Relapsed on 30 day. Recovering from PIED. Progress lost?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by BogartJohn, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. BogartJohn

    BogartJohn Fapstronaut

    Dear NOFAP community,

    I have just PMO'ed for 10 minutes on day 30 of my reboot from porn and recovery from PIED. My PIED symptoms are mild to medium. I tried to have sex on day 14 but I failed, however, I was able to perform on day 27 (last friday). It wasn't my strongest erection but I was able to maintain it during sex (and with a condom on). Have I shattered all of my progress? If I don't binge, will I be able to at least keep some momentum and benefits?

    Thank you guys!
  2. If it's just one slipup or relapse, no you haven't. However, if you continue to PMO on a regular basis then you condition your body to the way it was before. In that scenario you would lose your progress. Don't get discouraged. Continue to stick with recovery and you'll notice more progress. Don't expect results right away as everybody's recovery journey is different.