Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by EthanSwank11, Oct 1, 2017.

  1. EthanSwank11

    EthanSwank11 Fapstronaut

    Hello, my name is Ethan im 18 and i have been watching and maturbating to porn since i was 12. I have never thought I had any problems getting an erection till now. Just a couple weeks ago i tried having sex with my girlfriend and I could not get an erection. Last week I tried again after not maturbating for 4 days and I still had the same problem. I can get an erection easily when masturbating but not with sex. This is why I assume I have PIED. If anyone can give me any advice on how to treat this that would be very helpful. Thanks
  2. KnightsCore

    KnightsCore Fapstronaut

    Same boat, man.

    Best you can do from what I've learned is just cut porn and masturbation out of your life. Do a full reboot and retune your brain to be interested in actual human interaction with your girlfriend.

    Best of luck to you!
    WreckTangle and EthanSwank11 like this.
  3. EthanSwank11

    EthanSwank11 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, do you know any good porn blocker apps on iphone that can help me?
  4. WreckTangle

    WreckTangle Fapstronaut

    Ya, @KnightsCore nailed it in his post to you. I'm also working through PIED. Hang in there, you can do this!

    I don't know about porn blockers for iOS, but Google "porn blocker for ios" and you'll get a ton of hits. Good luck with it.
    EthanSwank11 likes this.
  5. EthanSwank11

    EthanSwank11 Fapstronaut

    UPDATE: After 2 days I couldn't resist and I ended up PMOing, back to square one trying again. Hopefully this time I will conquer it. I just subconsciously touch myself and then i start to masterbate. After the 2 day tho I was erect more than 50% of the day