porn addiction and change of feeling

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by mutu, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. mutu

    mutu Fapstronaut


    does porn addiction cause change of feeling towards close ppl around you? close family members? you no longer care about them at all!

    Because I kinda experiencing that. I no longer care about anybody probably including myself!
    Christoph108 likes this.
  2. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    Porn numbs your emotions. So I think it affect close people too.
    I felt more connected since I stopped.
    Christoph108 and Ogikubo like this.
  3. I kind of doubt you don't care. But if you are PMOing in secret you are going to resent it when they need you or want you around. You might even lash out at them because you are frustrated. Every time my wife wanted to speak to me I kind of resented it - because I had a secret and was always nervous she was about to confront me about it.
    Quit PMO and suddenly you are better able to relate to people, especially those who love you.
    That'sJustDandy and Christoph108 like this.
  4. mutu

    mutu Fapstronaut

    Exactly, you feel like you resent everyone around you.
    Deep down you care about them.
    aside form you think your wife know about it? and if so would it be helpful if she knew or would it backfire!
    Ogikubo likes this.
  5. Oh, once or twice she told me about my browsing history. She wasn't mad, she just told me that we have kids so please be more careful. Her attitude seems to be, if he must, he must. I was very embarrassed and ashamed, but she wasn't dwelling on it.
    Anyway, I carried on with this for years, not bothering to think about how stupid I was behaving. About a year ago, I decided I had to stop. I think she has noticed a change in me, for the better. However, I doubt she thinks it's because I am trying to quit jerking off to porn.
    So any guys considering marriage and are addicted to porn - you are nuts. Deal with your problem first. You cannot be serious about your marriage if you are into PMO.
  6. I feel this pretty damn deeply...
    Ogikubo likes this.