relapse after relapse, disappointment

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Hunt166, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Hunt166

    Hunt166 New Fapstronaut

    Bem, eu não escrevo muito aqui, mas desta vez merece, desculpe se tiver alguma palavra errada ou uma pontuação noWell, I don't write much here, but this time it deserves it, sorry if I have a wrong word or a punctuation in the wrong place, I'm Brazilian. well everything was going great until Saturday night,Something useless happened, I was browsing twitter and I decided to enter a profile of girls who make onlyfans, one thing leads to another, I started researching other things about porn and finally ,I fell into the temptation and relapses, that was about 45 minutes ago. I'm devastated an endless sadness, I'm disappointed in myself, a 17 year old boy who can't hold an addiction that's too much Ugly, I don't want this for my life anymore, I asked God for forgiveness because these 7 days were wonderful and after today I will take myself and battle again. I wanted to ask you for some tips For you my nofap brothers what should I do !!! I already uninstalled twitter from my cell phone, but sometimes I enter through the Google browser. I need tips to stop if you've read this far too much Thanks
  2. Asdor22

    Asdor22 Fapstronaut

    Try to install some page blockers, that might help. Like block twitter entirely so you can't access it.
  3. hawken45

    hawken45 Fapstronaut

    I would suggest working on permanently stopping activities that lead to porn and shutting down urges immediately. At least that's what helps me, recognizing when I'm starting to go down the rabbit hole and stopping it quickly!
  4. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    God is the least of your problems. He will always forgive you when you contritely ask Him - that's what God does. He always loves you and will be with you even when you are weak. The only thing God cannot bear is when we do not have trust in Him (I'm not saying you do not; just making a general comment). One great lesson more important than getting rid of our addiction is to learn to be humble, as well as many other virtues and life lessons. God deserves our worship and praise, even when we are less than godlike. Yes, we are not gods. Weakness teaches us that. We can also still trust God when we are in the ditch of our falls. Our weakness is the precise condition that God can work with, never our pride. Indeed, God does want to free us from addiction, but He wants many other things before this, a transformed life much greater than our puny, narrow, little request to beat this addiction. Our prayers may seem unanswered when we are not asking for all that God really wants to give us. Your job is to seek reconciliation, to pick yourself up, and to try again - that is life's journey. Our predominant fault in life, whatever it is, ultimately teaches us many things about ourselves (life's classroom), and it will drive us to find God's will in life for a total transformation. Our promise is simply never to give up. Best wishes!

    Last edited: Aug 21, 2022
  5. Always reminds me of the book of Job. The raw stuff that is us has to be heated to sweltering temperatures so we can become a pure alloy without blemish.
  6. The thing that precedes action is attitude and belief. You must have this down for the rest to follow. If you keep practicing empowering beliefs about quitting PMO, it becomes a lot easier. But if you focus on what you don't want- the relapse, it will ironically be harder for you to quit. Look up a book called Psycho-Cybernetics, read it, re-read it, and re-read it again. It is one of those "chew and digest" books, and if it doesn't help you immediately quit, it will at least provide you the foundation for doing so.