
    3. Make a list of things you actually like and enjoy in life. Those things still exist when we're in low periods, and it's helpful to remind yourself of them, as the lows tend to overpower everything
    4. Create some uplifting post-it notes
    5. Clean up your living space.
    6. Bathe
    7. Get outside, even if only for a short walk, or bike ride
    8. Create a 'Positivity' log where you rank and rate each thing you struggled to do, noting how much better you feel for doing it. Then refer to that log book regularly to help remind you of the benefits you experiened after doing it. It will help.
    9. Smile. Did you know, if you force a smile, within moments it will become a real genuine smile that lifts your spirit? Seriously, it works.

    You'd might as well feel bad doing something that in the end makes you feel good, than doing nothing and only feel worse.

    Best of luck!

    Bemybest likes this.
  3. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for replying. Made me hopeful of a fresh start.
  4. Julian Baker

    Julian Baker Distinguished Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    You're welcome. I hope it's working out for you!
  5. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    I am trying to make slow progress. I have blocked social media and tv shows apps on my mobile , laptop and iPad.

    I tried studying today. I could only do it for 5 minutes. My attention span is very low. All the time I want to just enjoy by watching shows etc. My mind is rigidly accustomed for many years to these tv shows etc addiction. Mainly , I am ultimate procrastinator. So , I won't do anything until and unless there is a deadline and it's near. This habit of mine is destroying my life.

    I am trying to take slow steps towards recovery.
    toziko likes this.
  6. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    To do for tomorrow

    • Wake up at 9 am.
    • Go to office.
    • Submit medical documents.
    toziko likes this.
  7. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    I keep falling back in my procrastination trap. I have blocked social media and tv shows on my mobile and iPad. But , now I keep watching tv. Main problem is I think my brain is unable to break the pattern this procrastination.
  8. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    I am not able to work at home. Right now , I am pretty stressed about my lifestyle as it is hampering my work. It is leading me to self destroying myself.

    On of the major problem is the cold. I am not able to work in so much cold.
  9. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    To dos for tomorrow

    • Wake up at 8
    • Go to office
    • Complete office VC
    • Complete assignment
    • Read about cases.
  10. Muphy

    Muphy Fapstronaut

    I used to be very active everyday but now I slouch at work and at home. I know it. I feel it.
    But I try to remind myself everyday that bad days are gonna pass but they shouldn't take you down with them.
    Bemybest likes this.
  11. WilliamQuopy

    WilliamQuopy Fapstronaut

    There isnt much in life that is guaranteed. Occupation & Job security is definitely NOT one of them.

    I think your best option is to continue working, while going to school part/full-time whatever fits your schedule.
    Bemybest likes this.
  12. ImFuture

    ImFuture Fapstronaut

    You took the first step, recognize.

    Now, start by eating in a healthy way. This will lead you to get more energy & motivation, which will lead you to want to spend this energy.

    Pick a hobby where to spend this energy, a creative one, to free your soul, to express yourself.
    One hobby to keep you in shape, like hitting the gym maybe, or a sport, or taking walks/run on a park...
    And yes... one to give you money tho, just focus on the first two at the moment.
  13. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    I have been productive for last few days. I am really feeling good about myself now.

    It started with resuming Shambhavi Mahamudra meditation. This really helps me fight procrastination. After that , I have been going to office and have also completed my pending work. I have started focussing on my health and diet as well.

    But there is one sad news. My eye sight has gone weak which was bound to happen eventually after binge watching and staring at screens non stop for so many years.
    Now , I will reduce my screen time.

    But I still fear that I won't be able to continue this stream of productivity for long as I generally go back to my bad ways in a matter of days. This time I don't want to go back in the endless abyss.
    Please give me tips to keep up the good work.
  14. ImFuture

    ImFuture Fapstronaut

    My advice to you is NOT to cut tv shows, watch them if they make you feel good & you enjoy them.
    The advice here, is to put an alarm. You need to schedule stuff.

    Back in the day, I use to spend hours and hours playing videogames, some days I would even play 26-28 hours without stop. Yes... That means no sleep.
    I was addicted, like you, and recognized it, like you.
    I didn't cut my addiction, as that is NOT the way to go. Instead, I told myself, I will first, be productive. Then play videogames because I earned it, to compensate myself for being productive.
    So I started working (I work as a developer, so yes, in the pc still), for hours & hours.

    Now, years later, I find myself playing videogames 2 hours or 3 hours per day. Some days even more, some days less. But the habit of working as taken over videogames.
    I can't even play solo, I just play with friends now.

    So, back to you, put an alarm, watch tv for 2, or 3 hours like me. And then shut the tv down, and do something else, try to make productive stuff.
    I like to make productive stuff BEFORE the non-productive because I feel like I earned it, otherwise I just feel empty like doing worthless shit.

    Bemybest likes this.
  15. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    It is really difficult for me to stop doing the non-productive stuff.

    The main reason that I have identified for my addiction behaviour is stress. I generally binge watch tv shows ,YouTube etc and continually scroll sports sites just to avoid stress or some work related stress.
    Right now , I am dealing with stress of settling down in life. I am not able to chose a life partner. I am stuck in my life getting depressed day by day. I am totally confused as to what decision I should make.

    I was dating a girl who is in love with me. She i bery sweet , caring and understanding. But I didn't marry her as she was not of my status and her family background was not good. Also , she wasn't as beautiful as I wanted my wife to be.

    Now , I am searching for girls through the system of arranged marriage and I am finding it difficult to make a connection with anybof the girls I meet. I am very stressed about this part of my life.
  16. The Young Explorer

    The Young Explorer Fapstronaut

    I feel you man!

    This is a real addiction that nobody talks about. Addiction to the endless supply of "entertainment content" that exists. This played a major role in how I've been wasting time and messing up my life for the past few years.

    I'm planning a "100 Days of Monk Mode" challenge for myself to try and fix this. Getting up early everyday. Marathon training and then study from 9 to 4 and fitting my work schedule around that. Weight lifting, cold showers, the works.

    We can beat this. We just need to find better and more important things to do with our time.
    Bemybest and ImFuture like this.
  17. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    I want to be somehow part of this challenge of yours. I want to get better as well. I have realised that this all down to stress. I was unable to deal with my inner system / my mind. To escape from stress of life like not being able to find my partner in life and stress of procrastinating work I binge watch tv shows and then get depressed. I get addicted to the endless cycle of entertainment content.

    Today , I did yoga/ meditation for 1 hour and now I feel so much rejuvenated and in control of my mind. I want to do this 21 day cycle of Shambhavi mahamudra as I know it will be really beneficial for me. I am on my 5th day. Hope I am able to complete the 21 day cycle.
  18. Bemybest

    Bemybest Fapstronaut

    Today , also I did Yoga / Meditation for 1 hour. I took a bath and did pooja.

    Right now , I am sexually frustrated. I need sex.

    But I am concentrating on four things :-
    • Medicines
    • Yoga / Meditation
    • Work
    • Heath that includes Diet